Teenagers Educated The Village Way

Currently, 6, New Zealand kids are getting homeschooled, not including those enrolled at the correspondence school Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu.

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  4. Teenagers Educated The Village Way;
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Educating a child at home can allow a parent to "light a… Read more Audio. Educationalist, Frances Adlam with tips for parents on how to help their children love reading and writing. Having a child who turns their nose up at a variety of foods, which often includes fruit and vegetables, can be a huge stress for parents trying to give their child a balanced diet. How can you tell… Read more Audio.

School holidays are almost half way through, and some parents may be scratching their heads as to what to do. Let the kids watch as much Youtube as they want? Make them get outside and play?

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Or -… Read more Audio. Speech and language therapist Christian Wright talks about the importance of play in pre-school language development and shares five effective strategies to support this.

Body image, anxiety, self-harm, social media, homework, partying, curfews, respect… It's not easy being a teenage girl and it's not easy parenting a teenage girl. Kiwi mother Emma Gilkison has written a memoir about the devastating discovery at a routine twelve week scan that her unborn baby had a fatal condition. His heart was growing outside his body due to… Read more Audio.

RaSia Khepra

Parents need to focus less on enforcing rules and more on developing their kids' independence if they want to help them handle real-world pressures, says family coach and author Yvonne Godfrey. Julie Chapman founded KidsCan 13 years ago, which runs a health hygiene programme in primary schools nationwide. Head lice treatment is top of their list.

They've sent out 25, bottles of head… Read more Audio. Over the last years there's been much fascination about whether a person's birth order among siblings has a lasting impact on their life course. Does it influence personality? Does it influence… Read more Audio. New children's book My Storee is full of spelling errors, with author Paul Russell - himself dyslexic - aiming to show children, parents and teachers alike that writing need not get in the way of… Read more Audio.

So now you've hit the turbulent teens - what to do? They're attracted to risk, increasingly distracted, and less and less attached to adults. Many conventional forms of parenting rely on tools such… Read more Audio. Educator Joseph Driessen talks to Kathryn about growing independent children who have a strong sense of social responsibility.

Beyond Malala: six teenagers changing the world

Cyber-safety expert Susan McLean is a specialist in those online safety discussions you should be having with your children. She has advice for parents about how to help young people establish good… Read more Audio. Sleep is essential for children, but each child is different and the key for parents is to be responsive while also looking after themselves, researcher and commentator Nathan Mikaere Wallis says. What's it like becoming a parent when you are a top researcher in child development? He gives tips on preparing them for… Read more Audio.

Noa Woolloff talks to Kathryn about being a young dad, and his mission to break down stereotypes of teenage parents.

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Noa was 16 when he found out he was going to be a father, and 17 when Kayla was… Read more Audio. She talks about why cooking is an important life skill for kids to learn and shares easy recipes… Read more Audio.

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Term two is a busy time especially for NCEA students - with internal assessments coming thick and fast. Add to that sports commitments, maybe a part time job, social activity and it's easy to see how… Read more Audio. Starting daycare can be a daunting and emotional time for children, and their parents. How can you prepare yourself and your child? How much crying is normal? Early childcare education teacher Heather… Read more Audio. Although Zhan attended primary and middle school in Shanghai — she moved there with her family in — she lacked a local hukou , precluding her from taking the city's high school entrance examination.

Zhan was told she had two options: Instead, Zhan decided to speak out. She organised a protest in front of Shanghai's education bureau, and posted a flurry of dissenting messages online. At first, the backlash was severe. Her family was briefly evicted. Local authorities threw her father in jail. Yet Zhan's message was well-timed — hukou reform had recently risen to the top of the national agenda — and state-run media outlets began to take notice. College freshman RaSia Khepra had always wanted to address the rampant violence plaguing his home city of Chicago — where more than people were killed by guns in — but the death of his close friend is what motivated him to act.

Hadiya Pendleton, 15, was killed at random by a gunman on Chicago's South Side, a week after she performed at Barack Obama's inauguration celebration in January. Khepra was familiar with the sounds of gunfire in his neighbourhood and knew several people who had been shot, but Pendleton's death inspired him to act. Khepra and other Chicago teenagers created the anti-violence awareness campaign Project Orange Tree , which helps co-ordinate community activities to stimulate a conversation about the causes of gun violence and is supported by the rapper Lupe Fiasco.

Khepra said gun violence was often written off as a gang problem, but the issue also affected members of the community not affiliated with gangs. Kelvin Doe was born to a single mother when Sierra Leone was being torn apart by civil war. Kelvin was six when the diamond-funded conflict, notorious for the systematic amputation of victims' limbs, finally drew to a close.

Turning 17 this month, he is a personification of how the west African country is trying to rebuild and look forward. A short film about him has been viewed more than 5m times on YouTube. Doe is a self-taught engineer of astonishing precocity. At the age of 11, he rummaged in dustbins for scrap electronics parts that could fix local problems. At 13 he made his own battery by throwing together acid, soda and metal in a tin cup, waiting for the mixture to dry and wrapping tape around it.

This proved a big financial saving on batteries.

Teenagers 'checking mobile phones in night'

Frustrated by lack of a reliable electricity supply in his neighbourhood, Doe built a generator using parts that were home made or rescued from the rubbish. The generator also powered a community radio station that he built from recycled materials. He plays music under the name DJ Focus and employs his friends as journalists and station managers. He had never been more than 10 miles from his home in Freetown until he won a national schools innovation competition and was picked last year for a trip to America, where he spoke at the Meet the Young Makers panel at the World Maker Faire in New York.

He presented his inventions to MIT students, took part in research and lectured to engineering students at Harvard College. It has had a tremendous impact on Kelvin's life, on my life and on millions of people all over the world everywhere. In Sierra Leone , other young people suddenly feel they can be like Kelvin.

Kelvin Doe

Chaim Peri's latest book,. Let us know what you think: One working mother's tips on where to cut corners. She talks about why cooking is an important life skill for kids to learn and shares easy recipes… Read more Audio. Chaim Peri on Tour. Yet Zhan's message was well-timed — hukou reform had recently risen to the top of the national agenda — and state-run media outlets began to take notice. Franziska Koeppen marked it as to-read Mar 13,

While most Brazilian teenagers are interested in computer games, homework, football or baile funk, Rene Silva has dedicated himself to fighting negative stereotypes about his favela community.