Generationen - Band 2: Henry - Kriegsfürst (German Edition)

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My attempts to present my case to the International Court of Justice at The Hague were similarly frustrated. When I reached seventy years of age, I fell ill, and required two operations. My sons were not interested in taking over the running of my factory, and during my convalescence some of my enemies, allegedly former members of the resistance, were able through various tricks, to gain control of my business.

During the past five years I have received over one hundred bomb threats, and my windows have been smashed many times. My brake cables have been cut. For my opponents, everything is allowed. The press has stepped up its campaign against me as well.

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Since my husband had been a member of the Dutch parliament, I am entitled by law to a small pension. So far they have been unsuccessful. Since we had quite unawares used her picture without obtaining permission, I was eventually forced to pay her 2, florins, as well as assume the costs of the lawsuit, an additional 10, florins. My home has been twice searched by police looking for allegedly anti-Jewish literature. On their first search the police found a brochure which questioned the factuality of the Holocaust. The court found that to challenge the Holocaust was anti-Jewish, and I received a three-month suspended sentence.

My trial for possession of these books will begin on March 9, [Mrs. Rost van Tonningen was subsequently convicted of possessing these forbidden books. My husband refused to abdicate his responsibilities or abandon his people. He stayed and fought honorably, only to be butchered. Had my husband stood trial, his defense might have proved embarrassing for many Dutchmen in high places. In my life I have experienced many high points, as well as low points. I have tried to be equal to each situation, always attempting to live in accordance with the spiritual basis of life, the mission that is given each of us to carry out on the earthly plane.

The life of each of us is merely a thread in the larger fabric or plan. I still count our meetings with Adolf Hitler as highlights in my life. He united his countrymen, of all classes and stations, from the aristocracy to the farmers and laborers, as had no man before him. His soldiers fought heroically to the last, particularly the men of the Waffen SS, not only Germans but from across Europe. Like my beloved brother, who died in combat in the ranks of the SS, and my husband, I think of Adolf Hitler as the first European.

I shall close with the words of Rudolf Hess, the martyr who earned, but was never awarded, the Nobel Prize for Peace. After being sentenced to life imprisonment at Nuremberg despite his flight for peace, he told the court:. No matter what people may do, one day I shall stand before the judgment seat of God Eternal. I will justify myself to Him and I know that He will absolve me. In the decades after the end of the war, she boldy spoke out in defiance of the hate that prevailed in her country toward those who had supported or collaborated with Germany. The Life and Death of Dr. Und zwar in jeder deutschen Stadt.

Gerne nehme ich ich sie wieder aus diesem heraus, da Sie schreiben: Aber so, wie Sie es tun: Es sind jene, die seit 70 Jahren jammern: Wenn nicht als Schlimmeres! Und das tun die, welche Deutschland abschaffen und das Deutsche Volk vernichten wollen, ganz bestimmt nicht deshalb, weil sie der Meinung sind, Adolf Hitler habe in der gleichen Richtung gewirkt! Was das Deutsche Volk und sein Reich dann allerdings ganz bestimmt nicht brauchen werden, das werden Leute wie Sie sein, werter Dr. Globalization is about the planetary expansion of capitalist economies under the leadership of Big Money.

That is why globalization is a blunt imperialist strategy of the US, exploitable by American corporations, to impose the American Way of Life, actually better said, the American Way of Death. For Peter Scholl-Latour, therefore, globalization and Americanization are synonyms. The cultural Americanization, promoted by modern communication technologies and mass media attacks on the organically grown identities of the peoples, works on creating a consumer-oriented human with equated identities, world-wide.

Warum lehnt die NPD so entschieden die Globalisierung ab? American Way of Death — aufzuzwingen. With globalization, capitalism has departed from all the political, social and ethno-cultural ties and commitments that still existed, especially earlier. It has de-territorialized the social, deprives man of every form of communal society, and does not know a home.

With its attack on territorial principle, principle of sovereignty and legality of the nation states, it destroys the only conceivable geopolitical spaces of the ruling power in favor of anonymous, supranational power structures. At the same time it is a political incapacitation and economic exploitation program for the peoples. Er hat das Soziale entterritorialisiert, entbettet sich jeder Gemeinschaftsform und kennt keine Heimat mehr. The global commodity and capital mobility, due to the absence of customs barriers and capital controls, is driving the high-wage countries into a ruinous displacement and extermination competition with low-wage countries.

Free trade inevitably leads to the alignment of living conditions to the lowest social and ecological level, and national markets and social systems implode. Globalization has led to a major decoupling of the financial movements of trading of goods and production. In the new, world-financial order really disarray , the largest yield is pursued in accordance with the gambling law principle, without the capital commitment being effective for any work place or investment.

Globalization and organized economic crime are therefore one and the same. Als Sprecher der Nation erneuerte Dr. Zeiten wie diese gibt es nur ganz selten in der Geschichte. Ich glaube deshalb denn je, dann an diesem Abend zum Sprecher berufen zu sein. Alle Phrasen und billigen Redensarten fallen in dieser Stunde unter dem Gluthauch eines erbarmungslosen Krieges von uns ab.

Denn er wird der Mann dieses Jahrhunderts sein, das sich unter furchtbaren Wehen und Schmerzen zwar, aber doch seiner selbst sicher den Weg nach oben bahnt. Jakob Burckhardt sagt einmal in seinen weltgeschichtlichen Betrachtungen:. Nur Hunger, Elend, Pestilenz und Massensterben. Europa hat schon einmal die Wahl gehabt, zwischen beiden zu entscheiden.

Dann geht es um Leben oder Tod. Was wir heute erleben, das ist der letzte Akt eines gewaltigen tragischen Dramas, das mit dem 1. August begann und das wir Deutschen am 9. November gerade in dem Augenblick unterbrachen, als es kurz vor der Entscheidung stand. Das ist der Grund, warum es am 1. Was wir uns im November ersparen wollten, haben wir heute in doppeltem und dreifachem Umfang nachzuholen. Gibt es einen Deutschen, der dem nicht beistimmte? Man spricht in der Welt von der Treue als einer deutschen Tugend.

Denn es werden seine letzten sein. Der Krieg neigt sich seinem Ende zu. Die perverse Koalition zwischen Plutokratie und Bolschewismus ist im Zerbrechen. Aber es wird vergeblich sein. Ganz Europa wird an diesem Aufschwung teilnehmen. Das war immer unser Ziel, es ist das auch noch heute. Sein Werk ist ein Werk der Ordnung. Wo sie aber in ihr auftraten, da hatten sie meistens nicht nur ihrem Volke, sondern auch der Welt etwas zu sagen und zu geben.

Sollte es heute anders sein? Das eine aber kann heute schon nicht mehr bestritten werden. Er ist der Kern des Widerstandes gegen den Weltverfall. Er ist die Standhaftigkeit selbst. Wir stehen zu ihm, wie er zu uns, in germanischer Gefolgschaftstreue, wie wir es geschworen haben und wie wir es halten wollen.

Ipod Book Download Generationen Band 2 Henry Kriegsfürst German Edition Pdf By Sven Günther

Deutschland ist immer noch das Land der Treue. Das aber ist der Sieg! Die Volle Rede Dr. Goebbels in Audio Format. So waere es dann allen Deutschen ergangen, ausser vielleicht nicht den groessten Verraetern, den Kommunisten in Deutschland:. On the one hand, the Germanic, creative, and, on the other hand, the parasitic, big capitalist race…. Swastika, the symbol of all white people. Beaconsfield is right with his remark, and he had to know it, because he was a Jew. Just looking only at the meaning which the world war has had in its essence and its origin, and one must admit that he it right.

Side effects, pretexts are usually regarded as the basic causes of this world-tragedy. Most of the reviewers have not yet found the key. He is also to be found here in the racial question. Actually, there is a battle of two representatives of opposite worldviews, opposing races.

On the one hand, the Germanic, creative, and, on the other hand, the parasitic, big capitalist race. It will be argued that the English and Americans are also of Germanic origin. The secret ruler of our opponents is undoubtedly International Big Capital, striving for world domination. The representatives of this capital are the outright enemies of our nationality. They are the Jews. They fight our nationality and have fought it through the centuries under different masks and forms.

Unfortunately, too often they find their greatest allies among our own people. Mere possessions cannot satisfy him. But these phantoms are nothing but poisons and anesthetics to lead the Germans all the more safely into slavery, to impose the yoke on him. Our ancestors often had a natural feeling towards their enemies, they knew the racial question and the value of blood brotherhood, the value of blood purity. They knew that only the tribal fellow was to be trusted, that only this man could be faithful.

The Mischling, the stranger, was Southern European. Unfortunately the healthy instinct has been clouded or uprooted in many areas. Father Bal was dethroned, and in place of our faith in our Father a new faith was presented, but in forms which do not correspond to our German and religious gifts. One can fully appreciate the value of Christianity, but this does not mean that one can be of a very divided opinion in the way it was indoctrinated into the Germans.

Especially today those tendencies are to be rejected, they are to be fought, that they, under the mask of religion, quietly and unceasingly, are working towards the weakening of our nationality.

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But with the subjugation of our religion [ancient Germanic religion] it was not the end of the matter. Our wisdom was spilled, our right was destroyed, broken by Roman law. Yes, even our language was mocked and an attempt was made to destroy it; an attempt is made to debase it to the language of the common Volk.

That the decay of our people went hand in hand with a complete political destruction, is obvious. There were always men and leaders who led it out of the descent, and it was the will of God that the other part should heal by this ascent. The German people would have to be completely blind, if the enemies were now to reach their goal. An alien ideal of mankind offered was the means to put Parsifal in fetters. Fostered by Christianity, the doctrine of equality of men was propagated. Gypsies, Hottentots, Bokutoku, and Germans, they claim, are completely equal. It is only a pity that the great teacher, Nature, informs us differently.

It teaches that equality is a contradiction. It is the greatest lie that has man has ever been talked into. And it was done for the destruction of us Germans. There are higher and lower races! If one values the mongrels the same as the Aryan, the noble man, then one commits a crime on mankind. The lower races need leaders, and also leading nations, for their higher development.

Among the races of the earth the Germanic race is called to this leadership by virtue of its nature. As far as the eye can see into the past, always the bearers of Germanic blood are also the bearers and creators of a culture. Recent research has shown that this assumption is false. Northern Europe, Northern Germany is the tribal seat of the culture-bearer.

From here onwards, from prehistoric times until now, streams of German blood have poured out fertilizing. Waves upon waves of Germans have set forth bringing culture to all the world. The Greek culture, so highly regarded, is an offshoot of the German spirit. The Hittites, the Sumerians, and nameless peoples were of Aryan origin. When the French and Spaniards and Italians boast with their culture, they should not forget that they owe this culture to the German blood.

The more the purity of blood dwindled, the thinner the Aryan blood became, the more cultural sterility occurred. Greece and Rome have not been destroyed by moral decay and not because religion disappeared; these are only consequences. Rome and Greece perished because of race mixing, because of boundless racial mashing. The same fate threatens us, too, threatens the Germanic race on the one hand from the gospel of the equality of men, and on the other from the rule of international capitalism, which presupposes racial scramble.

The weapon of the low race, the Chandala, is the money. With this weapon it tries to destroy the noble race. The danger is pressing, for once the instinct is weakened by the gospel of the equality of the races; on the other hand, international traffic is so relaxed that after the war it greatly promoted racial mixture. The fact that our government before the war did not totally misjudge the danger is proven by a law it proposed. The connection between Germans and colored people should be prohibited. Who voted against the law? Racial purity means Volk health.

If all the members of the people are permeated with the value of the purity of the blood, then the social question is also solved. Then it has lost its sharpness, then everyone sees the brother, the sister. The one supports the other. As we have been told, the independent Social Democratic party Munich is nominating the writer Kurt Eisner as a candidate for the election in the Parliament electoral district of Munich II.

Eisner will not be elected, but that a party may dare to set up a Russian Jew who has been condemned for treason, should drive the blood in shame into the face of the worker. Four months later Eisner was the Bavarian minister-president. He had made the revolution. Sebottendorf — translated by germanvictims. Der Mischling, der Fremdrassige war falsch, war welsch…. Er liegt auch hier in der Rassenfrage. Eigentlich liegen im Kampfe zwei Vertreter von entgegengesetzten Weltanschauungen, entgegengesetzten Rassen.

Es sind die Juden. Der Germane ist eine Faustnatur. Der Mischling, der Fremdrassige war falsch, war welsch. Doch mit der Niederwerfung unserer Religion hatte es nicht sein Bewenden. Ein ihm fremdes Menschheitsideal bot das Mittel, um Parzival, den reinen Toren in Fesseln zu schlagen. Die Gleichheit ist Widersinn! Uns Deutschen zur Vernichtung. Wertet man den Rassenmischmasch, die Tschandalen den Ariern, den Edelmenschen, gleich, so begeht man ein Verbrechen an der Menschheit. Aus dem Osten sei das Licht gekommen.

Griechenland und Rom sind nicht durch Sittenverfall zu Grunde gegangen, nicht weil die Religion schwand; das sind nur Folgeerscheinungen. Rom und Griechenland gingen durch die Rassenmischung zugrunde, an der grenzenlosen Rassenvermanschung. Die Waffe der Niederrassigen, der Tschandala, ist das Geld. Mit dieser Waffe such sie die Edelrasse zu vernichten.

Von Ulrich Weiner

Es sollte die Verbindung zwischen Deutschen und Farbigen verboten werden. Wer stimmte gege das Gesetz? Deutscher ich zeige Dir Deine Feinde: Zentrum, Sozialdemokraten, Christlich-Soziale und Lieberale stimmten dagegen. Der Beobachter brachte folgende Notiz:. Ein russischer Jude als Reichstagskandidat! There are good reasons why the Thule Society of Germany is dragged into the dirt or misrepresented with lies as an occult society that it never was.

The main reasons are because the media is controlled by Jews and they can write whatever they want, and they hate and defame everything of Germany that was good and noble. In Greek Mythology it was an island in the North Sea. It could also be the island Atlantis. The ancient name for Scandinavia was Thule. Scandinavia once was also called Nordgermanien North Germany. It also included Sweden, Denmark, Finland and sometimes Island. The people living there were called Northern Germans, and in middle Europe, they were called Southern Germans.

It stood against the Jewish-infiltrated Freemasons. When Germany surrendered in WWI, jews, among many others massively flooded into Germany, basically usurping it as the Germans were devastated, poor, starving, and many have lost their homes and land. With them, the Jews brought Communism and the plan to overthrow Germany as they have overthrown Russia just about a year before, to make another Soviet Union out of it. Runen are ancient German writing symbols of which the swastika is one.

Therefore the ancient German swastika was the symbol for this society with the goal of returning to true ancient German values. Jewess Angela Merkel received not too long ago the Coudenhove Kalergi medal for the destruction of the Germans by importing Negros and Arabs into Germany. Falsely calling Thule an occult society, the defamers think they can slander with this Adolf Hitler. Germany was weak and the Germans starving at the end of WWI, and like a wild beast attacks a weak animal, the Communists fell upon Germany with the goal to finish it off and making it a slave state of the Jews.

Jews soon had many Germans convinced that they will be rescued from their starvation and save their children if only they would become Communists. Since over a Million Germans starved to death after capitulation, and hundreds of thousands took their life out of desperation, and the newspapers were all run by the jews, it was not difficult to convince the Germans to join the Communists for the only hope they seemed to have.

Before Hitler took over power, their were 6 Million Communists in Germany, most of them probably Germans, but led by the Jews on the topo. Most of the German hostages were captured on April 26 and ten of them were shot in the courtyard of Luidpold High School on April 30th, Seven of the dead either belonged to the Thule Society or were recruits for it. At this massacre, anyone of the Reds who wanted to was encouraged to attack the hostages.

The order to fire was made by a Red Army member, named Seidl. Since the soldiers of the Leibregiment refused to shoot them, Russians were instigated to do the murdering. Some of the hostages were beaten do death with rifle buts, other were killed with bayonets. Among the victims was also a woman. The corpses were robbed and so mutilated that only three of them could so far be identified. These cowardly murders were the trigger for the decision to stop all negotiations with the Red perpetrators and to liberate the Bavarian capitol via executions under General Ernst von Oven and the Freikorps melitia under Franz Ritter von Epp and others.

This Weimarer Republik, also controlled by Jews, turned into a stronghold of sexual and cultural perversion and decadence of all types. The Jews lived well and rich; the Germans starved and over a Million of them perished. There was an attempt by the National Socialists to topple the Weimar Republic. That was on November 9, The inofficial medal; but was not to be worn as Adolf Hitler already had his plan for a new design, as above. But the struggle against the Reds was not over; it continued even until Reds died also, but by far smaller numbers.

Germany was so devastated and poverty-stricken after it lost WWI and due to the Versailles dictate, that only a very strong leader, the kind of Adolf Hitler, could pull it out from the swamp of misery or from falling into the hands of total communism. The Jews were the main instigators for destruction and division, and Adolf Hitler knew they must be removed from Germany if Germany were to survive. In , the Thule Society was abandoned for lack of members and support.

He quotes that finally, now, in , the truth can be exposed. Bei 8 Minuten 15 Sekunden kann man ca. Sie waren 15 Minuten am Himmel als der Mann fotografierte, aber dann lief das video aus. Dies war in Carmichael, California, wahrscheinlich August Also es sieht aus, als ob der Befreiungstag ganz nahe ist. Warum sonst so einen Aufwand? Sie sagen uns damit doch, dass sie massenhaft vertreten sind. Interview mit dem Alt-Experten Ernst Wahrnt, 8.

Guten Tag Herr Wahrnt! Warum sagen Sie Reservate? Ich begegnete einem alten Herrn, dessen Bruder in Neu-Schwabenland arbeitete. Die beiden hatten bis direkten Kontakt. Ich treffe sie seither gelegentlich. Wann das letzte Mal? Was machen die hier? Sie beobachten das Leben hier bei uns, wie es uns psychisch geht z.

Sie haben normale BRD-Ausweise und geben sich ja normalerweise nicht zu erkennen. Sie erstatten in den Basen dann genau Bericht. Und wie lange wollen sie sich den Horror hier tatenlos ansehen? Warum geben sie sich nicht wenigstens mal zu erkennen? Und sie sehen absolut nicht tatenlos zu. Ich habe die Stelle angesehen, es scheint sich aber auf die Verluste des 1.

Nur kann man die nicht beim Namen nennen, also hetzt man gegen das damalige Reich. Die Krise der alten Welt kommt ja sichtlich in Schwung. Lassen die Reichsdeutschen den zu oder wollen sie ihn verhindern? Die Unsichtbarkeitstechnik braucht heute keinen Nebel mehr wie am Anfang, es geht heute elektromagnetisch. Ja, die haben eine andere Logik als wir Deutschen! Die Reichsdeutschen werden mit eisernem Besen durchfegen. Fremde werden abgeschoben, Mischlinge sterilisiert oder auch abgeschoben.

Haben sie ja nicht! Ist ja auch richtig so! Schade, sie sagen also nichts, sondern nur im Konjunktiv?! In Moskau soll er altgeworden sein, als Agent der SU. Schon haben sie nagelneue Bomber gehabt aber nicht eingesetzt, ebenso die Atombombe. Warum haben sie nicht schon den Krieg gewonnen?

Sie waren vor 30 Jahren stark genug, aber noch nicht. Da haben sie gesagt: Und wie viele Reichsdeutsche gibt es in den Basen? Und was werden die denn hier mit unseren Eliten machen, die das Leben lang diese Geschichten von der deutschen Kriegsschuld usw. Die sind doch nicht anders als jemand, der Vater und Mutter totgeschlagen hat: Die haben keine Existenzberechtigung!

September ging unglaublichkeiten. Peter Schmidt Kramstaweg 23 Berlin, den Es gibt mehrer videos darueber. Auch wird von einer Giftladung in der Challenger gesprochen. Aber niemand kam an mit einem Fallschirm, weder tot noch lebendig. An orb was observed and video taped by TV Van 2 Shuttle landing facility just after the Challenger explosion. This is the raw footage, stabilized. No one every arrived with a parachute! See at 3 Min. So sieht es aber nicht aus. Ausserdem kam niemand mit einem Fallschirm an, tot oder lebendig: The people say it is a parachute.

But it does not look like that nor did anyone ever arrive on a parachute, life or dead: Landig, Wilhelm — Rebellen fuer Thule , S. He believed in the absolute supremacy of the spirit over the material, and this was borne out by his now-famous statement that for him, and for a National Socialist, two words did not exist in the dictionary — impossible unmoglich and never niemals …. Hitler has been reported to be living in several inaccessible spots in South America, in some well-guarded Shang-ri- la surrounded by S.

Guards armed to the teeth. Millions of words have been written and spoken to this effect. Over , books have been written about Hitler and W. II in most major languages of the world. None of these studies were deep or exhaustive enough to be considered conclusive. Many very important facets were not covered at all or were only touched upon the fringes. The book that is before you, is to the knowledge of the authors, their collaborators and to the publishers as well, the first attempt to cover some of these fringe issues in more depth. Consequently, they have drawn some very different conclusions to those already written on this vast and complex topic.

In order to start on a sound footing, and ultimately to do it justice, Hitler, the man is examined. Hitler, the thinker, the statesman, the politician and above all, Hitler the founder of the National Socialist Ideology Weltanschauung is examined in greater detail and in a more dispassionate manner. Reich would be stupid. Many of these highly sophisticated weapon systems represented scientific breakthroughs of great importance. Many of these devices fell into Allied hands and they are pictured here for the first time and to the best of our knowledge. Most of the pictures are only found in the book — below.

There is a whole array of jet and rocket-powered aircraft, both fighters and bombers. There are plane and submarine-based rockets. Also there are wind cannons and many other devices. In order to understand all aspects of this vexing problem we have to examine the governmental set-up of National Socialist Germany, especially war-time Germany. From Hitler came the final orders of the scrapping or the production of any kind of weaponry. He alone was capable of making available the vast amounts of money for the research and production of what was needed to win the war.

He alone could delegate the sweeping powers and set the orders of priority of one weapon system over any other. All attempts to clarify this or that aspect of the German war effort, of diplomatic or military moves, which do not take fully into account this pyramidical structure of the decision-making process in Nazi Germany, are doomed to dismal failure. The author of this book and his friends started to delve into the UFO mystery. They circulated their findings over the years to an ever-increasing number of friends and contacts around the world, but only as a basis for discussion and further study.

A book was born. Many publishers were contacted, all thought the material had merit, but none dared to publish it in its entirety. Many wanted to publish only the UFO developments. So the manuscript made the rounds for years and years. Eventually it lay buried. Then one day, excerpts fell into the hands of a group of individuals who decided to collect money amongst themselves and publish the manuscript. With the help and active participation of the authors and their collaborators the book is now before you.

Against threats and persecution this courageous group of individuals composed of diverse ethnic backgrounds, has stood firm. We ask of the reader only to reserve judgement until he has thoroughly read through the book to the very last page. This book is not an easy book to read. One could almost call it an unnerving study of a very unusual and extraordinary man, his ideas his actions, his motivations and his ultimate goals. The book can further serve the unprejudiced individual as a catalyst to study and re-examine many events from a new perspective.

Now that many Allied documents are being de-classified, a new search will produce new and startling insights and conclusions. We believe that the open-minded reader after studying this book and after delving into the many reference and source materials listed, will never again look at the world with the same eyes. Those of you fortunate enough to be able to speak and to read German will find a considerable difference between the English and German.

The reasons are simply: For the above reasons, this is not a true translation of the German version but rather a book about another book. The non-German world has a rather sketchy and fragmentary picture of the mind of Adolf Hitler; how he thought, felt and what motivated him. Lacking accurate knowledge, no one can possibly claim to understand the personality of this extraordinary man. Consequently, we will try to condense into a few paragraphs, what has taken historians volumes and volumes of books to describe. Adolf Hitler was above all else, an intuitive, artistic human being, capable of accurately sensing situations and of grasping them with the clarity of an extremely orderly mind.

He believed in the absolute supremacy of the spirit over the material, and this was borne out by his now-famous statement that for him, and for a National Socialist, two words did not exist in the dictionary — impossible unmoglich and never niemals. Let us look at his own life as a case in point. An early orphan, poor, with incomplete education, a stateless citizen in Germany with a sickly physical constitution, and, after the First World War, penniless and without a job or trade. He was just one of the many millions of Germans in similar desperate straits at that time in history.

He had, one has to admit, not a chance to be anything other, even if lucky, than a manual labourer. Impossible, one would have to concede, that this man could ever become Mayor of Munich let alone the Chancellor of the largest, most populous, best-trained and educated country in the heart of Europe. Never — not in his circumstances! Well, the entire world is witness to the fact that not only did the impossible become possible, it actually happened and in a very short period of time.

Here enters the very first and most important component in understanding Adolf Hitler, and through it, the partial solution to the U. Nothing in National Socialism was ever allowed to seem an impossible task or an unattainable goal. With Adolf Hitler it was always mind over matter. The belief then held by aircraft designers that the human body could not survive space flight and faster-than-sound speeds was scornfully put on one side by Hitler and it was his challenging of this belief that brought forth the U.

Hitler felt, based on his studies and an enormous amount of reading, that there existed a very definite plan by a small, but immensely powerful group of Jewish bankers, financiers, industrialists and others, to take control of the entire world. It is important to remember that he lived in Vienna during a time when a very noisy battle was raging between Zionist Jews, who wanted to be a separate race, religion, nation and culture with their own state, Israel , and the assimilated elements amongst the Jews, who wanted to be part of the cosmopolitan establishment of the Austrian Empire , with all the privileges and power their immense wealth bestowed on them.

This is a very important aspect of the whole U. Hitler saw in this actual or imagined Jewish drive for world domination, a very definite danger to his own work and plan. From now on we must look at every problem from this vantage point. Hitler would undoubtedly double-check each major question by this criterion: There is, however, another very important fact, and this is motivation. What motivated this man? Why should this penniless and jobless vagrant, often disparagingly called a paperhanger act the way he did?

He was not a wanderer, bum, nomad! He moved to one place, Vienna, for the arts and he was still a boy! He almost always worked in construction when he could get a job, and in his free time was reading in the libraries, while supporting himself on the side with his artistic paintings!!!

He was a hard-working man in mind, body, and creativity!!! And you are leaving out his exceptional military career in WW1!!! All, or most of them, completely misrepresented him, and this is especially true in the non-German world where he is portrayed as some power-mad maniac, seeking power solely for destructive reasons.

This kind of thinking might have been justifiable as propaganda during war time, but the truth requires a long over-due reevaluation, and the truth is simple. The artistic, sensitive soul in this man rebelled at what he saw taking place around him. Since no single person, no group, no party and no ideology at that time expressed his feelings, he started expressing his own frustrations and ideas at the meetings of others. To his complete amazement he found that others listened and they listened in ever-increasing numbers.

Thus, Hitler the agitator, the motivator, was born. There is no motivator without motivation and it was the concept of National Socialism that was his motivation. This is necessary to solve the U. While Millions of Germans starved to death and had no jobs, the Jews had all the jobs and lived a rich live, prostituting the German women and children for food, and abusing the Germans in any way they wanted to. I am going to insert a translation of the 25 points that I like better.

The authors 25 points can be read in his book. Within the national socialist philosophy is summarized in 25 points: We demand the unification of all Germans in a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of self-determination of peoples. We demand equality of rights for the German people in respect to other nations; abrogation of the peace treaties of Versailles and St. We demand land and territory colonies for the sustenance of our people and the colonization for our surplus population. Only German Volk can be citizens. German Volk are only people of German blood, without consideration of creed.

Consequently, no Jew can be citizen as he is not of German Volk. Whoever has no citizenship is able to live in Germany only as a guest, and must be under the authority of our legislation for foreigners. The right to determine matters concerning leadership and laws belongs only to a citizen. Therefore, we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in the Reich, the county or municipality, be filled only by citizens. We contest the corrupting parliamentary economy of office-holding only according to party inclinations without consideration of character or abilities.

We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for employment and a decent livelihood for the citizens. If it is not possible to sustain the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations non-citizens are to be expelled from the Reich. Any further immigration of non Germans is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans, who have immigrated to Germany since 2 August be forced immediately to leave the Reich. The first obligation of every citizen must be to contribute both mentally or physically.

The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the community, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all. Abolition of income without work or effort. Elimination of interest slavery. In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through war must be designated as a crime against the people.

Therefore we demand the total confiscation of all war profits. We demand to take into public ownership previously established businesses trusts. We demand a generous expansion of the provisions for the aged. We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate availability of the large shopping conglomerates for the use of the community and these to be leased to small firms at lower costs, the utmost consideration for all small firms in deliveries to the government, its provinces and communities.

We demand a land reform suitable to our national needs, provision of a law for expropriation without compensation of land for community purposes. Abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land. On 13 April , Adolf Hitler made the following declaration: It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land. We demand a ruthless dispute with those whose activity is injurious to the community. Treasonous criminals committing crimes against the citizens, usurers, racketeers, and so forth, are to be punished with death, regardless of confession or race.

We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order. The state is responsible for a fundamental expansion of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently advancement into leading positions. The curriculum of all educational institutions are to conform with the demands of practical life. The State is responsible for the elevation of national health by a program protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical training of the young.

We demand abolition of mercenary troops and formation of a national army. We demand legal prosecution of deliberate political lies and their promulgation through the press. In order to enable the provision of a German press, we demand, that: Non-German newspapers be required to have the express permission of the State to be published. They may not be printed in the German language. Non-Germans are forbidden by law any financial involvement in German newspapers, or any influence on them, and we demand as punishment for violations of such laws the immediate closure of such publishing houses as well as the immediate expulsion from the Reich of the non-Germans involved.

Newspapers which violate the general good are to be forbidden. We demand legal prosecution against a direction of art and literature that has a destructive influence on our national life, and the closing down of events opposing the above made demands. We demand freedom of religion for all denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger the state or oppose the morals and ethics of the Germanic race.

The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without the party binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. For the execution of all of this we demand: The formation of a strong central power in the Reich. Absolute authority of the political central parliament over the whole Reich and its organizations in general. The forming of Standards chambers and Professional Associations for the implementation of the framework laws passed in each state of the Reich.

The leaders of the Party promise, if necessary by sacrificing their own lives, to support unconditionally the implementation of the points set forth above. We must call to account the November criminals of It cannot be that two million Germans should have fallen in vain and that afterwards one should sit down as friends at the same table with traitors. No, we do not pardon, we demand—Vengeance! The dishonoring of the nation must cease. For betrayers of their Fatherland and informers the gallows is the proper place. Our streets and squares shall once more bear the names of our heroes; they shall not be named after Jews.

The present laxity in the fight against usury must be abandoned. We must demand a great enlightenment on the subject of the Peace Treaty. With thoughts of love? The lies which would veil from us our misfortunes must cease. The fraud of the present money-madness must be shown up. As foundation for a new currency the property of those who are not of our blood must do service. The housing scarcity must be relieved through energetic action; houses must be granted to those who deserve them. Eisner said in that we had no right to demand the return of our prisoners—he was only saying openly what all Jews were thinking.

People who so think must feel how life tastes in a concentration camp! Against the infection of materialism, against the Jewish pestilence we must hold aloft a flaming ideal. It could be said that we are a little far off the U. An idea can only be superseded or defeated by another, better idea. Germany was only defeated militarily in but the idea of National Socialism is still as strong as ever and is flourishing around the world, but by necessity, underground. The above three factors must constantly be kept in mind as we move from chapter to chapter and from event to event in the following pages.

Let us now turn our attention to the location of the bases. Again, even in this area Hitler had planned far ahead and at long range. Obviously guided by the possible occupation and subsequent loss of Germany itself, he had cast around for land still available for colonization and found that Antarctica was, at that time, the only continent still unclaimed.

With his usual dispatch, a polar expedition was organized,the preparation of which was kept secret. The force consisted of several large vessels, at least two of which were aircraft carriers, not the present-day type but rather large ships with float-equipped airplanes on board.

The planes were rocket-catapulted off special ramps at the end of the ships and retrieved out of the water via a crane. The force landed in the area of Queen Maud Land and established bases there. Large float planes of the Dornier-Wal type, with their unusual pusher-puller propellers were used to explore a huge area of Antarctic terrain. Over 11, photographs were taken for mapping purposes. Significantly, a Swastika flag was dropped every 20 kilometres to substantiate the German claim to that land, comprising over , square kilometres in all.

In this way, not only was a terrain claimed by Germany, larger than Germany itself, but more significantly, for the first time, ice-free oasis warm lakes were found by this secret Nazi expedition. They were photographed along with Alp-like mountain ranges of over 4, metres in height.

The different coloured appearances of these inland lakes were caused by alga found floating in the sweet water. The waters are warm enough to allow swimming and bathing with just bathing suits and swim trunks. Heretofore never published in the English-speaking world, are actual photographs of this Nazi expedition and some of the startling discoveries.

You can view the pictures in the book, but they are of poor quality in the document I have gotten a hold of. Added credence to the secret bases thesis can be found in remarks attributed to Joachin von Ribbentrop at the outbreak of the war. And today, and for a couple of centuries it has been claimed that the ice wall Antarctica is an ice wall all around a flat, circular earth. Fact is, behind the ice wall are miles of glaciers, mountains, and even green fauna and lakes! No one is allowed to go there! Other factors make Antarctica an ideal place for these bases.

There is no rust, no germs, and consequently very little illness or decomposition. Food remains edible forever it seems, since the whole region acts rather like a giant freezer. For instance, the shed where Scott spent some months pre-W. I, before he launched his ill-fated antarctic expedition, was recently discovered.

The food which remained in the shed, from almost 70 years ago was still as fresh and edible as on the day it arrived in Antarctica, and wooden boxes, tin cans, cups, candle and paper in fact everything , are as well preserved as if by inanimate suspension. Antarctica has no flies, no bugs, — no bacillus can survive the cold temperatures — not even the common cold can survive. These same non-deteriorating conditions where found in Jan. From this it would seem safe to assume that human beings too would be subject to the same natural laws and therefore age much less quickly.

The significance of all these factors would not have been lost to a very health- conscious, vegetarian Adolf Hitler. Now could all of this have taken place in the 20th century without detection? What steps were taken to discover the truth? What has been done about the secret bases now that their existence has been established and established beyond a doubt?


Germany is not sovereign and thus the Germans do not have the same freedom as the British or Americans, for example. Hitler felt, based on his studies and an enormous amount of reading, that there existed a very definite plan by a small, but immensely powerful group of Jewish bankers, financiers, industrialists and others, to take control of the entire world. You can reach us Monday - Friday, 9 a. The Hittites, the Sumerians, and nameless peoples were of Aryan origin. My attempts to present my case to the International Court of Justice at The Hague were similarly frustrated. The Soviets are always very secretive. And if a German should express himself against the general injustice of the government, he is also depicted as a Nazi the word has a bad reputation but a Nazi was an upright citizen, , a right-wing extremist, a Volk agitator, and a few other insults with following court procedures and prison sentences.

Why did the world not hear about these incredible events? A large armed force of elite troops surrounded the whole of the Nuremberg area during the long agonizing months of the typically-Bolshevik show trials. Some men were actually caught, tried and convicted for attempting to free their leaders, but when the orgy of strangulations and torture was over, the Fuhrer was still nowhere to be.

Some UFO overflights and activities were reported but no actual armed clashes or incidents took place. A large expedition, lavishly financed was quickly put together. It consisted of over 4, specially selected elite U. Antarctic battle fleet left Norfolk, Va. At the same time it was announced officially that a similar English-Norwegian force was operating in a support capacity in Antarctic waters around Bahia Marguerite.

Obviously Churchill now realised that they should have destroyed Bolshevik Russia not Germany. Admiral Byrd, who had already undertaken a similar, though much smaller and speedier, investigation of the north pole was asked why he had recommended the establishment of armed observation camps. With them the very latest in military gear and gadgets, from amphibian tanks to troop carriers, helicopters, floatplanes and every other conceivable military apparatus.

Bases were established and quickly expanded. Observation planes were sent out all over the region. Reproduced here is a map giving a flight pattern of all the flights undertaken. Many thousands of photographs were taken and mapping missions flown. One particular flight stands out amongst all those reported and one in which Adm. Byrd, himself, was aboard. The instruments went totally haywire and the performance gauges and altimeters behaved in a most erratic manner, causing Adm.

All instruments returned to normal as soon as open terrain had been reached. It has been reported by papers and sources previously mentioned here, that Admiral Byrd had located the Secret Nazi Base and was approaching it when the above incident took place causing abandonment of the flight, but not before he is reported to have dropped an American flag some reports mention a bomb on the approximate spot of the base. Vengeance was apparently swift and it seems the Fuhrer was not to be humoured. See crash sites marked on map. Byrd hastily abandoned all his efforts and disembarked, with all his force, for home.

Byrd granted an interview to Lee van Atta. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defence measures against hostile regions. Earlier he had recommended defence bases at the North Pole. During this press conference the Admiral also stated that in a quickly shrinking world the United States could no longer derive any sense of security from its isolation or on the geographic distance of the poles or oceans.

These defence measures have since been taken. Admiral Byrd further stated that no one could give a more accurate accounting of the true significance of the situation than he could, since he had had occasion to employ the latest scientific developments and from what he had learned he could make comparisons. Meaning he had encountered the effect of the secret weapons?

When Admiral Byrd had arrived in the United States and the significance of his findings had found their way into the press, he was hospitalized. No hard information was ever unearthed but it seems his frank statements to the press in South America and on board the Olympus were not appreciated by the powers that be in Washington. Many definite and also very important conclusions can be drawn from the previous reporting: Apparently the Soviets went in in their usual barbaric style, bombed and burned everything to the ground, as reported by Dipl.

Schneider in the Viennese newspaper, K. Die aktuelle Serie, P. April 24, was a day that all hell broke loose. A supersonic Soviet jetbomber in a secret mission from Moscow to Vladivostok was lost without a trace over Siberia. The pilot was in voice contact with ground control stations when suddenly the transmission was interrupted. An intensive search by nearly two hundred planes was quickly organized over the area where the pilot was last heard from.

That same afternoon in Krasnojarsk, red alert was sounded and troops were deployed around the city because an entire formation of these silvery, silent visitors circled over the scared town. Apparently, entire salvoes of ground to air missiles were fired at hundreds of flying discs which crowded the airspace of the Sino-Soviet-Mongolian frontier area. There was a concerted action by the strange intruders against the town of Ulan Bator, where all flights seemed to emanate from and end. De grotten van de Sierra de Atapuerca bevatten een rijke verzameling fossielen van de eerste mensen in Europa.

Ze dateren van bijna een miljoen jaar geleden tot aan onze jaartelling. De fossielen vormen een uitzonderlijke hoeveelheid onderzoeksmateriaal waarvan de wetenschappelijke studie onschatbare informatie oplevert over het uiterlijk en de manier van leven van deze menselijke voorouders. Het gebied getuigt van de oorsprong en evolutie van zowel de bestaande menselijke beschaving als culturen die zijn verdwenen. De evolutionaire lijn of lijnen tussen Afrikaanse voorouders en de moderne mens zijn gedocumenteerd in dit gebied.

The property encompasses It constitutes an exceptional scientific reserve that provides priceless information about the appearance and way of life of these remote human ancestors. The Sierra de Atapuerca sites provide unique testimony of the origin and evolution both of the existing human civilization and of other cultures that have disappeared.

The evolutionary line or lines from the African ancestors of modern humankind are documented in these sites. The earliest and most abundant evidence of humankind in Europe is found in the Sierra de Atapuerca. The sites constitute an exceptional example of continuous human occupation, due to their special ecosystems and their geographical location.

The fossil remains in the Sierra de Atapuerca are an invaluable reserve of information about the physical nature and the way of life of the earliest human communities in Europe.

Bestselling Series

Generationen: Band 2: Henry - Kriegsfürst (German) Paperback – 19 Mar ); Language: German; ISBN ; ISBN Generationen by Sven Günther, , available at Book Depository with free Generationen: Band 2: Henry - Kriegsfürst Paperback; German pages; Dimensions x x 16mm | g; Publication date 19 Mar .

In addition, painted and engraved panels have been recorded, with geometrical motifs, hunting scenes, and anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures. The earliest and most abundant evidence of humankind in Europe is to be found in the caves of the Sierra de Atapuerca. The fossil remains in the Sierra de Atapuerca constitute an exceptional reserve of information about the physical nature and the way of life of the earliest human communities in Europe.

Generationen : Band 2: Henry - Kriegsfürst

The Archaeological site of Atapuerca has all the necessary elements, represented by the Pleistocene and Holocene deposits, and the adequate dimension to express its Outstanding Universal Value. The property also includes other archaeological and historic sites that provide information about other periods of occupation. The sequence of archaeo-paleontological deposits in the Sierra de Atapuerca consists of a series of sites with a rich and abundant fossil and archaeological record.

All are all cave sites, and it is a railway cutting that initially exposed some of them. Nevertheless, the activities recorded in these deposits accurately reflect past ways of life that occurred over a very long period of time in a relatively undisturbed environment, and were preserved in pristine condition until the time of their discovery.

The property shows no negative effects of development pressure, since it is a natural area sparsely populated and legally protected at the highest level. The regional government has the legal framework to control possible negative impacts on the site, particularly in relation to potential impacts to the visual qualities that are still retained.