Arianas Red Sneakers (Arianas Rainbow Series Book 2)

Ariana's Red Sneakers - Ariana's Rainbow Series Book 2 (Paperback)

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Shame on Mtv for trying to get an interview before meeting Ariana. She is responsible for her behavior and no one else. At the end of the day though, the contest organizers are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the logistical nightmare side of it. Maybe they really just like entertainment. A pretty packaged outside means nothing if a person is dead inside. And I would say that no matter what her excuse is, Ariana was dead inside that day.

Ariana Grande - thank u, next (behind the scenes - part 1)

Terrible how she behaved to your daughter and others! I teach my kids never to idolize anyone on T. They are just people that are on film. Doctors, cancer survivors, hard workers and such should be looked up to instead. Thank you Blog fantastic Good luck …………………. Ariana is really nice. Ariana is perfect okay. My dear, there is no such thing as anyone being the total embodiment of perfection, and even if there was, I highly doubt Ariana Grande comes close to that image regardless of her pretty looks and singing talent.

It really is possible to meet many celebrities, by the by. So believe it — it happens, sweetie. I live in Toronto and have encountered several celebrities without even seeking them out. Actually upon further research of said photos, they are in fact real. I hate to brake it to you, but Arianna is in fact not the character she claims to be. I met her via a contest, and she said 4 words and left.

And there is no way a person would do all of this, especially a grown man with a family. Maybe they have met as many celebrities because they actually try. This only shows Ariana has no manners, ugh! Reblogged this on samschtick and commented: Ariana grande sounds so foul…. This is really dissappoiting, I saw this coming. I never liked her anyways, she thinks she can hide everything with a smile and make herself look like an innocent girl?

I knew it from the day I found out Jeannette McCurdy said she was a fake friend to her. That is just rude of her to do something like this, I would never want to meet her. I actually thought different of you Ariana. You can believe all the lies you wish. You can be a fan of her if you will. Open your eyes and realize nobody is perfect. But those who really care would own up to their mistake in a true and real way. Ariana should have acted in a different manner than just storming off the way she did.

Check out this twitlonger too by a girl in Sorry if I offend anyone. I also am not even a huge Ariana Grande fan, but I do like her and just feel like this post is ignoring a lot of important things, and that gets to me. You just seem like you are coming off a bit spoiled. You got to stay in a city that people dream about even catching a glimpse of. Not to mention you were given free tickets to an insanely exclusive celebrity event that millions of us would do anything to even get near. AND you got a picture with Ariana? Oh, and remember that experience you got in ?

You are one of a TINY handful of people who have been able to experience something like that. How about being a little bit thankful that you had that, in addition to all of the countless other celebrities you have apparently met. And speaking of other celebrities, comparing them is not accurate. Everyone is different; some people have personalities that are confident and bubbly, and others are a little insecure or shy plus everywhere in between the two.

Ariana tends to be the latter. Different people are comfortable with different things. As far as this whole situation goes, I guess I just want to say that life does not revolve around you, and there was clearly a lot more going on at that meet and greet you won. I promise I am not trying to attack you or anything… I know I am coming off really rude, but this is kinda the only way I can accurately say what I want to say about this.

She choose the spot light! I am sorry your letter has a lot of compassion for both sides but really and flat out being polite, that all you have to do! She did choose the spotlight, but only because performing is her passion. This is actually exactly what I was thinking. You wrote this really well in my opinion. Celebrities are normal people, they have bad days, they experience things like every other person would. The only difference is that they have abnormal jobs, which yes is a huge difference but at the basic core of life, they are the same as you and I.

You should tell your daughters to spend their time on something more worthy than worshipping celebrities. Like getting good grades and working hard. Such first world problems. What bothered me most about this was the time this family spends chasing down celebrities.

How about showing the girls really worthy people instead of these generally vacuous people? After their set, I was standing backstage and before a second had gone by, one of the members had walked by, said how the show sucked, and we never saw him again that night. It all depends on the artist and if they actually give a shit about their fans.

That is heartbreaking to read. Jen gave ari a picture of her grandpa, ari got upset because her grandpa died, so thats why she did this. Sorry but your daughter sounds like a spoiled brat. Not to mention the fact that she already met Ariana in when she was all smiles and had a great day. Your daughter needs to grow up and find another hobby. Especially for a second time. She didnt care about the trip she just wanted to meet Ariana again. Its not the best feeling to have one of your idols treat you like you didnt come miles and miles just for them and treat you like you dont matter.

She never said her daughter had a tantrum, she said she was shocked and upset. There is a huge difference. She had to pay for her own transportation, taxes, and won the contest. Did you even read the whole thing? Ok, I actually have a really good comparison story that might make things clearer: I met Chris Colfer from Glee back in July at a book signing.

Not realizing this, he reached out to sign my book a second time, which his publicist quickly and sternly corrected him on while subtly attempting to move me along before I had the chance to say a single word to him. He greeted me right back and complimented my shirt.

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I thanked him, and quickly told him what I wanted to tell him. The entire time he was smiling and nodding, doing everything he could to show that he was listening. When I finished, he graciously thanked me, and then I was ushered out the door. Despite his time with each fan being extremely limited, he did his best to interact with everyone. He understood how much it meant to us all, and tried to make the most of that time as he could.

Rainbow Series

He was genuinely sweet and wonderful to every single person he met. I walked away from the experience feeling validated in my adoration for him. Like he actually cared, even if he more than likely forgot me the second I was gone. Those are the only words I have. She used to be so bubbly, nice and down to earth. I guess this is what fame does to people. I met Cody Simpson after two years of being insanely in love with him. After waiting an hour in line and by nerves were out of the roof.

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I had no idea what I wanted to say to him. So as I was face to face, and shaking I merely asked him if I could have a hug. He passed me him signed poster and said thank you in a robotic tune. I felt like crying. I had imagined so much more from this meet. Ariana seems so fan interactive and lovely, especially on twitter! I have noticed her changing a lot though. I guess the pressure, insecurities, haters, attention and influence of other popstars seem to take a toll phycologically.

I have to admit, i am beyond shocked because its so hard to believe because of how you see her in interviews and videos and stuff. Like I recently went to try to meet her in nyc and her mom and grandma were so nice even though they were practically getting mobbed , and this really nice guy who worked where she was staying talked about how she brought tons of fans inside to take pics and how her security only didnt let her stop if there wete too many.

The most she did was like people. And like the paparazzi guy that I know said she either stops for everyone or not at all because sometimes she cant. So wow, I am so sorry that your daughter went through that I would feel horrible and im not even as big a fan as she is. I guess celebs are really good at deceiving people. And even if she was having a bad day, she couldve made an effort like wow..

I doubt it is real. Ariana is just one of those celebrities. Just so you know. They will almost always disappoint, because they are people. Yes, she could have been kinder and more accomodating, but this is the world of show business. Looking up to strangers who are busy with their careers, while exciting, is no good, and almost always a waste of time.

Sorry for your terrible experience. People who spend money and time promoting stars and their projects for free. All because they love that celebrity. And when celebrities forget they need their fans. I remember when Sharon Stone would mean mug the paps. They got together at a movie premiere and decided not to take any pictures of her.

When she walked down the red carpet. The paps put down their cameras and looked at her. Embarrassed she walked into the theater. They told her because Sharon is a rude bit h. The PR agent asked what could she do to get them to take pictures of Sharon again? They told her if Sharon comes back out.

And stands there like someone grateful to be in the position that she is in. And let them take the pictures they need. Sharon came back out and she and the paps have had a better relationship sense that incident. I told that Sharon Stone story because the only thing that hurts a celebrity that is full of themselves is threats to their career. I think ariana is a cover up, she cares so much about looking good in front of people that whenever something bad comes out about her she always tries to find excuses..

Its really messed up how a celebrity be like that towards a fan! It was nice the family members met Britney Spears and other celebrities respected the family and was nice to them. Makes me wonder why Ariana was being so rude! This is so sad! Omg you guys got to meet Britney!! So jealous, how do you guys get to meet all these celebrities!!! Just wait till she changes later on. I would recommend though, to your whole family, not to associate any further with this or as a matter of fact continue loving ariana if this is the case.

There really is no point now that all of this has happened that your daughters should be reaching out. Just stay back and lets see how the media would like it if this blog does become more popular and just so you guys know this was very brave of all of you guys to write this knowing that you would recieve hate. Lastly, I would like to say to your daughters: I apologize for the inconvenience and I hope this all gets resolved as soon as possible.

I hope you guys can get somethin in exchange for the hard work you put in the art work. I wish you all the best xo. And we are supposed to believe this why? They would do anything to just even see them in person. I know I would do anything to meet my idol and would not care one bit of all I could have was a picture. Fame has ruined her. She has became a selfish, cold girl when she used to be so sweet and kind. Any girl in the world would love to take her place, and she complains. She treats her fans like crap.

She worries more about her hair extension and her shoes than her music. She wears lingerie on stage. Her relationships overlap each other. She cheated on Jai Brooks for publicity. Maybe spend some time away from the entertainment industry for a while. I agree that the way your daughters were treated at the meet and greet is disappointing. Thank you for your comment. She draws non-famous folks too — but she posts the famous ones and hopes for the stars to see them.

Most of her time is devoted to important matters such as attending college on her scholarship, but having an inconsequential down-time hobby harms no one. People always act so surprise when their expectations on a celebrity turns out the complete opposite of what they are. I have been a fan of Ariana for a long time. I never knew she acted like this until a few months ago. You can compare her from then and now, then: I think you guys ought to stop criticize. Yes, she was a bit rude to Jen, but maybe it was just that moment, and she really could be going through a bad time.

Now call her fake and she is talking all the time is just not right. And see how she is with fans. Well, everything supportive I can think to say, has already been said by others in these comments. I hope all goes well. And remember, as you yourself pointed out, there are others that are far more willing to give you the appreciation you deserve.

I will say this, though: My quesstis even if this is true, how is your daughter meeting all these famous ppl and winning all these contests. There seems to be way too much focus amf preoccupation eith meeting famous ppl and seeing how they treat you, expecting them and even testing their kindness. Regardless of her rudeness, have you ever thought about encouraging your daughters to pursue a bigger goal in life than meeting celebrities, who are essentially strangers, and then getting butthurt about how they treat you.

My daughters are A students in college. They also have jobs. People are capable of more than one interest. Thank you so much. Britney really was very kind. Google it- interesting stuff. Education is a beautiful thing. Be glad that you were able to inadvertently intervene, Pops. It all worked out for the best. We all have a calling. Our goals should be to find out just what that is and live it.

Wish your family much peace. So after reading quite a few of these comments I really just have to say this. The fame poisons your soul and it turns you into something unpleasant. And I swear this dumb little war going on in the comments needs to stop. No one needs to come to arianas rescue its like defending her is gonna get you noticed by her.

Also this is just the perfect example of why kids should not look up to famous actors, singers, etc. People like that will always let you down its just a fact of life. We need to just let this go. This is the way its always gonna be. Just enjoy it when a famous person is nice cause at least it means that not everyone is d-bag. I used to be an Ariana fan when she started off on Victorious, but I stopped watching the show for various reasons, mainly school and work. She seemed like a sweet girl in those first couple of years, but as her fame grew, it became clear that she was changing and sadly not for the better.

But being a public figure, she should have put on a brave face or at least have acted in a professional manner for her fans who worked hard and deservedly earned the prize of hanging out with her during the VMA weekend and not act indifferent and demanding. Some of us just by chance, luck or whatever you want to call it, happen to live in or near these places.

On any given day, I or anyone for that matter can drive down to LA and see celebrities going about their business. Best examples being Jennifer Lawrence. Even though she and her costars were rushed, they interacted with the fans as much as they could. She could have easily had someone in her team ask MTV for your contact info. Very unprofessional of her to not apologize directly to the fans involved and opting for a public statement just makes her side of the story sound more fake.

MTV soooo mishandled this event, is all I can say. Wow, this guy is such a great writer and to get so many people to read his blog, celebrities should hire him for their public relations. Maybe ariana should switch pr firms. He makes her look worse than they make her look good. I can not believe I read this! His arguments are great man!

Parem de ficar criticando ela meu! Mas voces nao veem isso, voces veem tipo assim: On the other hand, I have some advice. Why not guide your daughters away from all these tv and pop stars? I was glad to read about the pleasant experiences you have had, but honestly, I would not invest so much time and energy into meeting these people. Your daughters could be using that time to develop their own talents.

I hope this is taken as friendly advice; I am not trying to slam you and you sound like really nice parents. People can have many interests. My daughters are in college and have jobs as well. They have also received scholarships. They, like many others, have varied interests and talents. Celebrities and contests form a part of their interest base. I see no harm in varied interests. There was always that one girl who was extremely nice to everyone and then they became popular. All of that handing out lollipops and hugs for everyone disappears.

Shadiness surfaces and before you know it, that sweet girl or guy turns into this very real, very scary version of who they once were. Or were they really that person to begin with? I absolutely remember the time when she had photos of her flashing that really gorgeous, cheesy smile of hers.

This new serious but sexy face makes her robotic, uncaring, and uninteresting. But since she sits with the cool kids at lunch now everyone is willing to over look it for a chance of recognition from the great, talented not really Ariana Grande. I had a similar experience with Britney Spears. I went to her meet and greet for the Piece of Me tour in LA.

I wanted to do nothing but cry. I was so bummed it was hard to enjoy the concert. Welcome to the music business. No solo photos, no hugs, no exchange of words allowed. Except that the only way to make a change is to speak up. If we take it like some poor sheep, the world will never know. I remember when 3 years ago, a meet and greet with Ariana was FREE and you could have all the pictures you wanted.

I think Ariana should build up her fan base or be famous a little longer before she stars acting like a diva.

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Thanks for reaching out to us. Through this MTV Video Music Awards promotion sponsored by Pepsi, we aimed to give fans an opportunity to get even closer to an artist they love. Obviously, this response did not come from Pepsi, as it is incomplete, poorly worded, and amateurish. If PepsiCo wants to contact me, they have my home address, phone number, and email. I approved this comment for comedic purposes only. Okay buddy so let me get something strait your calling Ariana the brat wow what a dumb mind you must have.

You calling her fake and icy well looks like you made that up when I saw Ariana grinning in those pics having a great time. You sound like a selfish father from a rich ass family that thinks everyone does what you expect. Any other arianator would of killed to even look at her. Just stating my opinion. And you sound absolutely terrifying and psychotic.

I think Ariana is amazing, until I have seen or experienced this type of treatment from her personally I will continue to love her. I can not believe this, I just feel sorry for their daughter and the other contests who have gone through their way to get there, but I agree she could have faked a smile. I am also an adult. The fact that someone would treat a young girl this way is truly horrible. I can't go out into the sunlight because of this, I'm always restricted to the shade, I'm tortured and conflicted and it's very dramatic! But I suppose it's better than bursting into flames, though not by much!

Also, please let the tea not be too sweet this time. We could be heading towards sudden death. Hey, Max, you and me and the cops should go yelling and see if we can wake up the Flock before the neighbors show up. Bring Spiffy and Pooky! I need to blow something up. Go back to bed. I can say 'Got it memorized'. Just go away so I can get out from under these sheets. The door is open. Please don't destroy it. I need to talk to you. I can't talk to Larxene!

She- She'll- I can't! I'm not hysterical nor weepy! Inny, it's an ethereal guard dog. It can detect astral projections and ethereal walkers, let alone invisible and hidden creatures. It can savage a troll single-handedly, and you've called it 'Bouncy'? Especially considering how many of them you've broken? Canadian geese might be worse than vipers, though. You get thrown to vipers, you die quickly. That'll go on for days. It's my goal in life! It hurt so much I started crying. No, really, just now Don't talk down to me! My beloved president Yun-Yun-san! The meeting is about to start, so please hurry to Kimi, 'kay?

I meant, 'Hurry to the council room! But Kimi will be waiting for you. So please hurry here. C'mere so I can hang you up, swing you around, and send you flying! I don't appreciate the sudden threat of a nosebleed! And if you ever got a nosebleed, I'd use my cellphone to show everyone! If you join, Kyo will get into it. I"m not that simple! I'm gonna kick your asses! Wha'd I tell ya?

At a time like this, Hatori is supposed to give me a stern lecture! You know that it hurts the most when you take that attitude! Kyo is a meanie! Next thing I knew, three days had passed. But then, you're just a kitten. I am the one who drank the last of the milk! I am the one who am steeped in sins! I am the evil one! Now, please, without hesitation, render judgment! You're still here, too I'm sorry I let you sleep late! I'm sorry I made you late! You'll be suspended because of being late, and then you'll be expelled!

Don't you go deciding the future of my schooling!! Well, then, let's say I want to be a model. Being hungry puts me in a bad mood!

Cap Camarat 8.5 WA

I overslept and had to skip breakfast! Are you for real? You're as dense as an ogre! If a tack is sharp, you're the thing farthest from it! A man like you has no right to have summer! Pack your bags and leave this place at once! Why Tori-san - our Tori-san! In the end, he would not grace us with the honor of his voice! The end of the world is at hand! If he will not speak on his own, we have no choice but to make him speak, by force if need be! To this end, we will make him read stories aloud!

Tori-san speaks so rarely that reading such a long story might render his beautiful voice hoarse - it would be a grave tragedy for the Sohma estate! Therefore, I, Ayame, will joyfully take Tori-san's place, that my own voice will be rendered hoarse! The line "once upon a time, there was an old man who lived with his wife," will leave you stricken with awe! I'm the mean stepsister!

You are not reporting this to Hatori! Bad back, you know. This isn't a forest; it's an open field! I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but, oh, you proved me wrong. Now I feel really bad. I can't imagine a world without Light! Chi worked at Live Peep. A Shady Place is two doors down. Graypaw later known as Graystripe: I think I'll have to settle for hunting stupid mice. They won't stand a chance. I shall just wander up to them and sit on them till they surrender.

What are you doing in my territory? Firepaw later known as Fireheart, then Firestar: Call out if you need a hand. If she looks like she's going to have you, I'll sneak up behind her and whack her on the head with a stiff rabbit.

Are you saying SkyClan had to leave because there weren't enough trees? He has 74 flaws as of yesterday. And they make me want to punch your face. Things are being brought to me that I do not own or want. He shouldn't be saying anything! I mean, couldn't the Master Bolt be in some place like Maine? Maine's very nice this time of year. The Lightning Thief" book. The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles.

The ringmaster told us to meet him at the gas station if we got lost, but he may have forgotten, or maybe he meant a different gas station. Is that food I smell? The Lightning Thief" movie. France seems to be in the way. And he said, 'It doesn't work that way,' and I was, like, 'Yeah, I realize it doesn't work that way; I'm just saying I'd rather be deaf than blind if I had the choice, which I realize I don't have,' and he said, 'Well, the good news is that you won't be deaf,' and I was like, 'Thank you for explaining that my eye cancer isn't going to make me deaf.

I feel so fortunate that an intellectual giant like yourself would deign to operate on me. He puts the killing thing in his mouth but doesn't give it the power to kill him. Actually, you look like prep school Barbie. I'm just one of her friends. It's better to face reality head-on. Pudding with nerve endings.

Pudding in great pain. Been bitten by a radioactive spider? Drink a super-soldier serum? Wayne and our parents who wanted the college funds. They'd been brought up to it and weren't, when you got right down to it, particularly evil. Human beings mostly aren't. They just get carried away by new ideas, like dressing up in jackboots and shooting people, or dressing up in white sheets and lynching people, or dressing up in tie-dye jeans and playing guitars at people.

Offer people a new creed with a costume and their hearts and minds will follow. Then if I were you I'd sue my face for slander. Can I press you to a candied starfish? Save, perhaps, in the matter of preserved echinoderms. Don't ask me how. Once upon a time a really powerful magic field must have been generated here, and we're feeling the aftereffects. Can you eat them? Are the gills the wrong shade of yellow? I expect the stems haven't got the right kind of fluting, then. I expect the cap is the wrong color. You said they're different. If you can't learn to ride an elephant, you can at least learn to ride a horse.

Me, robbing my own treasury. If I catch myself I can have myself flung into the snake pit. I think I would have to teach me a lesson, as an example to myself. You have read it, I assume. The sign which says 'Do not, under any circumstances, open this door'? Why d'you think I want it opened? Anyway, you know what they say about bald men, Dean. Not cigars and peaches in brandy and grub with fancy, foreign names! It is, of course, a Hogswatch card. That's a big word, isn't it? Like your toad there. I'm just slightly presumptuous. I haven't blushed so much since Madame Pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs.

And here they are: Fred and George Weasley were responsible for trying to send you a toilet seat. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.

I don't want to tap-dance! I'd better change one of them to getting trampled by a rampaging hippogriff. You haven't got another little bottle full of - I don't know -" Ron Weasley: When we come face to face with one down a dark alley we're going to be having a shufti to see if it's solid, aren't we, we're not going to be asking, 'Excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul? I'm in love with her! Have you ever actually met her? Can you introduce me? Things are bad enough without inventing stuff as well. For instance, this new idea that You-Know-Who can kill with a single glance from his eyes.

That's a Basilisk , listeners. If it has, it's safe to look into its eyes, although if it really is You-Know-Who, that's still likely to be the last thing you ever do. Dobby meant only to maim or Part 2" I think. I realize that's not much to go on. Students in the corridors! Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade. No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade. Once again, you astonish me with your gifts, Potter, gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing.

How grand it must be I want to find McClaggen and kill him! Maybe he thought it would look nice on my wall. Did he give you that sword, Potter, because he believed, as do many, that you are the one destined to destroy He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Has anyone ever tried sticking a sword in Voldemort? Maybe the Ministry should put some people onto that, instead of wasting their time stripping down Deluminators or covering up breakouts from Azkaban.

Smith, you listen to Nine-Inch Nails? I'm sitting in my dorm room wrapped up in all the blankets I own and can reach at the moment. I feel sort of like a fluffy burrito thing. At least it was optional. That's what optional means, hun. It's sort of redundant to say both Copy the bunny onto your profile to help him achieve world domination. Come join the dark side. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. Put any comments in brackets after the song name. Put this in your profile. Dogs are better than cats.

It's hilarious when people get hurt. You played with Hotwheel cars as a kid. At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers. You watch sports on TV. Gory movies are cool. You go to your dad for advice. You own like a trillion baseball caps.

Baggy pants are cool to wear You love to go crazy and not care what people think. You talk with food in your mouth. You sleep with your socks on at night--sometimes. Well, yeah, but they're fuzzy, hot pink socks You love to shop. You wear the color pink You go to your mom for advice. You consider cheerleading a sport. You hate wearing the color black. You like hanging out at the mall. You like wearing jewelry. Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.

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  • Asset Backed Transaktionen (ABS) - Struktur und Problemlagen (German Edition).

Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. You don't like the movie Star Wars. You smile a lot more than you should. You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. You care about what you look like. You like wearing dresses when you can. You love the movies. You used to play with dolls as little kid.

You like being the star of every thing. PREP You own a cell phone. You have been called a brat. You hate buying things that are on sale. You have more than one house. Black is one of your favorite colors. You have thought about death. You like heavy metal. You've shopped at Hot Topic. They have anime shirts You have worn black lipstick. You can skateboard when I was, like, five You love the computer. You like Harry Potter. You don't care what you look like. You have a curfew. You always do your homework. You never miss school unless you're sick or if, like, I'm going to the orthodontist's - I just got my braces off three months ago.

You own track shoes or other sports related shoes. You collect your jerseys. You have a specific number. You like loud music. You never walk anywhere my mom won't let me You wear slip-on shoes.

You like the band panic! You wear band t-shirts. People have called you a freak and meant it. You love to "hardcore" dance Your hair has been died more than 1 color--dark red, orange red, black, blue, and purple. Light You have a big aim in life You hate to lose You feel that your eyes change colors with your behavior You are obsessed. You have talent to seduce the opposite gender. L x You love candy.

You are a genius. You have dark circles around your eyes. You are thin no matter what you eat. Misa You love someone blindly. You dress in a very peculiar way. You are very jealous. Mello x You love chocolate. You were confused at least for once with the opposite gender. You always dress dark and tight clothes. You are always second. Matt You are always playing video games. You wear streaky shirts. You use glasses that look like goggles. Near You are patient to the limit. You have a lot of abilities using your hands. Mikami x You believe in a god.

You search for justice everywhere. All your life is perfectly planned. Ryuk You love apples. Matsuda x Some people think that you are an idiot. You know someone who is an example for you. You do stupid things that sometimes are good to the ones around you. You are pretty, but old.

You were bullied a lot in your childhood X You adore pasta, pizza, cheese, and fruit. X You're very happy-go-lucky You constantly have a dozy look on your face as if you're always away with the fairies You have a long curly strand of hair that always tends to stick up You're a good artist X You can be clumsy X You have a friend you always depend upon if you mess up something X If your life was in danger, you would do the typical Italian thing and say: You love tomatoes You tend to say "goddamn" and "bastard" to everyone, a lot You tend to get irritated easily You have a long curly strand of hair that always tends to stick out You hate French people X You rely on people too much X You would surrender in a war situation You often feel like people are after your inheritance X You are lazy at times, and you are horrible at cleaning.

You're very stoic and serious Sausages are your favourite foods. X You love rules and think they should always be followed to X You think the world would be better if everyone played by the rules You work very hard too hard X Your alone time is your 'happy time' You can appear tough but be very considerate towards people You've had issues with money once or twice. X You're very mature X You think everything over before saying it. You believe in ghosts but aren't phased by the experience when you see one X You isolated yourself during childhood X You became very successful in a short amount of time X You are somewhat inexperienced when it comes to the outside world my god yes You like tea You were quite tough and troublesome as a kid You're very sarcastic and cynical X Your cooking is awful X You love spiritual magical stuff, such as fairies, ghosts But you refuse to believe in aliens.

You have tried doing black magic before. You get drunk quite easily. When you are drunk, you tend to be very unhappy You're good at embroidery. X You're very affectionate X You think you have a great fashion sense You like wine I don't drink alcohol You're the master of whispering romantic things into peoples' ears X You love red roses When it comes to l'amour, you don't mind men or women X You're very proud of yourself X You love culture and the arts You're very flamboyant You say you're a gourmet.

You had a very sad childhood.

Ariana Grande on Her Sistine Chapel Ceiling Dress

You're very tall You have a tendency to switch between personalities You wear a scarf all the time X You love sunflowers You love vodka You can seem intimidating to other people You're very strong You have a big nose X You have a strange laugh that can scare people. You work hard You're good at drawing X You like sweets. X You're often ignored by people X You look younger than you actually are I can pass off for my twelve-year-old cousin's twin sister.

I'm four years older than he is. My name is Emma. In middle school, I was often called Emily because there are actually two girls in my class named that. Now that I'm in high school, I'm mistaken for a girl named Nora because she had an older sister named Emma. Don't ask about the other two. You really don't want to know. You smoke You're very physically strong You've won a lot of fist-fights In your social circle, there are two brothers - you get along with one, but not with the other. You have very strong emotions about a variety of topics X You like hot weather You can be very friendly from time to time You look very tough on the outside You make a very nice role-model You don't let people get a word in edgeways.

You have a potty-mouth X You like to wear flowers in your hair You used to be a very tough kid X You're very reliable It's better to have you as a friend rather than an enemy X You're very faithful Your speech and mannerisms can be considered very unladylike You and your best friend go together like chalk and cheese. You are graceful one moment and grinning like a maniac the next If someone yells that yaoi is going on somewhere, you will drop everything to run off to go and see it. You're quite mean-spirited You're a bit of a hooligan X You're very loyal You're very good at tactics You hate Russia You love to fight people You can avoid marriages quite well X You're not always taken seriously You like drinking You want to become stronger.

If you do not repost this in the next two minutes here will be three men, one in your bathroom, one in your room, and one killing your parents at that very moment. Well what are you waiting for? Repost or you are going to die The story that goes with this is creepy and I'm way too paranoid not to post this. Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite soda. Black and the name of one of your pets. Insane's profile on FanFiction I was looking to see if any of my Favorite Authors had updating any of their stories, and I found this on there. Several paintings by my friend's brother Jonathan he died four years ago of leukemia , our flat-screen TV, and a picture I drew when I was six.

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? I was teased in elementary school, and now one of my friends doesn't like going to school anymore because she's teased over the way she dresses how that's possible in a school with uniforms, I'll never understand. My mom can't stand him.

When he was elected to a second term, my mom tried to move the entire family to Canada just to escape him. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? What did you want to be when you were little? Then a dance teacher, a teacher, and a principal. What are the different jobs you have had?

An ice-cream job during the summer, and then volunteering at the library. I have also helped people babysit. Only in the summer. Yep Have any special talents or skills: Cheerleading, dance, and playing the flute. Sing in the shower: Only in my head. Want to go to college: Get along with your parents: I get along with my dad.

Not so much my mom I'm afraid of needles. Ever been in love: Are you in a relationship: Do you have a crush on someone: Danced in a public place: Yes Smiled for no reason: Yes Laughed so hard you cried: Yes Talked to someone you don't know: No Partied 'til the sun came up: No Gotten a ticket: No Been convicted of a crime: No Been in a wreck: No Been out of the country: The Purebloods won't get it. Even if he is wearing an orange anorak. Highly inappropriate, albeit very funny. Warrior Princess and I shall not use war cries to signal my entrance when I enter a classroom.