You’re the Who?: A guide to classic band name origins + rock connections!

This book-length tutorial explores the nature of the beast, and reviews all popular back pain treatments. It is not a sales pitch for a miracle cure! The seriousness of chronic low back pain is often emphasized in terms of the hair-raising economic costs of work absenteeism, but it may well be far worse than that — a recent Swedish study shows that it probably even shortens people lives.

Even worse is that good information exists: Usual care provided by general practitioners for low back pain does not match the care endorsed in international evidence-based guidelines and may not provide the best outcomes for patients. This situation has not improved over time. In this tutorial, you will meet those medical experts and find out what they know and believe and why. The evidence that tissue pathology does not explain chronic pain is overwhelming e.

I apply a MythBusters approach to health care without explosives: I have fun questioning everything. I read scientific journals , I explain the science behind key points there are more than footnotes here, drawn from a huge bibliography , and I always link to my sources. Researchers tested a series of web-based pain management tutorials on a group of adults with chronic pain. They all experienced reductions in disability, anxiety, and average pain levels at the end of the eight week experiment as well as three months down the line. At the same time, I am realistic about the limits of the science, much of which is pretty junky.

My decade of professional experience as a Registered Massage Therapist does help me understand and write about low back pain, but what really matters is that I refer to and explain recent scientific evidence , but without blindly trusting it. Why does the myth of mechanical back pain get repeated endlessly on the Internet and in health care offices around the world?

The main text is user-friendly, but oodles of footnotes provide extra info and citations. I do criticize many common practices and beliefs. Is professional care for low back pain really this dodgy? Sadly, I believe so. I clearly remember graduating clueless myself. All of the points above — and many more — will be explained and supported in great detail below. This book is overkill for new and acute cases. The purpose of this tutorial is to review and expand the options. This tutorial is great for people who like to understand their problems.

Its dorky, quirky thoroughness is unlike anything the big medical sites offer, and the lack of a miracle cure secret is rare among independent sources. Not that this is saying much! I update the tutorial regularly. But I will not just tell you what you want to hear.

Understanding low back pain as well as possible is valuable, but it will not necessarily lead to a cure. Sadly, some low back pain cannot be fixed. People who believed for years that their pain was invincible have found relief. Not always, and often not completely — but sometimes any relief is far better than nothing. How can extremely stubborn pain finally ease up? So many health professionals are poorly prepared to treat low back pain that patients can easily go for months or even years without once getting good care and advice.

Donnie Thompson is the only man to total 3, lbs 1, lb squat, lb bench, lb deadlift. He could barely walk, but he got out of bed and rehabbed himself every day. Within three months he was back to heavy squatting and setting personal records.


Setting personal records three months following an injury that herniated 3 discs! How could that be? I have never met a patient — no matter how experienced or self-educated — who could not gain at least some new insights and new hope from this tutorial. But both are real physical problems! Tools like yoga and meditation are great for those who enjoy them , but not required. A weakness in Dr. This tutorial explores more practical options.

Andy Whitfield, star of Spartacus , thought he just had back pain from his intense gladiatorial training. In fact, he had a tumour. It killed him in The most dangerous thing about trying to reassure low back pain patients is the unnerving possibility that I might reassure someone who should not be. But reassurance is almost always appropriate. Most back injury feels worse than it is — its bark is worse than its bite. Can you recognize the early warning sign of cancer, infection, autoimmune disease, or spinal cord injury? These things often cause other distinctive signs and symptoms, and so they are usually diagnosed promptly.

If you are aware of these red flags, you can get checked out when the time is right — but please avoid excessive worry before that. The rule of thumb 14 is that you should start a more thorough medical investigation only when three conditions are met:. This free article explains in more detail including a list of red flags and is strongly recommended to anyone who feels nervous:. In all other cases, you can safely read this tutorial first.

For instance, even if you have severe pain or numbness and tingling down your leg, you can safely read this first. Or, even if you have an obviously severe muscle tear from trying to lift your car or something, you can safely start here — rest and read. Your back is not as fragile as you probably think, and understanding why is a great starting place for healing in nearly all cases of low back pain. Working at the edge is a risk. But then again, so is walking out your front door. In this section, I will challenge the mythology in just a few paragraphs, supported by over thirty references to the best scientific information available — references you can check for yourself.

This is quite different than most sources of patient-focused low back pain information, which tend to avoid discussing the evidence. Most people — and most health care professionals — believe that back pain is usually caused mainly by structural problems , either injury or degeneration of the spine. This idea is not supported by the scientific evidence. When structural problems are exaggerated, you also get a plague of bogus explanations and solutions based on that. Spines do degenerate, but not for the reasons most people think they do: The idea that the spine is fragile is an unjustified but deeply held belief, based on ignorance of a complex subject and on an obsolete mechanical view of biology that has dominated medical thinking for centuries.

Continue reading this page immediately after purchase. See a complete table of contents below. Most content on PainScience.

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Such a great post, and so honest! Thanks for the post. I finally had a platform to get my work seen, tell my stories, share my life and get inspired by those of others. I had suffered from undiagnosed and seemingly untreatable low back pain since late August last year. Added a quote that beautifully expresses the reason for treating chronic pain with … maturity.

Almost everything on this website is free: This page is only one of 8 big ones that have a price tag. There are also hundreds of free articles, including several about low back pain. But this page goes into extreme detail, and selling access to it keeps the lights on and allows me to publish everything else without ads. Paying in your own non-USD currency is always cheaper! My prices are set slightly lower than current exchange rates, but most cards charge extra for conversion. So I just offer my customers prices converted at slightly better than the current rate.

My business never actually handles card info it goes straight from your web browser to Stripe. You can pay with PayPal. Please specify the book you are ordering! I process orders promptly during working hours, usually within two hours, often much less; night orders are processed early the next day. You will receive order confirmation and access information by email. A There is no paper book. I sell digital reading material only: Health care information changes fast!

You can also print the book on a home printer. Feel free to lend your tutorial: I do not impose silly lending limits like with most other ebooks. No complicated policies or rules, just the honour system! You buy it, you can share it. You can also give it as a gift. A Literally safer than a bank machine. Card info never touches my servers. Why put a time limit on refunds for a digital product? A To help prevent fraud, to help with order lookups in the future … and nothing else. No legalese, just plain English. Save a bundle on a bundle! More information and purchase options.

Other articles on PainScience. Testimonials on health care websites reek of quackery, so publishing them has always made me a bit queasy. These are all genuine testimonials, mostly received by email. In many cases I withold or change names and identifying details. Thank you immensely for the best, most sensible and credible information on back pain. So glad you came up in my google search.

Save Yourself from Low Back Pain!

Credible, reassuring, and humorous too. I purchased the low back tutorial recently and got the free trigger points one also. I had already accessed the perfect spot series and have been working on my trigger points. It is very pleasing to have the full discussion of the physiology , and I now have a much better idea about the whole ghastly business.

Your presentation is excellent. I spent seven hours straight sitting at my computer and my back didn't hurt at all! I had suffered from undiagnosed and seemingly untreatable low back pain since late August last year. Three physiotherapists, my GP, two RMTs, and my generally excellent personal trainer failed to help me make any progress. At my last visit to my GP in late December, he maintained his insistence that I just needed to loosen up my hamstrings!

The systematic approach you took to reviewing all the supposed cures and providing a clear analysis of each and no doubt saved me thousands of dollars and months of frustration. That gave me the focus to work on trigger points known to cause LBP with the help of some additional books and a great TP therapy app for my phone.

I love what you do, I read your site often, and I recommend it to friends. Thanks more than you know. I have had life-altering low back pain for more than 8 years. Sarno himself, injections, dry needling of trigger points and massage from a physiatrist, chiropractic work and more. Your low back pain tutorial is refreshing. It was nice to read something clear and logical that is actually consistent with my experience. I teach a course, Medicine in Society , at St.

Leonards Hospital in Hoxton. I originally stumbled across your website whilst looking for information about pain for my medical students, and have recommended your tutorials to them. She said she loved rock and roll. This began my introduction to music. Even though I am tone deaf and can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it, I still have my mom's love of music in me.

I love all kinds: If it has a beat or a melody, I usually like it.

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I suppose that with my early indoctrination, it would be inevitable that someday I would write a book about music, or more precisely, the makers of music. I have written and published all types of work, from short stories to poems to articles but this was truly a labor of love. In it I show how that the creative process, besides the writing, playing, and singing of music, includes the choosing of a name. Thank you for your very insightful constructive criticism lol!!!

I am a professional photographer and I do have a respectable photography business, my work was featured by major publications and by Canon and i worked with advertising agencies many times. Maybe give it a second read buddy! Thanks for writing about this! This is also what I feel about Instagram now. Hi Janis, Thank you so much for reading! SO many of you guys feel the same way!

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A guide to classic band name origins + rock connections! - Kindle Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading You're the Who?. A guide to classic band name origins + rock connections! eBook: Kindle Store; ›; Kindle eBooks; ›; Arts, Film & Photography; ›; You're the Who?: A guide to.

Define made it deary! Perfectly encapsulates what is going on, and how Instagram lost what made it the best — the inspiring genuine community. I feel exactly the same, and will take away exactly what you are doing — using it for the art. For the work, for the pasison and for the community. Thanks so much for this. This is a post with serious impact.

Not only you share almost every trick in the book but you pin point how it all went wrong.

You're the Who? : (Band and Stage Name Origins+Rock Connections) by John Darling (2012, Paperback)

It is quite open and brave of you to share all this. I shared on FB and twitter, more people need to read this. Once I started to see bot comments on my feed, I dropped out of all of it. I wish Instagram had stayed with its chronological order, but I guess there is no money that way. Brands need to start looking for authentic engagement, and content producers need to stop relying on third party websites and apps that can change the rules any time they like. I still post for the people I have following me and I do really enjoy scrolling through still but i hate the culture it has created.

I want a new platform that rewards people for being honest, kind and a part of their community. I also hope people get more into blogs as blogging is what I like to do the most. The more I learn about Instagram the more it makes me frustrated and sad. So happy to read this, as I think there really lack focus on this! I wrote something similar on my blog a few days ago, and as I see it the ones to blame are the companies that demands numbers and only numbers when they are looking for influencers to cooperate with.

It has absolutely nothing to do with quality marketing, and they have to open their eyes for this! I only started IG about 7 months ago. Great job of laying it all out there. I love beaches and will continue to post pics of my travels. It may not capture the worlds attention, but hopefully a few will share my passion. So sad that you think that all instagrammers with a large number of follwers per definition buy followers. That is a huge accuse that is SO untrue.

Although we are all sad and a bit confused about what IG has turned into. But you have to keep your integrity Best,. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing your experience! So so true…I must admit ig became a part of my life. Spending more than 1 hour a day it became an addiction.

The more the better, who can blame those big accounts for asking so much money to post a picture, i would do exactly the same i guess.

5 Famous Bands Who Hated Their Own Albums

My account grew up steady but everything changed with those big accounts and the advertising. Ig is not free, it became a big company for…. I have one question I need answered by every single blogger who is insta famous… who the hell is taking your photos??? Do you need an photographer BF to be insta famous cos I just cant figure it out! Thanks for your honestly!

So good that somebody is finally speaking about the dirty strategies. Thank you for a this, Sara. I do hope too that IG will be back to how it used to be. All should be fair and square again. Thanks so much for sharing this Sara. Saw this on FB and pop by to read cos am really depressed to see IG accounts these days. The likes and followers are dropping, no Creative contents either to the extent of no longer feeling motivated.

I miss the days where you could actually use social media to connect with people. Sara, Thank you so much for writing this and sharing. And your eloquence sums up my thoughts on that better than I can myself. I hope we can find a way to get back to seeing breakfasts at breakfast time and fairness in what is in the feed….. I want to love Instagram like I did, because I really did. Your content is beautiful x. Thanks for sharing this honest post, I will use it to explain to people how I feel about Instagram!

Comments like these make influencers use tricks and scams to grow their numbers unfortunately. Thanks for reading Giulia! Think that i have good engagement but I get no paid work because my numbers are too low…it makes me sick to my stomach how it all works! I have 4 accounts 1 personal and have lost the original love of IG — capturing beautiful moments.

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Wow, love the fact how you just cut the crap out and say it as it is! Such a great post, and so honest! Still, really enjoyed reading this post and glad I came across it! Thanks for this, I now realise that IG is utter bs and I am perhaps never going to grow my business in there unless I am part of the crooked gang. So, I humbly bow out of this and will continue to just do me. Build my empire outside of this system — it is so sad though. Thanks again for sharing — wishing you continued success. Hi Sarah Just not long read your insight into Instagram…. I had suspicions of match fixing etc…and wondered how so many have massive accounts in little time…we have been posting 12 months and just wondered what you have to do to get that sort of momentum….

I struggle with this everyday and even though the numbers are such a ego boost I could never get myself to do. What a brave piece of work from you and wish you much success!! Oh Sara… thank you for laying this out. The InstaDouche thing confuses me though. Why would someone follow and then unfollow? I look forward to your insights. I miss what Instagram was!! This is exactly what Twitter went through in the early days as well.

I felt the same way as you did. What I have learned by stepping back from the system to look at the big picture is that the platforms are taking the right steps though. They need to make money. Also if you are a creative, you do need to market yourself and understand strategy to succeed. I had the perception that istagram works as you say, especially people that follow you for a couple of days to get your like and then unfollow you …as there are thousand of app to get like , followers , unfollowers even for free.. So good for you to be so straight but nothing new.. I miss the old Instagram.

The current algorithm and all the tips for beating it feel like cheating. It has become a competition instead of a visually artistic platform. Ma non si riesce a uscire da questo loop instagramiano??? It is greatly appreciated and I truly hope that this starts a much-needed conversation about Instagram culture.

I had no idea about all these. Here me working my ass off , photographing the daily life of Thailand but no followers at all. I love your honesty, it is more than refreashing! There must be a solution to this issue…. And your photography is beautiful x. I will be starting my own travel vlog and this was a reminder to never forget what your mission really is. I absolutely admire your strength to come up with such alarming topic. Great reading, beautiful thoughts. Fortunately, my IG account is an experiment in trying to get legit followers. I check every follower and can often predict the trends in my numbers.

Have not hesitated to report commenters advertising to get me likes. I am building my Instagram slowly because I really want to be followed by people who like my work. I just stumbled across your article on Business Insider and looked you up out of curiosity. I have to say, it takes REAL courage to stand up against the bullshit and speak your truth, no matter how hard your voice shakes. The whole social media world is corrupt af…. I was a pretty avid instagrammer who used to post the pictures I took on a regular basis. Sadly with this new evil algorithm started ruling I saw how undue was the priority given to irrelevant posts and how they bagged immense popularity.

Thank you for this post. I discovered the algorithm about a month ago and was shocked at what Instagram had become. It just confirms whats going on at the moment on IG. There more examples of how numbers are being misused and hubs overturned into somethings else. Also, I unfollowed all group accounts a long time ago and I wish I could turn them off altogether in the explore feed as well because all they do is generate traffic and engagement for themselves, hardly anyone bothers to tap through to the actual artist….

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Wow, thank you for this article Sara. I wander if there is any hope for those of us who are relatively new to Instagram to build our brand. This seems to be happening with a lot of the other platforms too. There must be a more creative and soulful way to share our stories and our art.

Great post laying it all out! The platform is developing and changing so quickly that I, for one, am still trying to wrap my head around these changes. Really appreciate the time you took to write such a truthful, detailed post that really rings true! This is such an eye opening and honest post! Thank you so much for sharing! I regret people left their blogs in favor of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.

I can follow blogs using feed readers in a normal unpolluted timeline. I so so appreciate this! Thanks for being so honest and open! Had a travel blog long ago. Never cared for ads or anything, staying true to my ideals and few readers. Put much effort in the articles but had to stop because it was too time-consuming. I sometimes write guest-posts on other blogs and have IG. I considered being active again but I just cant sell out myself.

And there dies my dream… Thanks for your honesty and for staying genuine! Thank you for this! A friend sent me a link to your blog post after I was complaining so much about Instagram. I think one thing that would be helpful is if Instagram reverted to a more honest algorithm. Can we start a petition or something? I know plenty of people who would sign.

Low back pain myths debunked and all your treatment options reviewed

Everyone was sharing their links so I shared mine for the 1st time nonchalantly. Thank you for your honesty in sharing all the games going on behind IG. Chronological posting should be a given. I am getting lots of Italian followers and I was oh cool Italians like my work, but then I saw as soon as I followed them back they unfollowed me. I realized there is a trick behind all of this. How sad is this world we live in? Noone cares about anyone, its just about followers, numbers. I quit my job because I had to trick people commercial tv as I dont want to be part of this fake world!

An article to enlighten us all. Instagram and Facebook changes have had a negative effect for small business. It works only if you are prepared to invest many dollars and time into it. My time is too precious! I know all the tricks but never used them. Im glad people realise what insta had become but its so unfair. I try so hard to create a great instagram and have no visibilty. I realised that everyone is buying everything. Without cheating the only way to have more visibility is the list but how can i get to the top 9 when people are buying 1k likes in a minute. Unfortunately, where does that still leave us — honest Instagrammers who are trying to grow their brand through original content that we put our time, heart and soul into??

Our work is still not seen! Are comment pods that bad? And is there any good way to scale my following around my topic faster than just manually uploading every shot through Instagram? What are YOUR tips for legit workflows for growth on Instagram today for people that have little following?

Thank you so much, Sara, for speaking for all of us!! I have to decide for myself — fight or flight.. Idk, it gets very discouraging. So many people looking for the quick version of fame and fortune! Love this article and thank you for writing it!! The dark and the ugly secrets of IG. Thanks for putting such brave article. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Just wanted to say powerful and thought-provoking post. I am on Instagram as a way to show my art to people who might otherwise see it.

But after reading this, it is clear that I also need to look at having my own website in the near future. I have lost followers in 10 months. I feel Instagram is no longer worth it. My followers no longer see my posts and the ones that do get annoyed with algothrims putting my post on their pages everyday on top. I regret being honest and trying to grow my viewership organically.

The cheats now can be organic with the followers they tricked into following them because of false popularity. I will give you props for confessing to being just another con job though. Says the frustrated and angry wannabe photographer guy! Thank you for sharing this post. You shed light on a lot of practices that I knew nothing about. Adults really doing this? Sounds like kids thing, all those social media machinations.

If you want to make better business, make a better business. Nobody ever need instagram to improve it. Thanks for this post! Pretty sad to this happening. Guess it was good while it lasted! I hope something else for creatives comes a long, maybe we should be the ones to build something new? Now that I understand that, I think my ability to use Instagram will increase. Keep doing it the right way, and thank you for showing me some of the bad tricks to avoid and to look out for in others. Hi Sara, Thanks for your honesty. One idea, that you might have already, is that you and other influential accounts could get together to petition Instagram to go back to the old chronological posting system.

If Instagram realise that some of the best users of there platform believe it is being damaged they might listen.

A long shot but maybe worth it. I totally agree with your article.