Exceptional Relationships: Transformation Through Embodied Couples Work

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That these passions are often overlooked in the therapy room is equally a reality. In this ground-breaking book, you will discover an innovative system for helping couples discover all of who they are. The Gleasons ask you to reconsider what it means to trust your intuition, make room for strong energies, work with the body, bring sexuality into the therapy room, and to elicit full emotional expression. Here you will learn to welcome the passionate, erotic, chaotic truths that are often kept under wraps in the therapy room.

Transformation Through Embodied Couples Work synthesizes modern developmental theories with the wisdom of somatic psychotherapy and reveals how embodying is fundamental to helping couples break their patterns of vitality destroying habits of interacting. The Gleasons invite you on a journey of the highest magnitude where couples can come fully alive. They generously open the door to their practice room, sharing in-depth case examples and effective strategies theyve developed over the course of their careers.

They ask you to come along with them and live in the mystery of yet-to-be discovered places in every relationship. The Gleasons met in in in clinical social work graduate school. They have devoted their lives to exploring how couples, including themselves, can have exceptional beyond the ordinary relationships. She brings 30 years experience to her work as a couples therapist, body-oriented psychotherapist, trainer, and workshop facilitator.

This is a self-awakening program designed for sincere seekers who are ready to live an awakened life. Sixty-one percent of people admit to being addicted to the internet and their devices, and heavy internet users are two-and-a-half times more likely to be depressed. Many of us would benefit from learning how to dis-identify with the mental chatter in our heads and cultivate equanimity. What is this delight-filled universe into which we find ourselves born?

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What is this mysterious awareness, shimmering everywhere within it? What if every relationship in your life became inspiration for a new paradigm in self-realization?


It is a voyage through your own humanity and a journey to discover the extent of your self-expressive power. This workshop unfolds an approach to meditation that harnesses the alchemical inner energy called Kundalini Shakti. Activate your imagination, creativity, and spontaneity. Just as muscles can tighten with stress and age, so can notions about ourselves. If you are between 40 and 65 years old, you are undoubtedly attempting to navigate the emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of your midlife passage. Perhaps the greatest unanswered question in science is how consciousness and mind are related to the brain and body.

Our hearts know it, because we have seen it, experienced glimpses of what life and the world could be. In this turbulent time, how can you offer radical vitality to our world? What ignites your imagination? When do you erupt into awe? This workshop is designed to help couples understand at a deeper level why they were attracted to each other, why they get stuck in endless power struggles, and how to safely begin to work through.

There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. It means exploring new emotional landscapes. Like various other cultures around the world, Damanhurians an ecovillage and spiritual community situated in the Piedmont region of northern Italy believe that the soul survives physical death.

For one human being to love another, that is the most difficult of all of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof, for which all other work is but preparation. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. In today's world, we are facing so much chaos and challenge, and we are being called to step forward with the heart as our guide. Music has the power to generate sublime present-moment awareness, deep flow states, a powerful sense of interconnectedness, and profound emotional healing. Perhaps you yearn for a saner, wiser, more spiritually elegant way to move through our world, and move away from a consciousness of fear and separation.

Embark on a rare and transformational journey through the majestic and seldom-traveled backcountry of Big Sur, ending at the sacred coastal grounds and healing waters of Esalen. This program is specifically designed to enhance the quality and experience in loving relationships through the sense of touch.

This weekend workshop offers the opportunity to replenish spirit and reconnect to the healing power of nature, while learning how to give an effective and pleasurable Esalen Massage. This workshop is a partnership between Esalen and Wildtender, an organization that offers immersive outdoors excursions that establish intimacy with place, build earth-based skills, facilitate heal. Today, Esalen Massage is practiced internationally and renowned for its long, flowing strokes inspired by the ocean waves audible from the Esalen baths.

In our world of busy-ness — of more, faster, better — this retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew. It is a time to step fully into the richness of our lives. Maybe your goal is to achieve more powerful results more consistently. In a world drowning in information and starving for wisdom, gathering in community and expressing the truth is more important than ever. Staying sane in a world moving ever more quickly requires daily practices of attention, centering, awareness, and self-care.

Is your life an expression of who you really are at the core? Perhaps you have already succeeded brilliantly at what you wanted to do, or gone as far as you can go. Painting can be a profound experience — one that engages all of our senses, our minds, and our spirits. It brings together observation with introspection, contemplation, and healing. Everything you will ever do as a leader is based on one audacious assumption.

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Have you experienced loss and the natural emotions of sadness, anger, fear, and love? How do you process your losses and move through your life? Enjoy the magic of Esalen with your family!

Andrew Harvey in conversation with Lisa Page and Mo Latin

Get ready for a unique experience for you and your child, including mindfulness practices through visual, expressive, and sensory awareness games. This workshop is an invitation to explore and experience current trends in Esalen Massage and Bodywork. Are you burned out, tired, or in transition? What if you had a way to manage your habits, thoughts, and emotions — rather than serving them? Explore the world of spontaneous creation, an unpredictable territory beyond the expected where no rules apply.

This weekend provides practitioners with the opportunity to up-level their current massage practice. Many of our common garden and culinary plants offer an effective, safe, sustainable, and joyful alternative to commonly used over-the-counter drugs, and many of them might already be growing in you.

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Wild Vessel is an experience-based practice of connecting to the body and re-strengthening feminine energy in all people. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, noninvasive, hands-on technique to help detect and correct imbalances in the craniosacral system that may cause sensory, motor, or intellectual dysfunction. This is an invitation for you to discover your own unique and powerful story and the profound transformation that occurs when you speak it out loud.

The long, slow, conscious breath has the ability to stabilize and quiet the fluctuations of the mind.

Join Amy Weintraub for groundbreaking, evidence-based yoga and meditation protocols that can strengthen your emotional resilience. Are you ready to invite true love into your life? In this fun, empowering, and experiential workshop, you can learn how to:. This Mother's Day weekend, celebrate and nourish yourself and your family. Esalen is a magical place for adults and children alike.

In certain parts of our lives, we move forward with strength and relative ease, adding new learning and new capacity to familiar areas of comfort and confidence. The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.

What if you could connect with a sense of peace, power, and meaning just by taking ten minutes a day for creativity? What if this became a daily habit? This workshop is a wonderful opportunity for you to enjoy the beauty of Big Sur and the healing waters of the Esalen hot springs, while gaining a foundation in the art and practice of Esalen Massag.

In developed nations worldwide, boys are falling behind girls in every academic subject, as well as in mental health, physical health, and in preparation for productive careers. This program offers everything you need to know about using food to promote health and prevent and treat illness. Did you know that every pelvis has a story? Come learn what your pelvis has to say. In many ways, the pelvis is the root of all things. Patterns of our physical embodiment are revealed and expressed in our thinking, feeling, and lived histories. This is a unique opportunity to experience Holotropic Breathwork at Esalen, the place where it originated.

Are you ready to rediscover your body relaxed and restored to its natural birthright of flexibility, ease, and wonder? Our vision will become clear only when we look into our hearts. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. Do you know the difference between intimacy, desire, and eroticism? Do you find yourself churning through lovers because your sexual desire drops off over time?

There is growing demand for massage practitioners who have mastered the art of moving deeply into the body with skill and sensitivity. Self-compassion is the heart of mindfulness. It is warmhearted, connected presence during difficult moments in our lives.

Events for Therapists

We live in a culture that extols constant productivity. From sunrise to sunset, we move at a breakneck pace in order to meet the day's demands. What does it take for a man to be successful in this day and age? How do you navigate through the changing demands of life and keep fulfilling the expectations of your evolving roles? No matter what qigong you have experienced or if you are just entering the immense sea of qigong opportunities, the essence of qigong is the always the destination!

For many of us, it is difficult to simply let go and create. Programmed to fear being judged, we set narrow boundaries on our creativity. This hands-on workshop teaches you how to utilize the points and pathways of acupuncture along with the energy, intention, and wisdom of your own hands to enhance the effectiveness of CranioSacral. Well-being in the Tibetan tradition is a holistic sense of wellness that encompasses body, energy, and mind.

Join the Baraz family in exploring the bond between parent and child, which is perhaps the most influential relationship in shaping who we are. Have you ever worked hard to make a change, only to find yourself slipping back into old habits and patterns?

How can we use music as a tool for the act of intentional listening to increase our inner awareness, induce relaxation, and tap into our intuitive mind? The development of the psyche is a continuous and lifelong process. The psyche witnesses, assimilates, and stores information within psycho-spiritual processing centers called the chakras. This evidence-based, transformational training gives health professionals the science and tools to make mind-body medicine a foundational part of their practices and lives.

We offer a rich and varied integral learning environment devoted to cultivating deep change in self and society. A global network of seekers devoted to the belief that we are all capable of the extraordinary. Deepening Your Life Experience: I Am the Word: The Energetics of Consciousness Paul Selig In his breakthrough works of channeled literature, I Am the Word and The Book of Truth, author and medium Paul Selig recorded a program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to.

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Living a Mindful and Compassionate Life Mark Coleman Awareness and love metta are essential and beautiful aspects of any spiritual life. Qigong for Health and Happiness Mingtong Gu Join Master Mingtong Gu for a week dedicated to healing and balancing body, mind, heart, and spirit through the powerful movement, sound, and visualization practices of qigong. New Year Meditation Retreat: Self-Love and Kindness that Benefits All Mark Abramson Meditating in noble silence offers a special opportunity to focus inward, and to deeply connect with oneself, create intentions, and reflect on life goals.

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