Friedrich Nicolai und seine Zeit, Biografische Notizen (German Edition)

Thus, in , when Volkert declared that he was going out of business, he was offi- cially destitute.

The original text appears in the Appendix G56 I7 In-library use. Mitteilun- gen der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum 48 pp. Ponselle, Rosa, Performer [Swarthmore, Pa. The third one is not finished yet, and can be had only in about 6 weeks. Menhofer, v Zahlheim Syndicus prim:

His new wife was the year-old widow Anna Fankhauser, born in Bavaria Seyen keine mehr vorhanden. Auf Angaben des Wittibers, hatte Sie Verstorbene nichts unterlassen. Mann hat daher keine Sperr angeleget. Georg Stige- ler, Schutzverwandter Fragner. Anna Jos[ephstad]t Nro No relatives were known and she died destitute. He left no estate Walter, on the other hand, died a wealthy man.

As we shall see, these were quite exceptional innovations in keyboard design to be taking place in Vienna in the s. The normal range for both harpsichords and fortepianos at that time was five octaves FF-f3. Not until the s did Viennese makers begin to add one or two higher keys to the treble register FF-g3 , and only after c.

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Apart from the six-octave instru- ment that Charles Burney commissioned from J. Merlin in , specifi- cally for the playing of his four-hand music, the only pianofortes built with a compass of six octaves before the end of the 18th century were those made in c. The standard keyboard repertoire in the Clas- sical Era was written for a five-octave compass.

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Germany, Austria, and England, — Schubert durch die Brille 12 Jan. The Schubertian 59 Apr. See also ibidem, p. Die Klangwelt Mozarts, ed.

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What motivated him to expand the range? What music was performed on his instrument? As far as is known, this kind of double instrument — a combined harpsichord and fortepiano for two players facing each other — was invented in Augsburg by the famous keyboard maker Johann Andreas Stein and brought to Vienna in the spring of According to the report published by Paul von Stetten in , Stein displayed this instrument at the Imperial Court and his new invention made a great impression there: Stein has constructed many keyboard instruments, piano fortes, etc.

It is played by two persons who face each other at the ends of the large rectangular case: Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 21 pp. Maunder gives reasons placing Stein in Vienna in March , or at least before the end of May, when he was known to have been in Mu- nich. Stein was certainly back in Augsburg in October , when Mozart visited him and praised his fortepianos.

See Richard Maunder, Keyboard instruments, see fn. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte des Klavierbaues.

Auf dieser Reise be- gleitete ihm zum ersten Mal seine kleine Tochter Nanette. Early Music 30 p. Latcham gives a photograph and detailed description of this combination instrument here. The two wing-shaped forms, with keyboards at each end, are fitted together in a rectangular case. This suggests that it was the first such instrument Stein made which in turn tallies with the date of , the year in which Stein invented the instrument, according to a historical source [von Stetten in ].

At one end there are 2 manu- als, of which one plays at normal pitch but the other an octave higher, that is, it is a so- called ottavino, with a pleasing sound. The upper manual can be pushed in to couple it to the lower, and by shifting the jack registers and buff stop various mutations are to be had. At the other end, however, with one manual, is the so-called Pantalon-type instrument. The Galpin Society Journal 57 pp. Perhaps the Diarium advertise- ment was an early attempt to sell his new Viennese invention?

Besides, it is also of such durability that in the past two years, [kept] at the highest pitch, no change has been observed in it.

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Moreover, I summoned the Instrument maker Stein of Augsburg and had him inspect and examine this Instrument and his judgement resulting there- from was that it would be difficult to find something like it in accuracy, durability and superiority of tone in Vienna; furthermore, that he would not be in a position to deliver something of the kind for under ducats, [verso] and at the same time could not guarantee that it would turn out as well.

I attest to this with my handwritten signature and my seal. In a letter to his father, written on 24 March , Mozart mentioned that he was planning to attend a concert held at the residence of Hofrath von Braun, adding the important tidbit: Karl Adolph des H. Freyherr von Braun, A[ugsburger] C[onfession] log. Ein Kommentar zum Mozart-Brief: Mitteilungen der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum 38 pp. Briefe und Aufzeichnungen, ed. He especially treasures the compositions of the great Philipp Emanuel Bach. Of course this means that the majority of the public in Vienna is against him.

On the other hand, Carl Adolf von Braun was the father of the talented pianist and composer Ludwig von Braun c. Ber- lin—Stettin , vol. Er hat freylich darinn den zahlreichsten Theil des Publikums zu Wien wider sich. Die Dokumente seines Lebens. Peter von Braun did not receive his Freiherr title until , and his father never had this title. Eight- eenth-Century Music 3 pp. Since their father was such an admirer of C. Latcham argues that this might have been a dou- ble instrument, perhaps a piano combined with a harpsichord: The less expensive ones were most likely either so-called square pianos or harp-shaped pianos [ Johann Volker has constructed.

I have found them to possess — according to the unanimous affirmation and approval of all experts — such proficiency and durability of workmanship, such tone qual- ity and correctness in the mensuration, in such a manner that it would be hard to find any that surpass them. Or, at least I would doubt it very 54 Private communication from Michael Lorenz. Carl Adolph von Braun had at least six children.

The Galpin Society Journal 51 pp.

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Augsburg Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte 68 p. Vienna, 13 May He came to Vienna in , and remained there until at least , later be- coming an adviser to Herzog Friedrich Franz in Ludwigslust, near Schwerin. He died in Schwerin on 17 January Ditmar is also known in the Mo- zart literature, since his name appears on the same subscription list from mentioned above Since the term fortepiano was not yet in com- mon use, he was apparently uncertain about what to call these instruments. He may have been thinking of Walter.

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The fortepiano as such a keyboard instrument using a hammer mechanism to produce variable dy- namics was not unknown in Vienna prior to the s. As far as is known, these are the first clearly documented appearances of the term in Vienna, 58 The Hof- und Staats-Schematismus. Gottfried Rudolph des H. Reichs Freyherr von Ditmar, A. Other biographical details were found on the web site www. In the meantime, there is evidence that the rectangular Tafelklavier, a smaller clavichord-shaped instrument with hammers or tangents , was also present in Vienna.

And Charles Burney reported as follows about a house concert he heard in Vienna in early September Ausklang Seekadett auf S. Zrinyi Der Stab S. Tegetthoff Kaiser Wilhelm II. Custoza Die Balkankrise zeichnet sich ab Ordre de bataille: Lussin im Kondukt Die Mobilisierung der k. Erste Jahrgangskameraden interniert Propaganda per Radiotelegramm Heer u.

Friedrich Nicolai und seine Zeit, Biografische Notizen (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Helmut H. Schulz. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, . Friedrich Nicolai und seine Zeit, Biografische Notizen (German Edition) eBook: Helmut H. Schulz: Kindle Store.

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