Liebe und andere Schmerzen (German Edition)

Evangelist Then the high priests and the scribes and the elders of the people gathered in the palace of the high priest, who was named Caiaphas, and took council how with deception they could seize Jesus and kill him. Evangelist Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came to him with a cup filled with valuable water; and she poured it upon his head as he sat at the table.

When his disciples saw this, they were against it and said: Chorus I What purpose does this foolishness serve? This water could have been sold for a high price and given to the poor.

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Evangelist When Jesus heard this, he said to them: Jesus Why do you trouble this woman? She has done a good deed for me. You will have the poor with you always, but you will not always have me. She has poured this water on my body because I will be buried. Truly I say to you: Recitative A Chorus I O you dear Savior, when your disciples foolishly protest that this virtuous woman prepares your body with ointment for the grave, in the meantime let me, with the flowing tears from my eyes, pour a water upon your head!

Aria A Chorus I Repentance and regret, repentance and regret rips the sinful heart in two. Judas Was wollt ihr mir geben? Ich will ihn euch verraten. Evangelist Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the high priests and said: Judas What will you give me? I will betray him to you. Evangelist And they offered him thirty silver pieces. And from then on he sought opportunity to betray him.

Jesus Gehet hin in die Stadt zu einem und sprecht zu ihm: Jesus Wahrlich, ich sage euch: Einer unter euch wird mich verraten. Chor I Herr, bin ichs? Evangelist But on the first day of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus and said to him: Chorus I Where do you want us to prepare to eat the Passover lamb? Jesus Go into the city to a certain person and say to him: Evangelist And the disciples did as Jesus had commanded them, and prepared the Passover lamb.

And in the evening he sat at dinner with the twelve.

Bach Cantata Translations

And as they ate, He said: Jesus Truly I say to you: Evangelist And they were very troubled and began, each one among them, to say to him: Chorus I Lord, is it I? Chorale It is I, I should atone, bound hand and foot in hell. The scourges and the bonds and what you endured, my soul has earned. Evangelist Er antwortete und sprach: Des Menschen Sohn gehet zwar dahin, wie von ihm geschrieben stehet; doch wehe dem Menschen, durch welchen des Menschen Sohn verraten wird! Evangelist Da antwortete Judas, der ihn verriet, und sprach: Judas Bin ichs, Rabbi?

Evangelist Er sprach zu ihm: Jesus Nehmet, esset, das ist mein Leib. Evangelist Und er nahm den Kelch und dankete, gab ihnen den und sprach: Recitative S Chorus I Although my heart is swimming in tears, since Jesus takes leave of me, yet his Testament brings my joy: Just as in the world, among his own, he could not wish them harm, just so he loves them to the end. Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: Denn es stehet geschrieben: Evangelist And when they had spoken the benediction, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

Then Jesus said to them: Jesus Tonight you will all be angry at me. For it is written: Chorale Acknowledge me, my Guardian, my Shepherd, take me in! From you, source of all goodness, has much good come to me. Your mouth has nourished me with milk and sweet sustenance; your spirit has lavished upon me much heavenly joy. Evangelist Petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Evangelist Jesus sprach zu ihm: Jesus Wahrlich, ich sage dir: Evangelist Petrus sprach zu ihm: Choral Ich will hier bei dir stehen, Verachte mich doch nicht!

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Liebe und andere Schmerzen (German Edition) [Patricia Welsh] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Die Liebesgedichte von Patricia Welsh. Liebe Und Andere Schmerzen (German Edition) [Patricia Welsh] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Patricia Welsh schreibt uber.

Von dir will ich nicht gehen, Wenn dir dein Herze bricht. Chorale I will stay here with you, do not scorn me! I will not leave you, even as your heart breaks. When your heart grows pale at the last stroke of death, Then I will hold you fast In my arm and bosom.

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Evangelist Then Jesus came with them to a garden, which was called Gethsemane, and spoke to his disciples: Jesus Sit here while I go over there and pray. Evangelist And he took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with him, and began to mourn and despair. Jesus My soul is troubled even to death; stay here and watch with me! Was ist die Ursach aller solcher Plagen? Da ist kein Trost, kein Helfer nicht. Here the tormented heart trembles; how it sinks down, how mis face pales! What is the cause of all this trouble?

The Judge leads mim before judgment. No comfort, no helper is there. My sins have struck you down; He suffers all the torments of Hell, he must pay for the crimes of others. Could my love for you, my Savior, diminish or bring aid to your trembling and your despair, how gladly would I stay here! Evangelist Und ging hin ein wenig, fiel nieder auf sein Angesicht und betete und sprach: Evangelist And went away a bit, fell down on his face and prayed and said: Jesus My Father, if it is possible, let this Cup pass from me; yet not as I will it, rather as you wish.

He is ready to drink the Cup of death's bitterness, in which the sins of this world are poured and which stink horribly, since it is pleasing to our loving God. Der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach. Evangelist Zum andernmal ging er hin, betete und sprach: Evangelist And he came back to his disciples and found them sleeping, and said to them: Jesus Couldn't you then remain awake with me one hour? Stay awake, and pray, so that you do not fall into temptation!

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Evangelist For a second time he went away, prayed and said: Jesus My Father, if it is not possible that this Cup pass away from me, then I will drink it; thus may your will be done. Choral Was mein Gott will, das gscheh allzeit, Sein Will, der ist der beste, Zu helfen den' er ist bereit, Die an ihn glauben feste. Wer Gott vertraut, fest auf ihn baut, Den will er nicht verlassen. Chorale What my God wills always occurs, His will is the best; he is ready to help those who believe firmly in him.

He gives aid in need, this righteous God, and punishes with measure. Who trusts in God, rely upon him firmly, God will never abandon. Evangelist Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend, und ihre Augen waren voll Schlafs. Wollt ihr nun schlafen und ruhen? Jesus Mein Freund, warum bist du kommen? Evangelist And he came back and found them sleeping, nevertheless, and their eyes were full of sleep. And he left them and went away another time and prayed for the third time, and spoke the same words. Then he came back to his disciples and said to them: Do you wish to sleep and rest now?

Behold, the hour has come, when the Son of Man is to be handed over into the hands of sinners. Get up, let us go; see, he who betrays me is here. Evangelist And as he was speaking, behold, there came Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a large troop from the high priest and the elders of the people with swords and spears. And the betrayer had given them a sign and said: Judas Greetings to you, Rabbi!

Joel Brandenstein - Diese Liebe (Offizielles Musikvideo)

Evangelist And kissed him. However Jesus said to him: Jesus My friend, why did you come? Evangelist Then they stepped forward and laid hands on Jesus and seized him.

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Recitative B Chorus I Yes, willingly are flesh and blood compelled to the Cross; The better it is for our souls, the bitterer it feels. In the evening the dove came back, bearing an olive leaf in its mouth. Jesus Truly, I say to you: When your heart grows pale at the last stroke of death, Then I will hold you fast In my arm and bosom. Pilatus Welchen wollt ihr unter diesen Zweien, den ich euch soll losgeben?

They take him away, he is bound. Open the fiery abyss, O Hell, crush, destroy, devour, smash with sudden rage the false betrayer, the murderous blood! Evangelist Und siehe, einer aus denen, die mit Jesu waren, reckete die Hand aus, und schlug des Hohenpriesters Knecht und hieb ihm ein Ohr ab. Da sprach Jesus zu ihm: Jesus Stecke dein Schwert an seinen Ort; denn wer das Schwert nimmt, der soll durchs Schwert umkommen.

German English Translation, Online Text Translator LEXILOGOS >>

Evangelist Zu der Stund sprach Jesus zu den Scharen: Chorale O mankind, mourn your great sins, for which Christ left his Father's bosom and came to earth; from a virgin pure and tender he was born here for us, he wished to become our Intercessor, he gave life to the dead and laid aside all sickness until the time approached that he would be offered for us, bearing the heavy burden of our sins indeed for a long time on the Cross.

Song of Solomon 6: Where has my Jesus gone? What shall I say to the soul, when she asks me anxiously: Evangelist But after they had arrested Jesus, they brought him to the High Priest Caiaphas, where the scribes and the elders had gathered. Peter, however, followed him from afar to the palace of the high priest, and went inside and sat with the servants, so he could see how it came out. The high priests, however, and the elders, and the entire council sought false witness against Jesus, so that they could put him to death, and found none. Chorale The world has judged me deceitfully, with lies and false statements, many traps and secret snares.

Lord, perceive me truthfully in this danger; protect me from malicious falsehoods! Evangelist Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen herzutraten, funden sie doch keins. Zuletzt traten herzu zween falsche Zeugen und sprachen: Zeugen Er hat gesagt: Ich kann den Tempel Gottes abbrechen und in dreien Tagen denselben bauen. Evangelist Und der Hohepriester stund auf und sprach zu ihm: Hohepriester Antwortest du nichts zu dem, das diese wider dich zeugen?

Evangelist Aber Jesus schwieg stille. Evangelist And although many false witnesses came forward, they found none. Finally two false witnesses came forward and said: Witnesses He has said: I can destroy the temple of God and in three days build it up again. Evangelist And the high priest stood up and said to him: High Priest Do you answer nothing to this, that they say against you? Evangelist But Jesus was silent. Recitative T Chorus II My Jesus is silent at false lies, in order to show us that his merciful will is bent on suffering for us, and that we, in the same trouble, should be like him and keep silent under persecution.

Wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen. When false tongues pierce. Although I suffer, contrary to my due, shame and scorn, indeed, dear God shall revenge the innocence of my heart. Evangelist Und der Hohenpriester antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Doch sage ich euch: Evangelist Sie antworteten und sprachen: Etliche aber schlugen ihn ins Angesicht und sprachen: Chorale Who has struck you thus, my Savior, and with torments so evilly used you? You are not at all a sinner like us and our children; you know nothing of transgressions.

Evangelist Er leugnete aber vor ihnen allen und sprach: Evangelist Und er leugnete abermal und schwur dazu: Petrus Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. Da dachte Petrus an die Worte Jesu, da er zu ihm sagte: Schaue hier, Herz und Auge Weint vor dir bitterlich. Erbarme dich, erbarme dich! Look here, heart and eyes weep bitterly before you. Have mercy, have mercy! Choral Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen, Stell ich mich doch wieder ein; Hat uns doch dein Sohn verglichen Durch sein Angst und Todespein.

Chorale Although I have been separated from you, yet I return again; even so your Son set the example for us through his anguish and mortal pain. I do not deny my guilt, but your grace and mercy is much greater than the sin that I constantly discover in me. Da siehe du zu! Aber die Hohenpriester nahmen die Silberlinge und sprachen: See the money, the murderer's fee, tossed at your feet by the lost son! Daher ist derselbige Akker genennet der Blutakker bis auf den heutigen Tag. Evangelist Jesus aber sprach zu ihm: Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm: Evangelist They held a council, however, and bought a potter's field with them for the burial of pilgrims.

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Therefore this same field is called the Field of Blood to this very day. Thus was fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet Jeremiah, who said: Pilate Are you the King of the Jews? Evangelist Jesus, however, said to him: Evangelist And to the accusations from the high priests and the elders he answered nothing. Then Pilate said to him: Pilate Do you not hear how harshly they accuse you? Evangelist And he answered him not even one word thus, to which even the Governor was greatly amazed. Chorale Commit your path, and whatever troubles your heart, to the most faithful caretaker, who directs the heavens, who to the clouds, air, and winds gives path, course, and passage; he will find ways for your feet to follow as well.

Evangelist Auf das Fest aber hatte der Landpfleger Gewohnheit, dem Volk einen Gefangenen loszugeben, welchen sie wollten. Und da sie versammlet waren, sprach Pilatus zu ihnen: Barrabam oder Jesum, von dem gesaget wird, er sei Christus? Pilati Weib Habe du nichts zu schaffen mit diesem Gerechten; ich habe heute viel erlitten im Traum von seinetwegen!

Da antwortete nun der Landpfleger und sprach zu ihnen: Pilatus Welchen wollt ihr unter diesen Zweien, den ich euch soll losgeben? Evangelist Pilatus sprach zu ihnen: Pilatus Was soll ich denn machen mit Jesu, von dem gesagt wird, er sei Christus? Evangelist Sie sprachen alle: Looking at this dictionary, similar words which may or may not be related, include "Doll" and "Doldrums".

Dolls and Doldrums are both lifeless, and go no where on their own, a bit like someone with a lot of choices but unable to make up their minds - they may have to be taken, before they get anywhere. This lifelessness does partly fit the meaning Kittycat is after. He who has a choice, has the doldrums like a sailing ship with no wind. He who has a choice, can get dumbfounded like a doll. The meaning of this proverb is: Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual. I updated the headline to include the German version again [The bigger the choice, the harder it is to choose.

Whoever has the choice has the torment. He was in an agony of indecision; he made an anguished choice. Du hast die Qual der Wahl, then you might even say: You have the burden of choice; You're stuck with having to choose. My point here is that you don't have to translate Qual closely, since part of the reason it's used in the phrase is that it rhymes with Wahl.

Many idioms or soundbites in many languages go for rhyme or assonance, probably to enhance mnemonic value: Ein Spatz in der Hand to Proverb: A bird in the hand because it makes more sense as an en: A redirect remains from the German version. I've also changed the references here and in Finnish proverbs.

My Opa used it often, mostly in contempt for those esp. Being kinky and placing the omnious translation right above everyone else's opinions: The equivalent "every cloud has a silver lining" is not correct. These two proverbs are actually very different. It basically says that there are ups and downs, or, more precisely, downs and ups. One incident occurs after the other.

The English "equivalent" every cloud has a silver lining , which is widely used in the U. I think it goes without saying that these meanings are very different. I corrected the meaning. This is not what the proverb is about. It means, that fear will empower you to do things you wouldn't or couldn't normally do.

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I'm not sure that the stated provenance from Lenin is correct. I've always understood that it was Stalin who coined this one. Moreover, for either of those two, this quote doesn't properly belong here, since it is not an original German proverb. Stalin didn't speak German anyway and whilst Lenin did, it was not his mother tongue, so in my view the quote should go to Russian proverbs, if it is a proverb at all and not an attribuatble aforism, which is something entirely different. Corrected from "Vertrauen ist gut, kontrolle noch besser. This is not Standard German.

Im German and i don't know this proverb. I think its a strange dialect, could anyone please proove it? I would do it myself but i think my English is too bad. The poor one oama and the greedy one jeetzya Jeetzya could also be translated as stingy.

Could this also translate to "You get what you pay for"? Article gives a wrong, banal, too literal meaning "Shortcuts are often longcuts. No source, just my German. And now tell me that sourced nonsense is valued over unsourced wisdom: New discussion topics go at the bottom of the page; click here to start a new topic. This is not a forum for general discussion about the page's subject. Talk page guidelines Be polite Assume good faith No personal attacks Don't bite the newcomers!

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