Missing Time

Alien abductee explains what actually happens during ‘missing time’

Bullard argues most abduction accounts feature the following events. They generally follow the sequence noted below, though not all abductions feature all the events:. The entire abduction event is precisely orchestrated. All the procedures are predetermined. There is no standing around and deciding what to do next. The beings are task-oriented and there is no indication whatsoever that we have been able to find of any aspect of their lives outside of performing the abduction procedures.

Abduction claimants report unusual feelings preceding the onset of an abduction experience. Eventually, the experiencer will undergo an apparent "shift" into an altered state of consciousness. As the alleged abduction proceeds, claimants say they will walk or be levitated into an alien craft, in the latter case often through solid objects such as walls, ceilings or a closed window. The examination phase of the so-called "abduction narrative" is characterized by the performance of medical procedures and examinations by apparently alien beings against or irrespective of the will of the experiencer.

Such procedures often focus on sex and reproductive biology. However, the literature holds reports of a wide variety of procedures allegedly performed by the beings. The entity that appears to be in charge of the operation is often taller than the others involved, and is sometimes described as appearing to be of a different species. Miller notes different areas of emphasis between human medicine and what is reported as being practiced by the abductors. The abductors' areas of interest appear to be the cranium , nervous system , skin , reproductive system , and to a lesser degree, the joints.

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Miller says he's never heard an abductee claim to have a tongue depressor used on them. After the so-called medical exam, the alleged abductees often report other procedures being performed with the entities. Abductees of all ages and genders sometimes report being subjected to a "child presentation. Bullard could not identify a child presentation phase in the abduction narrative, even after undertaking a study of abduction reports. Bullard also studied the reports of alien abduction in an attempt to observe the less prominent aspects of the claims.

These four types of events are: Chronologically within abduction reports these rarer episodes tend to happen in the order listed, between the medical examination and the return. After allegedly displaying cold callous disregard towards the abduction experiencers, sometimes the entities will change drastically in behavior once the initial medical exam is completed.

An interrogation session, explanatory segment, task assignment, warnings, and prophecies. Tours of the abductors' craft are a rare but recurring feature of the abduction narrative. Eventually the abductors will return the abductees, usually to exactly the same location and circumstances they were in before being taken. Sometimes the alleged abductors appear to make mistakes when returning their captives. Physician and abduction researcher John G. Miller sees significance in the reason a person would come to see themselves as being a victim of the abduction phenomenon.

Most people alleging alien abductions report invasive examinations of their bodies [36] and some ascribe psychological trauma to their experiences. People who believe they have been abducted by aliens usually have previous New Age beliefs, a vivid fantasy life, and suffer from sleep paralysis , according to a study by Harvard University. Support groups for people who believed they were abducted began appearing in the mids. These groups appear throughout the United States , Canada and Australia. Many alien abductees recall much of their abduction s through hypnosis.

Alleged abductees seek out hypnotherapists to try to resolve issues such as missing time or unexplained physical symptoms such as muscle pain or headaches. This usually involves two phases, an information gathering stage, in which the hypnotherapist asks about unexplained illnesses or unusual phenomena during the patients lives caused by or distortions of the alleged abduction , followed by hypnosis and guided imagery to facilitate recall. The information gathering enhances the likelihood that the events discussed will be incorporated into later abduction "memories".

Harvard psychiatrist John E. Mack counters this argument, noting "It might be useful to restate that a large proportion of the material relating to abductions is recalled without the use of an altered state of consciousness, and that many abduction reporters appear to relive powerful experiences after only the most minimal relaxation exercise, hardly justifying the word hypnosis at all. The relaxation exercise is useful to relieve the experiencer's need to attend to the social demands and other stimuli of face-to-face conversation, and to relieve the energies involved in repressing memories and emotion.

There have been a variety of explanations offered for abduction phenomena, ranging from sharply skeptical appraisals, to uncritical acceptance of all abductee claims, to the demonological, to everything in between. Some have elected not to try explaining things, instead noting similarities to other phenomena, or simply documenting the development of the alien abduction phenomenon. Others are intrigued by the entire phenomenon, but hesitate in making any definitive conclusions.

The late Harvard psychiatrist John E. Mack concluded, "The furthest you can go at this point is to say there's an authentic mystery here. And that is, I think, as far as anyone ought to go. Putting aside the question of whether abduction reports are literally and objectively "real", literature professor Terry Matheson argues that their popularity and their intriguing appeal are easily understood. Tales of abduction "are intrinsically absorbing; it is hard to imagine a more vivid description of human powerlessness.

But as the abduction myth has stated almost from the outset, there is no avoiding alien abductors. Matheson writes that when compared to the earlier contactee reports, abduction accounts are distinguished by their "relative sophistication and subtlety, which enabled them to enjoy an immediately more favorable reception from the public. Some writers [46] [47] have said abduction experiences bear similarities to preth century accounts of demonic manifestations, noting as many as a dozen similarities. Seraphim Rose , who devotes a whole chapter in his book Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future [49] to the phenomena of UFOs and abductions, which, he concludes, are manifestations of the demonic.

Abduction researcher Brian Thompson claims that a nurse acquaintance of his reported that during in Cincinnati she encountered a 3-foot-tall 0. While some corroborated accounts seem to support the literal reality of the abduction experience, others seem to support a psychological explanation for the phenomenon's origins. Jenny Randles and Keith Basterfield both noted at the MIT alien abduction conference that of the five cases they knew of where an abduction researcher was present at the onset of an abduction experience, the experiencer "didn't physically go anywhere.

Brazilian researcher Gilda Moura reported on a similar case, the Sueli case, from her home country. When psychologist and UFO researcher Don Donderi said that these cases were "evidence of psychological processes" that did not "have anything to do with a physical alien abduction," Moura replied "If the Sueli case is not an abduction, I don't know what is an abduction any more. It has been argued that if actual "flesh and blood" aliens are abducting humans, there should be some hard evidence that this is occurring. One procedure reported occurring during the alleged exam phase of the experience is the insertion of a long needle-like contraption into a woman's navel.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about memories of being taken by nonhuman entities. For other uses, see Alien abduction disambiguation. For related terms, see Abduction disambiguation. United Kingdom United States World. Death and culture Parapsychology Scientific literacy.

They wake up the next morning having no memory of what happened. They're told that Emergency Plan X involves broadcasting a hypnoray to all children in the area that mesmerises them and makes them go home as quickly as possible. In the Star Trek: Millennium trilogy, it's revealed that neither Odo, Quark nor Garak can recall what happened the night of the Cardassian withdrawal from Terok Nor.

It's a classic case of missing time. Quark is the only one who will admit it, though. His attempt to find answers irritates Odo and Garak, who refuse to discuss or acknowledge that they're in the same situation. One of the first things that clues the protagonists of False Memory off that something's wrong is small episodes of missing time. Eventually, they figure out that time was used by their psychiatrist to brainwash them, implanting phobias and using them as toys and tools.

Bone Dance starts the plot with its protagonist, Sparrow, coming up from the latest of several inexplicable episodes of missing time.

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The people at that ranch also experienced hauntings and poltergeist-like activity, as well as UFO sightings and encounters with bizarre creatures. He also said he saw me down in front when i sat down. Eventually, the experiencer will undergo an apparent "shift" into an altered state of consciousness. I looked in the trash can and even in places like the fridge and oven! Its snakelike body was metallic and to some extent seemed mechanical, in a sense; this thing was part goat and part mechanical snake. An entire subculture has developed around the subject, with support groups and a detailed mythos explaining the reasons for abductions: It eventually develops that one of a group of legendary Body Snatchers known as the Horsemen has been taking Sparrow's body for a ride.

It eventually develops that one of a group of legendary Body Snatchers known as the Horsemen has been taking Sparrow's body for a ride. One of the few fictional works to address the fact just how absolutely terrifying this must be from the sufferer's perspective. Suffered by Dave at one point in John Dies at the End. In Galaxy of Fear , Tash once hits her head. Her memory of the past hour or so becomes blurry, so she has some doubt about if she's a Tomato in the Mirror.

Fear , the pulp horror story by L. Ron Hubbard starts with a professor who realises he's missing both his hat and memories of the past four hours. Despite warnings he investigates; it doesn't end well for him. In Medium Alison is possessed by a ghost which causes her to not have any memories while the ghost is in control.

Eli Stone gets this in the first season finale, which is how he realizes he's in a coma-induced hallucination. Happens to one of the vict—- patients of the week. Happens in the Season 2 finale when House himself, while walking down a stairs, realizes he can't remember what happened between being in his office and walking down the stairs.

Some have interpreted this as House gaining temporary Medium Awareness , as the show cuts directly from the office to the stairs; the interim is not depicted. In the first episode, Mulder is ecstatic when he and Scully lose nine minutes while investigating alien abductions.

Happens to Sharon Valerii onboard the Battlestar Galactica , when her Cylon programming kicks in, leading to her sabotage the ship's water tanks without realising it. Brennan on Bones , after she gets attacked by a criminal of the week and framed for murder. She believes it's some sort of mental effect naturally, while Booth thinks it's voodoo at work. In an episode, Riker gets infected by an amnesia-inducing virus and comes to 16 years later with no memory of the previous decade and a half, during which time he's become captain of the Enterprise , married, and had a son.

Subverted when this turns out to be a Faked Rip Van Winkle orchestrated by a lonely alien boy. Happens a few other times on TNG at least! Once, Riker and others are sedated at night, pulled into an alternate dimension, operated on, and returned before morning, causing them to wonder where the night went, and why they're so tired. Happened to Data as well during the day, which helped the crew realize something was wrong — as an android, it should be impossible for him to lose track of time. Happens again to the Crew of the Enterprise-D in Clues , they find that a whole day seems to be missing and Data is acting very strangely and disobeying orders.

The crew rescue Rajiin, an alien being kept as a Sex Slave. She tries to show her gratitude to the captain, only for this trope to happen instead. Turns out she's actually a spy who can physically scan a person, then remove memories of her doing this. In Hannibal , Will Grahams starts losing time as his mental health deteriorates.

He's even more disturbed to discover that during these periods he acts so much like he normally does that an entire team of experienced FBI workers didn't notice anything wrong the first time. It turns out the real reason is physical neurological damage due to encephalitis, but Hannibal makes him believe it's purely psychological. But it is a Subverted Trope for Ava, who pretends not to realize that 5 months have passed, so that the others will not realize what she has become. On his return he's rather annoyed to find Soulless!

Sam in bed with a Girl of the Week instead of desperately searching for his missing brother. Sam has to explain that Dean has been gone all night, not just for the past hour as he believes. Happens to Donna in "Forest of the Dead" while she's stuck in a virtual reality. Though in her case, time really DOES jump: Unexplained skips are a frequently clue that a character has suffered memory alteration of some sort. It's particularly noticeable in Season 6 of the new series, when the Doctor and companions face off against the Silents, beings that erase your memory of them the instant you are no longer looking at them.

This is played for copious Paranoia Fuel toward the end of the season, with characters abruptly realizing that they've moved, or fought, with no memory of having done so. The Twilight Zone In "Time Lapse", an orderly finds himself suffering repeated blackouts where another consciousness takes over his body and travels out of the state, acquiring a weapon to be used in an apparent assassination of the U.

She of course asked me what had happened and I told her about the receding intersection, the strange silence, the memory loss, and of waking up to find myself walking in this other part of town. I had no idea what had happened and to this day I still do not, other than a vague memory or feeling of having been told or shown something significant. Who told or showed me what, and where it happened, I cannot recall, although I feel at some point that I will recall the entire incident.

So the time was maybe 3: It may have been later than that, but not by much, if I recall correctly. If I had simply blacked out or became disoriented and wandered off, I could accept that as being a possibility — although I had no history of seizures or blackouts. This, I should mention, was not the only strange and unexplained incidents that I had as a child.

John, the only other similar event in my life was in Germany, or While driving from Weisbaden to Mainz I traveled 30 kilometers in the blink of an eye. I was a military policeman workong mids graveyard shift. I exited the autobahn to a feeder road and got out of the vehicle, walked around until I calmed down. I atributed the event to being tired. I never experienced any symptoms then like I did with the event last december.

I dont feel disturbed about the recent event and I really dont care to either, thats the main reason im in no hurry to see a hypnotist. I dont really want know where I was those few hours. The deja vu alone almost drove me crazy. RW — My initial impression, based on all the comments on this blog and the many emails that I receive, is that your experience in Germany is probably not unrelated to what happen to you in the shed.

The deja vu thing is a new one for me, however. I know what you mean about the hypnosis. Times where I went missing long enough for groups of people to be out looking for me, only to surprise me with the news I was lost at all. I do have PTSD from childhood, so maybe? The found me sitting under a bush at the school. Ok, no biggie, just a little kid hiding? I remember walking off the road into some woods really small triangle between pretty well traveled roads. I was suddenly aware of people calling my name, and a kid came up to me and said how happy they were to find me. Leaving school K or 1st grade I started to walk home when I saw my grandads car on the curb where you pick up kids.

I got in the car, shut the door, and looked at him. He pulled over and let me out. Never said a word. I told my mother what happened and she told me my granddad had passed away months earlier. I stare at this picture just trying to recall having met them or that day…or even the clothes I was wearing.

Being allowed to meet them was an even bigger event. I remember every detail of the other two visitors — and uncle and a much older half sister. I was the only one in the house, trying to figure out who these kids were and how to get them OUT before they got caught. Then I heard my dad drive up. They ran out the back door as dad was coming in the front. I have no idea where they went. When I was 7 I woke up in a field next to the apartment complex in which we lived. It was the middle of the night or early morning, still very dark. When I came to, I was calm and at peace.

I simply made my way back to the apartments went inside and went to bed. I do not have a history of sleepwalking or anything. One strange aspect is that my oldest brother was babysitting us that night and he was sleeping on the couch. He is a very light sleeper, yet all the noise I made going back inside, and the noise I had to have made when I left never woke him.

I know that my experience s feel that way to me. I have a very odd memory from about the same age. Those childhood experiences stay with you. Have you been okay since? Any other strange experiences? These things are often part of an ongoing lifetime pattern. On Dec 1st , between 1: When I blacked out I was standing in front of my tool box which stands against the sheds left wall. The temperature was only a few degres above freezing and I wore only a light wind breaker yet I was very warm when I came to.

I felt very calm yet very alert at the same time, I was also somewhat angry because I had to be at work in eight and a half hours and could not drink any beer. I have no history of black outs. I didnt think much about what had happened until I woke to get ready for work that day. For about a week or two after I had deep feelings of deja vu and at times something like vertigo. I plan on seeing a hypnotist after I retire from law enforcement. I will not risk that now. RW — Very interesting experience and probably rather disturbing, too.

It was for me. Have any other odd or unexplained things happened to you recently or at any point in your life? John, you say your mother had premonitions and precognitive dreams. I know that sounds creepy but so do a lot of things. Explore that thought for a while and I would love to know your conclusions. Elaine — Interesting idea. These missing time or whatever you want to call them experiences share some general similarities, but they vary widely.

I felt there was some physical aspect to whatever happened to me because it occurred as I was walking and when I awoke I was somewhere else. One of the puzzling things was the fact that I was still walking in a southerly direction, but I was north of where I began walking and quite a ways from where I blanked out. What any of that indicates I have no idea, but it felt as if it was more than a purely psychical state. I was walking in a very familiar place and I found myself in another area entirely when I regained my senses. Also the strange silence, the unreal feeling and the fact that the intersection that I was walking toward seemed to be getting further away as I walked toward it — these are all aspects of the incident that felt very physical and real.

How my mother fit into it is interesting too. And, she knew precisely where I was, which was not where she would normally have looked for me if she was picking me up after school. So, my feeling is that there very well could have been a psychical aspect to this, but there seemed to be something physical about the experience as well.

Yes it is, Elaine. I just found your blog. I was upstairs working and woke up in my bathroom on my toilet that I had not used for a few days since the plumber fixed it and I was to give it a detailed cleaning and disinfectant BEFORE using it. I remained disoriented for about 10 mins in a semi-conscious state.

The arrival of extraterrestrial visitors is one of the most momentous events of our time. In Intruders Budd Hopkins explored the shocking truth about the contact. The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of .. abduction experience will not be present, and the abductee will only realize they have experienced "missing time" upon checking a timepiece.

This is the longest loss time Ive ever had. Ususally they are about 30 secs with 2 seconds of euphoria. This ephoria lasted longer about a minute. I went straight to him, parked, all very calm. Walked to his truck window, told him give me the gun as I was removing it from his hands where he held the gun between his legs. I walked back to my car and drove back to the house. We never spoke of it. He passed last year, he stopped taking his diabetes meds, had a diabetic shock, driving, coasted into a tree and died.

Oh and yes there is always a lady in my loss time.

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As to the alien abduction thing, I will not say that I or anyone I know has ever been abducted but there is a shared experience in my family that would qualify… only not. Or at least the few thousand readers I get each month. In the mean time we can speculate and work at rearranging our thoughts and who knows….

You know we used to think God was pissed when it thundered, well we know better now. I feel it is just an anomaly. But I agree, I think it this whole missing time thing may be related to some type of anomaly; an anomaly possibly relating to the nature of time itself. To JR, I also had this happen.

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I swear nothing happened on that trip. I had taken this trip many times, I would have had to speed the entire trip to do that and surely would have been pulled over if I had. A few years before that I had the complete opposite happen. A 20 minute ride home took just over 2 hours. Husband was frantic when I got home. When I used to co-host the old Paranomalist podcast a few years ago we interviewed author Marie D. Jones and we discussed my weird missing time incident. She replied by telling me of an incident where she was driving in California, I think it was and had inexplicably covered a very long distance in ridiculously short amount of time.

I get a lot of these types of stories emailed to me: Something is happening here. John i find this all very interesting, so i ask out of the hopes of finding more pieces to my puzzle. To you what is time? And how do you perceive it? I think that is the missing piece, not all evidence is physical. In my opinion, to say that these unexplained events are false mistakes, fabrications, and the like is a very narrow-minded view of the world around us and of the universe. My missing time incident was real. The fact that my mother knew exactly where I was and found me, saying that a voice told her to find me because I needed her — that was real.

Both were answers to life-long questions, much like yours stemming from childhood events. I know once I got the answers my life changed. Well not really but I feel differently. Hi Jon, I just wanted to remind you of a saying. Hi Elaine — You might be right.

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I know of others who have had similar experiences and they have also said they felt it was a precursor to something. Only time will tell, I suppose. Thanks for your input! What an interesting site and story! I actually had a missing time-like incident during an interstate move in February of , where my mother and I seem to have accomplished a 17hr drive according to Google Maps in 13hrs. We were heading to my new home to set up my apartment in advance of the arrival of my wife and children by plane a few days later, so we were in a rush but not enough to warrant the discrepancy.

Particularly considering the vehicle we traveled in was a Toyota Corolla absolutely loaded to the hilt and noticeably sluggish because of it. The speed limit in Oregon in particular is only 55mph, and we generally stayed at or below that. We departed OC at 1: However, we had stopped in northern CA for dinner for about 1hr and again in southern Oregon for 2hrs to get off the road and rest for a bit. To achive a 13hr trip we would have to have averaged 77mph, which is simply not the case given the slower speed limit in Oregon, the performance of the weighted down car and our need to make numerous smaller stops for coffee, etc to stay awake.

No particular memory of anything like UFOs or being disoriented, just missing or fast forwarded time. That happened to me. So I was just reading a list on listverse. Me and my friend Ben were driving around on the back roads of our tiny town in Wisconsin at around It started to snow hard when we were driving and we spun out on the middle of the road and the proceeded to head the opposite direction that we started off from.

We came to a stop sign and a car passed in front of us, it was then that the strange started to happen. Ben asked me What time it was, and I told him 1: When I saw the time I was a little freaked out, we had traveled about 15miles to the opposite side of town going about 20MPH in 2 minutes.

Missing Time

My journey began in the summer of , I was living with a so called friend of mine and on this particular day I was very sleepy, probably from boredom, so I slept for the most part of the day, then around I grabbed some ice, a cup, my drink and I was on my way back to the sofa. As I was sitting down I noticed a commercial was on, and then it was on for about five minutes, which was odd for a commercial to be on for such a long time, so I became upset; I thought they had canceled the airing of my favorite show.

I then went to the kitchen because—oddly enough—my drink had gone warm and the ice had melted, this was too strange for me because; it would have taken a long time for that ice to melt, and almost instantaneously! As the days and then years went by I continually asked my inner-self what had happened, only to get little bits and pieces that finally became clear to me. The ordeal slowly started to manifest itself through my twelve years of searching and researching my dreams along with my daily observations of life.

Saieman was wearing a red and white garment somewhat like a dress suit fashioned with a hood, his face was strange, in a since that he looked exactly like me minus his black and red beard, I almost felt as though I was looking at myself. On his head were locks in the shape of horns which protruded out of his bald scalp. He had this concerned look on his face that expressed joy and resentment.

As I looked around I could not see the sun for the area of the sky seemed blocked off for some reason, it was like the sky was hiding itself behind some weird barrier. Now I am starting to notice that Saieman had a few others waiting with him like they were expecting me. I became anxious because for some strange reason I knew these people like my own family, there was a woman there, she was my mother her name was Ovaiesha. Ovaiesha had to have been the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Ovaiesha had a reddish Brown complexion, similar to Saieman.

She was wearing a long white garment that looked like it was going to be a dress but it phased into pants. Around her neck was a red cloth that formed a braid that extended between her breast.

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The garments worn by Saieman and Ovaiesha were similar in their functional nature and structural design. You could almost tell that they were companions because their garments were complementary of each other. As I was slowly gaining my composer I felt as though I had awakened in the middle of some ritual and I was the subject. I really cannot say too much about my own physical appearance outside the fact that my hands were different.

"Missing Time" - Creepypasta

At her side was a priest, he had to be a priest because his garment had an unique arrangement of colored stones that formed a cube, he and Saieman was wearing the same type of outfit but the priests outfit was fully decorated. In his hand he was holding a marble tablet and writing on it using a pen that was, at the same time, a laser, his name was Bwainu and he seem to be taking notes of the event that was taking place. Bwainu would not say anything at first as if his job had not presented itself as of yet, suddenly Saieman turned to Ovaiesha and asked was I ready, Ovaiesha said yes, then Saieman introduced me to the priest, Bwainu.

I had to play along for I had already known this person as Bwainu. It would seem as though Saieman was reintroducing me to a person I had already known but this was a part of the ceremony so my curiosity to intrude was suppressed as I was taken into a temple. On the outside, the temple resembled a pyramid, huge and majestic, and on the inside, a huge chamber with openings for the sun lit the four areas of the room in sequence.

The floors were covered with a colorful marble type design, a series of reds, blues, greens and yellows. There were geometrical patterns designed on this tapestry floor that amazed me. There was a rail molding that flowed throughout the chamber that was smooth to the touch. There were no electrical devises of any kind; however, there were mechanical drawings displayed along the walls. As I proceeded, there were no instructions given to me other than to drink, I was given a green tea like concoction, by the priest Bwainu, which made me fill euphoric.

The taste of this concoction was bitter yet naturally sweet, I will say that at first the drink was bitter but with a sweet aftertaste like apples, lemons and honey. After Bwainu handed me the cup to drink, he stood there watching as though the importance of me drinking this was of life and death. The drink was very powerful, as the taste went from bitter to sweet my mind seemed to change as well, everything that I had saw began to glow and immediately; Bwanue put on his hood as if he did not want me to see his face.

As I entered the temple I noticed a chamber. I felt a sense of calm even though I was having these weird sensations. As I walked around temple I noticed this huge empty chamber, the walls were covered with thousands of pictures and diagrams of a mathematical nature. At each corner of the Chamber, there were glass cups, four in total, and one for each corner. There was a cup of some sort of seed, a cup of water, an empty cup and a cup of soil.

I knew these cups had some type of meaning; however, the art work fascinated me more. The scenes on the walls depicted a civilization of people who lived and studied the nature of their world. Interestingly, I began to memorize everything in detail as if the work was implanting itself into my mind and then an idea came to me, while inside the chamber, I had nothing to write with and I felt the erg to convey my experience with the priest, so I took what was available, which was the cups in the corners and held them in the light as I studied the Sun cycles.

This went on for about ten Sun cycles, in addition to the twelve Sun cycles I had spent there before hand, which equaled 48 days, for a total of 88 days. I can vaguely remember seeing a creature that was part goat, part man and part snake. Above its head and between its horns was a sun disk, strangely everywhere the goat would move the sun disk would follow.

The goat had these metallic looking horns, its eyes were blue and fluid like, its skin was a mixture of green and yellow. It would not speak through its mouth but it would show its teeth whenever I looked into its eyes, so I reframed from doing so. This vision had no legs or feet, which made it take on the partial form of a giant snake, it had to have been about 60 feet long. Its snakelike body was metallic and to some extent seemed mechanical, in a sense; this thing was part goat and part mechanical snake. For a moment I thought it had built itself because it did not look natural at all.

The vision of this being transmitted its name as Paronadon. I tried not to stare at it for too long but it was the only light source I could see. At the center of the gold beaded necklace was a gold medallion, round in shape with a red jewel at its center. I noticed that whenever I stared at the jewel for too long, I would have these sharp pains in my head. The top portion of Paronadon had shoulders and arms that spread as wide as a Six foot man. His chest and arms was covered with black fur. Paronadon had a beard that was plated and at the end of it was a white jewel.

To be honest, this vision was so frightening to me that I had thoughts of not drinking any more of the concoction Bwainu brought to me, for the vision of Paronadon was too much for my mind to comprehend and accept. Even now I can see this entity flowing before me; the fear is still a little strong.

The fear is not that, this entity may consume me or destroy my person but it was like; this vision was changing me in some fantastic way. I felt as though this was a being that no one alive and conscious should ever see, I thought I was being disrespectful by looking at it but I could not help myself for I had never seen such a creature before in my life. This flower had, what looked like, vanes of blue material, while maintaining a green leaf like appearance. Then Suddenly, I was finished with what had to be done and felt a sense of completion.

By this time, after studying the diagrams on the walls and attending to the experiment, I was ready to show the priest Bwainu what I had done. As I exited the chamber, for the first time in many days, I felt excited for I had grown this interesting bluish green flower to show Bwainu, who was standing outside waiting with my Father, Saieman.