Qualitative Strategiebewertungsmethoden: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen (German Edition)

Finally the flow in a draft tube of a Kaplan turbine is calculated and compared with results from model tests. Dazu wird eine Stabilisierte Finite Element Formulierung entwickelt, bei der die gleichen Ansatzfunktionen fuer Geschwindigkeiten und Druck verwendet werden. Das Verfahren wird damit unabhaengig von der Form der Elemente. Dies vereinfacht die Anwendung. Vor allem wird der Umgang mit den Randbedingungen erleichert.

Die Elementunabhaengigkeit erreicht man auch mit dem erweiterten Uzawa-Algorithmus, welcher quadratische Ansatzfunktionen fuer die Geschwindigkeiten und elementweisen konstanten Druck verwendet. Dieses Verfahren wird ebenso implementiert. Zur Erstellung der unstrukturierten Gitter wird ein Algorithmus erzeugt, der Netze aus Dreiecks- und Tetraederelementen erstellt, welche stroemungsabhaengige Groessen besitzen koennen.

Anhand einiger Standardgeometrien werden die beiden Berechnungsmethoden mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur verglichen. Als praxisrelevantes Beispiel wird abschliessend die Stroemung in einem Saugrohr einer Kaplanturbine berechnet. The method of the photoelectron spectroscopy for the observation of ultrafst processes in metals; Die Methode der Photoelektronenspektroskopie zur Beobachtung ultraschneller Prozesse in Metallen.

An essential thematic main topic of this experimental-physical thesis is the observation of the thermalization of hot electrons of a metal film, which were excited and heated by an ultrashort laser pulse. Applied for this was a modification of the method of the photoelectron spectroscopy, at which it is by an optical-pump examination technique possible, to study the dynamics of the electron energy distribution in the metal with high time resolution.

The laser pulses required for the surpassing of the metal escape work in the ultraviolet spectral range are by that produced, that pulses of a Ti: For the success of this measurement method with high time resolution high requirements both on the quality of the exciting laser pulses and the ultrahigh-vacuum apparature of the photoelectron spectrometer are indispensable. The essential details of these special requirements are extensively discussed in this thesis.

The excitation of the metal sample by intense and ultrashort laser pulses of different wavelength led after evaluation of the photoemission spectra and after analysis of the structural character of the metal surface to an extension of already existing knowledge concerning the photoemission at simultaneous absorption of two or several photons. Verwendet wurde dazu eine Abwandlung der Methode der Photoelektronenspektroskopie, bei der es durch eine optische Pump-Abfrage-Technik moeglich ist, die Dynamik der Elektronenenergieverteilung im Metall mit hoher Zeitaufloesung zu untersuchen.

Die zur Ueberwindung der metallischen Austrittsarbeit erforderlichen Laserimpulse im ultravioletten Spektralbereich werden. A method for the development of reliable vehicle powernets; Powernet Profiling. Eine Methode zur Entwicklung sicherer Energiebordnetze. Mathar, Sebastian; Lammermann, Matthias [Inst. This publication shows the influences of innovative mild-hybrid functions on the design of neuralgic powernet components. It is pointed out which special demands need to be fulfilled by the energy storage devices and the alternator when introducing novel powernet measures.

The consequences on the electrical vehicle powernet are derived and it is shown, which countermeasures can be taken in order to avoid negative influences on the customer as far as possible. This paper demonstrates, how Powernet Profiling can be used for these purposes as an integral method for the development and design of safe vehicle powernets. Comparison of different methods of assessing the tar content of gases from wood gasification; Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Bestimmung des Teergehalts in Gasen aus der Holzvergasung.

The authors present a method developed at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Steam Boiler Technology IVD of Stuttgart University for quasi-continuous online measurement of tar concentrations in gases from biomass gasification. The method is compared with other methods in terms of time requirements, accuracy, and cost: Gravimetry, wet chemical analysis, solid phase amino-adsorption SPA , and online process gas chromatography. The measurements were carried out on the fluidized-bed combustion system of the IVD. The measured tar concentrations differed widely, i.

Vergast wurde Holz bei C und einer Luftzahl von 0. Der mit den verschiedenen Verfahren ermittelte Teergehalt unterscheidet sich zum Teil erheblich. Es ergaben sich Werte zwischen 0. Probabilistic exposure assessment in environmental medicine and customer protection. Probabilistic exposure assessment for assessing the health effects of environmental pollution; Probabilistische Expositionsabschaetzung in Umweltmedizin und Verbraucherschutz. Probabilistische Expositionsabschaetzung zur Beurteilung der gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Umweltbelastungen. Risikoabschaetzungen ueber die moeglichen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Umweltbelastungen sind moeglichst exakte Abschaetzungen der Schadstoffexposition der Betroffenen unerlaesslich.

Zur Durchfuehrung solcher Expositionsabschaetzungen koennen zwei grundlegend unterschiedliche Ansaetze verfolgt werden: Die traditionelle deterministische Methode der Expositionsabschaetzung geht von Messwerten einzelner Belastungsparameter z. Schadstoff-Konzentration in der Luft, im Boden etc. Zur Beschreibung der Exposition und damit zur Ableitung des zu erwartenden Risikos wird fuer die in die Berechnung einfliessenden Groessen haeufig jeweils das Dieses als Punktschaetzung fuer den sog.

Der probabilistische Ansatz verwendet demgegenueber fuer alle verfuegbaren Parameter deren statistische Verteilungen und verknuepft sie miteinander. Beim Monte Carlo-Verfahren werden entsprechend der Verteilungsfunktionen der eingehenden Parameter Stichproben 'gezogen' und miteinander verknuepft. Mit zunehmendem Stichprobenumfang konvergieren die Simulationsergebnisse schliesslich gegen die gesuchte Expositionsverteilung. Gerade in den fuer die gesundheitliche Bewertung besonders relevanten Randbereichen der Verteilungen liegen zuweilen nur wenige Daten vor. Dies fuehrt zu Ungenauigkeiten in der Expositionsabschaetzung, da deren Qualitaet wesentlich von der Qualitaet, Quantitaet und Repraesentativitaet der vorhandenen Messwerte abhaengt, aus denen die Ausgangsverteilungen bestimmt werden.

Dennoch ist bei ausreichender Datenbasis der probabilistische Ansatz der Verwendung von Punktschaetzern zur Expositionsabschaetzung deutlich ueberlegen und sollte daher zunehmend auch Eingang in die Praxis der Risikoabschaetzung. Development of a transient photocurrent response method for non-destructive analysis of defects in solar cells; Entwicklung einer Transient Photocurrent Response- Methode zur zerstoerungsfreien Untersuchung von Stoerstellen in Solarzellen.

During this TPCR measuring method the transient photocurrent signal, generated by a repeating, rectangular, monochromatic irradiation, is recorded in dependence on the darkness between the irradiation pulses and on the temperature of the cells. Bei diesem TPCR-Messverfahren wird das durch eine repetierende, rechteckfoermige, monochromatische Bestrahlung erzeugte transiente Photostrom-Signal in Abhaengigkeit von der Dunkelzeit zwischen den Bestrahlungspulsen und von der Tempeatur der Zelle aufgenommen.

Zur Anwendung universeller Methoden in der Afrikaforschung Konferenzbericht. Full Text Available Drawing from a combination of specific, empirical research projects with different theoretical backgrounds, a workshop discussed one methodological aspect often somewhat overlooked in African Studies: Participants addressed several questions, along with presenting overviews of how different disciplines within African Studies approach comparison in their research and naming specific challenges within individual research projects. The questions examined included: Why is explicit comparative research so rare in African Studies?

Is comparative research more difficult in the African context than in other regions?

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Does it benefit our research? Should scholars strive to generalise beyond individual cases? Do studies in our field require an explicit comparative design, or will implicit comparison suffice? Cross-discipline communication should help us to move forward in this methodological debate, though in the end the subject matter and specific research question will lead to the appropriate comparative approach, not the other way round. Warum ist die explizit vergleichende Methode in der Afrikaforschung so selten? Ist vergleichende Forschung im Kontext Afrikas schwieriger anwendbar als in der Forschung zu anderen Regionen?

Verbessert sie unsere Forschungsresultate? Ist in der Afrikaforschung eine. Source oriented modeling of the nitrat pollution of surface waters - application of the immission method for the reporting according to the EC nitrat guideline; Verursacherbezogene Modellierung der Nitratbelastung der Oberflaechengewaesser - Anwendung des Immissionsverfahrens zur Berichterstattung zur EU-Nitratrichtlinie.

Germany ; Bach, M. Germany ; Pagenkopf, W. If variations in the nitrate concentrations caused by variation of runoff are neglected unique trends of the nitrate pollution from agriculture can not be detected since the mid of 80's. More detailed analysis were carried out for 15 EU monitoring stations. The average winter concentration of nitrate is for the half of these stations constant and a low reduction can be observed for the other half. A similar result shows the average winter concentrations at low flow conditions.

The separation of the nitrogen sources into diffuse and point sources using the immission approach shows for both a small decrease for the period in comparison with the previous period. The immission method shows similar results as the emission model. The nitrogen surplus area related balance in the agricultural soils were estimated for Germany and for the German countries to show the causes of the nitrogen problem in agriculture.

Contrary the N-surplus in the old German countries is characterised by a slow decrease over the whole time period since The influence of the order for the. Quasi Monte Carlo methods for optimization models of the energy industry with pricing and load processes; Quasi-Monte Carlo Methoden fuer Optimierungsmodelle der Energiewirtschaft mit Preis- und Last-Prozessen. We discuss progress in quasi Monte Carlo methods for numerical calculation integrals or expected values and justify why these methods are more efficient than the classic Monte Carlo methods.

Quasi Monte Carlo methods are found to be particularly efficient if the integrands have a low effective dimension. That's why We also discuss the concept of effective dimension and prove on the example of a stochastic Optimization model of the energy industry that such models can posses a low effective dimension. Modern quasi Monte Carlo methods are therefore for such models very promising. Erwartungswerten und begruenden warum diese Methoden effizienter sind als die klassischen Monte Carlo Methoden. Quasi-Monte Carlo Methoden erweisen sich als besonders effizient, falls die Integranden eine geringe effektive Dimension besitzen.

Deshalb diskutieren wir auch den Begriff effektive Dimension und weisen am Beispiel eines stochastischen Optimierungsmodell aus der Energiewirtschaft nach, dass solche Modelle eine niedrige effektive Dimension besitzen koennen. New method for the automatic control of decentralized system-tie frequency converters; Neues Verfahren zur Regelung von dezentralen Netzkupplungsumrichtern. Xie Jian [Ulm Univ. The calculation of the optimum rectifier voltage for minimum losses is based on the line impedances be-tween the substation and the neighbouring substations. A new method for the online determination of these impedances is proposed.

The test results obtained support the viability of this approach. Die Transition zur pflegenden Tochter. Grundlage der Publikation ist die Dissertation der Autorin. Full Text Available [english] In some applications statisticians are confronted with values which are reported to be below a limit of detection or quantitation. These left-censored variables are a challenge in the statistical analysis. In a simulation study, we compare different methods to deal with this type of data in statistical applications.

These include measures of location, dispersion, association, and statistical modeling. We illustrate the application of the multiple imputation approach and the Tobit regression with an example from occupational epidemiology. Wir illustrieren die Anwendung der multiplen Imputationsmethode und der Tobit Regression anhand eines Beispiels aus der Epidemiologie der Arbeitswelt. A numerical calculation method for flow discretisation in complex geometry with body-fitted grids; Rechenverfahren zur Diskretisierung von Stroemungen in komplexer Geometrie mittels koerperangepasster Gitter.

To improve the cooling concept, a further simulation is carried out for a modified geometry with a slightly inclined cooler. This is difficult to be done in the Cartesian coordinate system. The result gained with the new discretisation method demonstrates an increase in the convection velocities and thus an improved cooling capability for the core melt.

The method significantly expands the application range of the numerical simulation from simple geometry to arbitrary geometry. Es besteht deshalb die Notwendigkeit von Stroemungsberechnungen im allgemeinen Koordinatensystem, damit die numerische Simulation in beliebiger, zumindest jedoch krummlinig berandeter Geometrie durchgefuehrt werden kann.

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein numerisches Rechenverfahren fuer die Diskretisierung von Stroemungen in einem koerperangepassten Gitter entwickelt. Das Rechenverfahren wird durch die dreidimensionale Koordinatentransformation fuer die Impulsgleichungen, die Kontinuitaets- und Energiegleichung im versetzten nichtorthogonalen Gitter erstellt.

Aufgrund der Anschaulichkeit und der leichteren Diskretisierung der transformierten Gleichungen werden kartesische Geschwindigkeitskomponenten eingesetzt. Die Definition aller drei kartesischen Geschwindigkeitskomponenten an jeder Oberflaeche eines Kontrollvolumens sichert die enge Druck-Geschwindigkeit-Kopplung auch auf stark krummlinigen Gittern. Nach der Diskretisierung und der linearen Interpolation erscheinen insgesamt 19 unbekannte Druckknoten in der transformierten Druckgleichung fuer drei Dimensionen. Durch die explizite Behandlung der querabgeleiteten Terme ergibt sich wieder der uebliche 7-Punkt-Gleichungstyp, der mit.

Multidimensional method for the determination of control power considering uncertainties; Multidimensionales Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Regelleistungsbedarfes unter Beruecksichtigung von Unsicherheiten. Lehrstuhl fuer Energiesysteme und Energiewirtschaft. One of the most crucial constraints in operation of electrical power supply systems is the permanent balance between generation and load.

Reserve power is held ready to be able to keep this balance also in case of the occurrence of unpredictable events like power plant outages or inevitable deviations of power injections from their predicted values. At this, the allocation of operating reserves is in the field of conflict between level of reliability and cost effectiveness. The amount of reserve generation capacity required in a control area heavily depends on prediction quality which constitutes the need for high quality predictions. This article is about the influence of prediction quality on the amount of reserve generation capacity required in a control area.

The algorithms for the assessment of required reserve generation capacity known from literature use the variation calculus technique to account for the aforementioned unpredictable events and prediction errors. In this article, an extension to a convolution-based method is presented in which the uncertainties of the predictions are expressed using intervals. Each parameter is represented by an independent dimension, assuming statistical independence among them.

This allows the distinct analysis of each parameter's influence on the amount of required reserve generation capacity. In addition, two methods for the visualization of the multi-dimensional results are presented, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the parameters' influences. Standard distribution functions are used to represent the parameters for the simulation and the results are shown as probability density functions of possible imbalances.

Based on forecasts of the development of conventional power plants and regenerative generation in the years , and , the required control power of the future German transmission system is calculated. Influences and dependencies are identified with the extended convolution-based method. Sewer slime analysis as a method of spotting heavy metal bearing waste water discharge.

Sielhautuntersuchungen zur Einkreisung schwermetallhaltiger Einleitungen. The sewer slime method , in analogy to sediment analyses, informs about the discharges which are polluted with heavy metals and fed into the public sewage system at specific points, independent of the time of discharge. The sewer slime consisting of bacteria, fungi, organic and inorganic compounds concentrates heavy metals by sedimentation, adsorption and precipitation processes and thus represents a pollution indicator.

This study characterizes sewer slimes by means of physical properties and by analysis of the chemical and biological composition. The mechanisms of heavy metal enrichment and reduction under altered environmental conditions are analyzed using the elements Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn as examples. Method for the determination of the radon entry rate inside buildings; Methodik zur Bestimmung der Radonquellstaerke in Gebaeuden. The radon entry rate describes the radon characteristics of a building, which are defined by its constructional condition tightness of building envelope and the geological realities radon soil gas concentration.

All possible radon sources of a building are considered. The determination of the radon entry rate is based on the measurement of the radon concentration inside a building and the determination of the air change rate. The air change rate can be calculated via several approaches, VDI provides the most common methods. The main approaches are based on the use of a tracer gas, which concentration is measured over the time. In a first attempt, a one-time and punctual injection of a tracer gas was used.

A disadvantage was that the air change rate could be determined only for short periods. In the follow-up, the constant injection of a tracer gas at multiple spots was executed. With this method , it is possible to calculate the air change rate over several weeks on a continuous base; the data can be used to determine the radon entry rate. Based on those series of measurements a first analysis of possible dependencies of the radon entry rate was performed. The transfer function method for the evaluation of short-circuit tests and on-site diagnostics of power transformers; Die Uebertragungsfunktion als Methode zur Beurteilung der Stosskurzschlusspruefung und Vor-Ort-Isolationsdiagnose.

Geschaeftsgebiet Leistungstransformatoren; Jaeggi, F. Thereby, the transfer function method was examined as an additional method for evaluating the short-circuit test. The visual inspection of the transformer after returning to the Nuremberg factory carried out by engineers from Atel and Siemens and representatives of Kema showed no changes of the core and coil assembly. At the Flumenthal substation a second transformer of the same type was installed. Before commissioning, the transfer functions of both transformers have been measured. These measurements provide essential information concerning the comparability of measurements from different transformers and are the basis for measurements to be carried out in the future.

Dabei wurde die Analyse der Uebertragungsfunktion des Transformators als zusaetzliche Methode zur Beurteilung der Stosskurzschlusspruefung untersucht. Der Aktivteil wurde danach im Herstellerwerk begutachtet.

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Dabei ergaben sich keine Beanstandungen. Im Umspannwerk Flumenthal wurde ein zweiter baugleicher Transformator installiert. Vor der Inbetriebnahme wurden zusaetzliche Vergleichsmessungen an den zwei baugleichen Transformatoren durchgefuehrt. Validation of analysis methods to simulate national and international impact experiments. Within the framework of project RS on ''Validierung von Analysemethoden zur Simulation von Aufprallversuchen im In- und Ausland'' the examination of different mechanical phenomena which might occur during the impact of deformable, rigid or liquid-filled missiles on robust structures was carried out.

The safety-related significance of the work lies in the evaluation of the accuracy of analysis methods employed for the assessment of the load-bearing capacity of building structures subjected to intentional external hazards. Key subject of the tasks was the examination of impact tests with reinforced concrete target structures, including intermediate-scaled tests carried out at VTT as well as almost full-scaled tests carried out in Meppen and at SNL.

Besides the behaviour of the missiles especially the description of the damage processes of the reinforced concrete structures constituted a priority. The relevant damage mechanisms include global bending and crack formation, local concrete scabbing and spalling, punching, penetration of missile and perforation. Furthermore, effects of liquid infill of missiles on the load-time-function and structural damage were investigated. By means of bilateral co-operations with organisations at home and abroad test results were exchanged. For the characterisation of impact loaded concrete the RHT-model was comprehensively tested.

Basically, the simulation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures under impact loading exhibits dependencies on physical and numerical modelling parameters, which could also be concluded from the. Materials model for describing the austenite-martensite phase transformation considering transformation-induced plasticity; Ein Materialmodell zur Beschreibung der Austenit-Martensit Phasentransformation unter Beruecksichtigung der transformationsinduzierten Plastizitaet.

In this thesis, a model to describe the austenite martensite transformation was developed. The transformation induced plasticity TRIP was taken into consideration. The model can be used to design complex structures. A local examination of the energy and entropy balance at the phase boundary serves as the starting point for the identification of the thermodynamical driving force and the thermodynamic flow. For both, a tensorial description is necessary for a general nonhydrostatically stressed solid.

In the second part, a material law for the description of TRIP-Steels was developed based on the values derived in the first part. The different mechanical behavior of the phases, especially the differing yield stresses, was taken into account. The model developed was implemented into the finite element program MARC. Simulations of the material and the structural behavior were performed. The experimentally observed strong dependence of the transformation kinetics on the yield stress of the austenite and the dependence of the orientation of the martensite inclusion on the stress state could be verified.

Das Modell ist zur Berechnung ausgedehnter Strukturen einsetzbar. Eine lokale Betrachtung der Energie- und Entropiebilanz an der Phasengrenze bildet den Ausgangspunkt zur Identifikation der thermodynamischen Kraft und des thermodynamischen Flusses bei Beschreibung der Transformationskinetik. Fuer beide Groessen muss fuer den allgemein nichthydrostatischen Spannungszustand eine tensorielle Beschreibung verwendet werden.

Es wird das unterschiedliche mechanische Verhalten der Phasen, insbesondere die stark unterschiedlichen. Final report; 2D-FE-Verfahren fuer die Kennfeldberechnung von vielstufigen Turbinen mit unter- und ueberkritischen Stufendruckverhaeltnissen mit variabler Kuehlluftzufuhr. Abschlussbericht zum Vorhaben 1.

Um dieser Aufgabe bei der Auslegung des Turbinenteils einer Gasturbine gerecht zu werden, muessen die Verfahren sowohl alle wesentlichen stroemungsmechanischen Einfluesse als auch die Einfluesse moderner Systeme zur Bauteilkuehlung beruecksichtigen. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Modellierung von Sekundaerstroemungseinfluessen, radialen Transportprozessen und Kuehlungseinfluessen in einem auf der Methode der Finiten-Elemente basierenden Meridianstroemungsverfahren.

Zur Beruecksichtigung der Einfluesse komplexer Kuehlungssysteme koennen beliebige Konfigurationen von konvektiver Kuehlung, Ausblasung an den Schaufelhinterkanten, Filmkuehlung sowie Ausblasung an Nabe und Gehaeuse vorgegeben werden. Der Mischungsprozess zwischen Hauptmassenstrom und Kuehlluft wird mit Hilfe vereinfachter Bilanzgleichungen berechnet. Massenstromaenderungen werden entweder durch Aenderung der Definitionsgleichungen der Stromfunktion oder im Fall von Ausblasungen in den Randzonen durch geaenderte Randbedingungen an den Seitenwaenden beruecksichtigt.

Um bei einem vorgegebenen Druckverhaeltnis den Massenstrom berechnen zu koennen, wird eine Druckregelung implementiert. Die Druckregelung passt den Massenstrom waehrend der Berechnung an das geforderte Druckverhaeltnis an. Die Kontinuitaetsgleichung ist zu jedem Zeitpunkt der Berechnung erfuellt, wodurch die Rechnung beschleunigt wird. Zur Ueberpruefung des Verfahrens wird eine 1,5-stufige Versuchsturbine mit lokaler Kuehlgasausblasung vor der Beschaufelung sowie der Turbinenteil der Hochtemperatur-Gasturbine V Die Hochtemperatur-Gasturbine wird durch eine Kombination von Konvektionskuehlung und Hinterkantenausblasung gekuehlt.

Die berechneten Stroemungsgroessen zeigen fuer beide Maschinen eine gute Uebereinstimmung mit experimentellen Daten bzw. Software testing and source code for the calculation of clearance values. The GRS research project was aimed to the test the appropriateness of the software package ''residual radioactivity'' RESRAD for the calculation of clearance values according to German and European regulations. Calculation of composite-fibre flywheels with electric power converters for energy storage purposes.

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Zur Berechnung von Schwungradenergiespeichern aus Faserverbundwerkstoff mit elektrischem Energiewandler. The dissertation discusses the calculation and design of flywheel energy storage systems with electromechanical power converters and composite-fibre flywheels. For this purpose, the main load criteria for centrifugal and pressure loads on flywheel rings of unidirectional laminates are determined, and criteria are given for the dimensioning of flywheel rings.

The fast rotational speed of the flywheel dominates the design of the driving motor. As an example, the calculation of a permanent-magnet-excited external rotor motor is described. Special consideration is given to the close correlation between stator current density and ampere bars per cm, and rotor strength. The findings are illustrated by design examples, by an example from the field of vehicle construction, and by experimental studies on composite-fibre flywheels and a driving motor with a high rotational speed.

Seismic methods for the characterisation of reservoirs in developing old natural gas fields in Germany; 3D Seismische Verfahren zur Reservoircharakterisierung bei der Entwicklung alter Erdoelfelder in Deutschland. Two examples are chosen to describe the possiblities and limitations of using 3D seismic data for the interpretation of structures and the seismic characterisation of reservoirs. New techniques of seismic classification offer a great deal of possibilities, especially if - as in the case of Ruehme - there is a sufficiency of data from many borehole locations which enables the training of algorithms.

Neuartige Techniken der seismischen Klassifizierung erweitern die Moeglichkeiten dabei betraechtlich, insbesondere, wenn - wie beim Beispiel Ruehme - durch die vielen Bohrlokationen ausreichend Daten zum Trainieren der Algorithmen zur Verfuegung stehen. Techniques for quantification of liver fat in risk stratification of diabetics; Techniken zur Leberfettquantifizierung bei der Risikostratifikation von Diabetikern.

Fatty liver disease plays an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Accurate techniques for detection and quantification of liver fat are essential for clinical diagnostics. Chemical shift-encoded magnetic resonance imaging MRI is a simple approach to quantify liver fat content. The confounder corrected proton density fat fraction is a simple approach to quantify liver fat with comparable results independent of the software and hardware used.

The proton density fat fraction is an accurate biomarker for assessment of liver fat. An accurate and reproducible quantification of liver fat using chemical shift-encoded MRI requires a calculation of the proton density fat fraction. Zur Detektion und Quantifizierung des Leberfetts werden in der klinischen Diagnostik akkurate Verfahren gebraucht. Eine Korrektur aller Stoervariablen wird als Proton-density-Fettfraktion bezeichnet. Diese liefert unabhaengig von der verwendeten Einstellung und Hardware reproduzierbare Ergebnisse. Die korrigierte Proton-density-Fettfraktion ist ein akkurater Biomarker zur Quantifizierung von Leberfett.

Calculations of an unsteady flow through a hydraulic axial turbine with reference to interaction between stator and rotor; Instationaere Berechnung einer hydraulischen Axialturbine unter Beruecksichtigung der Interaktion zwischen Leit- und Laufrad. The objective of this study is the development of an algorithm enabling coupling of nonmatching computational grids to carry out calculations of an unsteady flow through a hydraulic axial turbine with reference to interaction between stator and rotor.

The algorithm should offer the possibility to operate the computational grids in a fixed position relative to each other as well as in relative movement. Furthermore, the calculation should be feasible with separate grids in parallel and different frames of reference. Employing selected examples this method is investigated in detail the results are compared with performed measurements.

The unsteady numerical examination of the coupling process is carried out with different examples; especially the interaction effects between stator, rotor and draft tube of a hydraulic axial turbine are observed. In addition, the effect of tip clearance of the mean flow is described. Flow time dependent velocities have been measured with a Laser Doppler Velocimeter placed at midspan of the blading.

Periodical changes in static pressure have been recorded at different locations near the wall of the turbine casing. These measurements serve as reference for the comparison with results derived from the unsteady calculations. The confrontation of the time-dependent fluctuations of the flow quantities and the calculation of the efficiency of the turbine resulting from the simulation results allow a comparison in absolute terms.

Diese Berechnungsnetze sollen zueinander ortsfest sein oder auch eine Relativbewegung zueinander haben koennen. Sie sollen ausserdem und in unterschiedlichen. Development of a fluidized-bed method for on-line evaluation of radiotracers in vitro; Entwicklung einer Fliessbettechnik zur Bewertung von Radiopharmaka an Zellkulturen. This study presents the development of a continuously operating fluidized-bed bioreactor for on-line evaluation of radiotracers in vitro, which combines tissue-like three-dimensional cell cultivation in open porous microcarriers with a technique for on-line radioactivity detection.

The long time stability of steady-state permits a large number of experiments using the same culture. The flux of the circulating medium can be adapted to the blood flow of the corresponding organism, while the input function of the radiotracer is freely adjustable for simulation of in vivo conditions. Sampling and examination of the immobilized cells care possible at any time. For normoglycemic concentrations the LC was determined to be in the range of 0.

The rate constants in the three compartment model were found to be similar to those obtained in vivo using PET; indicating the validity of the system for tracer evaluation. The trans-form was transported three times faster than the cis-diastereomere, indicated by the rate constants.

Der Bioreaktor kombiniert eine gewebeaehnliche, dreidimensionale Zellkultivierung in. Development of new methods for the modeling of technical systems and result evaluation for reactor safety simulation codes. Modeling, simulation models; Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur Modellierung technischer Systeme und zur Ergebnisauswertung fuer Simulationsprogramme der Reaktorsicherheit. The overall objective of the project is to develop a general simulation environment for program systems used in reactor safety analysis.

The simulation environment provides methods for graphical modeling and evaluation of results for the simulation models. The terms of graphical modeling and evaluation of results summarize computerized methods of pre- and postprocessing for the simulation models, which can assist the user in the execution of the simulation steps. The methods comprise CAD ''Computer Aided Design'' based input tools, interactive user interfaces for the execution of the simulation and the graphical representation and visualization of the simulation results. A CAD tool was developed that allows the specification of 3D geometry of the plant components and the discretization with a simulation grid.

The system provides inter-faces to generate the input data of the codes and to export the data for the visualization software. For the modeling of complex systems with many components, a general purpose graphical network editor was adapted and expanded. The editor is able to simulate networks with complex topology graphically by suitable building blocks.

The network editor has been enhanced and adapted to the modeling of balance of plant and thermal fluid systems in ATHLET. For the visual display of the simulation results in the local context of the 3D geometry and the simulation grid, the open source program ParaView is applied, which is widely used for 3D visualization of field data, offering multiple options for displaying and ana-lyzing the data. New methods were developed, that allow the necessary conversion of the results of the reactor safety codes and the data of the CAD models.

The trans-formed data may then be imported into ParaView and visualized. New analytical method for fast nuclide identification in mobile in-situ gamma spectrometers; Neue analytische Methode zur schnellen Nuklididentifikation in mobilen in-situ Gammaspektrometern. Demolition and accidents of nuclear reactors or terroristic attacks may lead to large-area contamination with radionuclides.

A suitable mobile measurement equipment should allow a quick overview about the extent of contamination. Recent methods apply for nuclide identification either time-consuming peak-fitting methods inclusive background correction or the so-called trapezoid method determining so-called regions of interest ROI. Since the nuclide vector is often known, this information can be used as a starting point for the nuclide identification.

The presented method uses dynamic smoothing of the registered energy spectrum in accordance with the detector resolution. In this way, noise is effectively suppressed without substantial degradation of the detector resolution. The statistically prepared spectrum is then two-fold differentiated.

This provides the peak positions and the two turning points of the found peaks. Nuclide identification is possible using the peak positions, and with the peak and turning point positions and the corresponding values of the spectrum, on may calculate the area of an assumed Gausz distribution without considering the in any case present continuous background.

Combined with adapted calibration methods , the algorithm for nuclide identification implemented in the NucScout is also applicable for other geometries, e. A simple method of digitizing analog scintigrams for quantification and digital archiving. Eine einfache Methode der Digitalisierung von Analogszintigrammen zur Quantifizierung und digitalen Archivierung.

Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Kiel Univ. Germany ; Kaempfer, B. Germany ; Wolf, H. Germany ; Clausen, M. Germany ; Wendhausen, H. Germany ; Henze, E. This study was undertaken to evaluate a quick, reliable and cheap method of digitizing analog scintigrams. The analog scans on X-ray film were then digitized seecondarily by three different methods: A simple exposure approach using a light box, a cheap camcorder, a PC and image grabber hard- and software proved to be optimal.

Visual interpretation showed no differences in clinical findings when comparing the analog images with their secondarily digitized counterparts. To test the possibility of quantification, equivalent ROIs were drawn both in the genuine digital and the secondarily digitized images.

The evaluation of phantom studies showed the linear correlation to be true within a wide activity range. Thus, secondary digitalization of analog scintigrams is an easy, cheap and reliable method of archiving images and allows secondary digital quantification. An inverse method for the design of energy absorbers in the frontend of passenger cars; Eine inverse Methode zur Auslegung von Energieabsorbern im Frontend von Personenkraftwagen. Mobility is one of the key factors of our society. The consequences for the environment and mankind can be seen every day. For example in , about 35, people involved in traffic accidents in Europe died.

The ambitious objective of the European Union, the reduction of the total number of road casualties in , to 27, which is half of the road casualties in , was not obtained. The enormous number of fatalities shows, that road safety will be an important issue in the future. The automotive industry has to assure that the vehicle structures are able to reduce the severity of injuries not only for vehicle occupants but also for the other people who are involved in an accident.

This can be reached with active and passive safety systems. In this work an alternative design process for passive safety structures is introduced, which is based on the vehicle requirements. The so-called inverse design method is demonstrated for the design of energy absorbers in frontend systems used for pedestrian protection. It is based on a multi-stage optimization process. Compared to the classic design process, where the crash-pulse is usually based on vehicle stiffness and the deformation length, the inverse method focuses on the structural design based on a desired crash-pulse.

Using virtual absorbers, which are not limited by any material behavior or geometry, legform to bumper testes can be simulated. Thus, the desired legform deceleration can be generated. The data obtained is used for the second step of the inverse design method , the generation of a ''real'' absorber.

For the design of the ''real'' absorber small drop-tower simulations are sufficient. A parameterized finite element model is used. Full Text Available Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Es wurde eine prototypische Visualisierung der entstehenden Streustrahlung sowie die Darstellung des Nutzstrahlenganges integriert. Dental magnetic resonance tomography dental-MRT as a method for imaging of the maxillo-mandibular bone; Dentale Magnetresonanztomographie Dental-MRT als Verfahren zur Darstellung des maxillomandibulaeren Zahnhalteapparates.

To establish a new method for dental imaging using magnetic resonance tomography named Dental-MRT and to demonstrate its usefulness in diagnosing dentogen pathologies of the mandible and maxilla. Seven healthy volunteers, three patients with pulpitis, two patients with dentigerous cysts, two patients after tooth transplantation, and three patients with atrophic mandibles have been evaluated. The acquired images were reconstructed with a standard dental software package on a workstation as panorama and cross-sectional views of the mandible or maxilla. The entire maxillo-mandibular bone, teeth, dental pulp, and the content of the mandibular canal were well depicted.

Patients with pulpitis demonstrate bone marrow edema in the periapical region. Dentigerous cysts and their relation to the surrounding structures are clearly shown. After contrast media administration marked enhancement of the dental pulp can be demonstrated. Dental-MRT promises to provide a new tool for visualization and detection of dental diseases. Nach der Untersuchung wurden Panoramaschnitte und dentale Rekonstruktionen des Ober- und Unterkiefers, unter Verwendung einer gebraeuchlichen Dental-Software, angefertigt. Der gesamte Kieferbereich, Zaehne, Pulpa und der Inhalt des.

A method for the solution of arbitrary bosonic and fermionic many-particle systems; Eine Methode zur Loesung beliebiger bosonischer und fermionischer Vielteilchensysteme. In the present dissertation different classes of quantum mechanical many body systems are investigated numerically and analytically considering symmetries in the formalism of second quantization.

All algebraic ideas which are neccessary to develop a numerical computer code which is able to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenstates of a very general quantum many body hamiltonian are explained. The two most crucial problems are branching rules and the calculation of isoscalar factors. Methods are presented to solve these problems numerically for the general case.

The most important point is the calculation of isoscalar factors with a nonrecursive method and without any numerical error. All presented ideas were implemented in the program '' ArbModel''. With this very flexible computer code at hand, systems of identical particles were investigated in general. General formulas were derived for the presence of dynamical symmetry.

Weaker conditions are neccessary for the conservation of the so called seniority quantum number. This situation is called partial dynamical symmetry. These conditions were investigated in detail. Althouth other authors have previously investigated this problem, some new cases were discovered and new conditions could be derived.

Most surprisingly, cases were found in which the seniority quantum number is generally broken except for some specific states. These states are solvable and formulae for their energies are presented. All analytically derived results were checked with ''ArbModel''. As further applications for the code, two selected models with distinguishable particles are investigated. The predictions of a very new theory, which connects quantum phase transitions and exceptional points, are verified with the sd-Interacting-Boson-Model 1 sd-IBM1 and a very high particle number.

For the Interacting-Boson-Fermion-Model a selected dynamical symmetry was investigated. The branching rules for this Bose. Kurzskala zur Erfassung der Unternehmenskultur. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis aussereuropaeischer Trichopteren. Auf dem Weg zur "Smart Region": Further development of microparticle image velocimetry analysis for characterisation of gas streams as a novel method of fuel cell development. Final report; Weiterentwicklung des Mikro-Particle Image Velocimetry Analyseverfahrens zur Charakterisierung von Gasstroemungen als neuartige Entwicklungsmethodik fuer Brennstoffzellen.

The project aimed at a better understanding of the complex fluid-mechanical processes in the small ducts of bipolar plates. So far, an appropriate technology for in-situ measurement was lacking. The project therefore focused on the further development of microparticle image velocimetry in order to enable analyses of the local velocity distribution of a gas stream in a microduct. Further, measurements were carried out in the microducts of a fuel cell in the more difficult conditions of actual operation. Bisher stand keine Messtechnik zur Verfuegung, dies es erlaubt, die stroemungsmechanischen Prozesse in den Mikrokanaelen unter Realbedingungen in situ zu vermessen und mit der instantanen Zellleistung zu korrelieren, Ziel des Projektes war es daher, die Methode der Mikro-Partikel-Image-Velocimetry in der Art weiterzuentwickeln, dass eine Analyse der lokalen Geschwindigkeitsverteilung einer Gasstroemung in einem Mikrokanal ermoeglicht wird.

Darueber hinaus wird als zweites Ziel des Projekts eine solche Messung unter den erschwerten Bedingungen einer betriebenen Brennstoffzelle in Mikrokanaelen einer Zelle durchgefuehrt. Improved model for the calculation of the energy demand for the energetic evaluation of non-residential buildings; Verbessertes Modell zur Berechnung des Energiebedarfs zur energetischen Bewertung von Nichtwohngebaeuden.

With its more than pages it is very voluminous and complex. Due to the complex subject of DIN V , discrepancies causing considerable differences in the overall result are possible. A further weak point in the current procedure for energetic evaluation is the composition of individual zones within the considered buildings and the subsequent effort for acquisition and determination of values needed during computation. Before a non-residential building can be evaluated energetically, the building has to be divided into individual areas with identical boundary conditions zoning.

The process of zoning is an elementary step within the balancing according to DIN V It provides, beside the determination of geometrical data, the basis for further computations. Zoning, especially the gathering of data connected to it, is a very time-consuming task, because the building areas and volumes have to be determined for each zone individually. Nevertheless, zoning is mandatory because of the often completely different net energies to be provided.

In order to reduce this effort, a Single-Zone-Model was added to the Energieeinsparverordnung, which may be used under certain preconditions. However, in comparison to the Multi-Zone-Model, differences in the evaluation results are possible. The elimination of weak points, that is to say the difference in time and result, is reached by the computation of the annual primary energy demand on the basis of an Improved-Single-Zone-Model. The advantage of the Improved-Single-Zone-Model in comparison to the Multiple-Zone-Model is the simplified data evaluation in the field of zoning.

The advantage of the Improved-Single-Zone-Model in comparison to the Single-Zone-Model is the reduced difference in the results of the annual primary energy demand. The basic principle of the Improved-Single-Zone-Model depends on a percentage division of each use value concerning the net building area. Due to this improved use values the balancing is no longer determined on the basis of general values by acceptance of a prior existing zone, but there is a calculated average value of all existing zones.

This thesis introduces an Improved-Single-Zone-Model for school buildings with regard to zoning. This procedure obtains a relatively exact result with low expenditure of time by utilization of improved use values. Generally, this procedure can be easily applied for other types of non-residential buildings. Delivery of parameterization schemes for the determination of the regional evapotranspiration of different land surfaces. Final report; Bereitstellung von Parameterisierungsverfahren zur Bestimmung der regionalen Verdunstung verschiedener Landoberflaechen.

The task was the delivery of parameterization schemes for the calculation of the regional evapotranspiration of different land surfaces. The main weight was on the discussion of existing approaches and on the development of new ones for the calculation of evapotranspiration. After consideration of different concepts the well-known Penman-Monteith equation proved to the optimal basis of calculation. Under consideration of the dependence of these resistances of the spatial scale leaf, canopy as well as of the time scale hour, day possibilities for their estimation were discussed.

For bare soil an approach was developed which allows approximately to give a new interpretation to surface resistances from evapotranspiration courses, described in literature as proportional to the square root of time. Dabei lag das Schwergewicht auf der Diskussion bereits bestehender und der Entwicklung neuer Ansaetze zur Berechnung der Verdunstung. Nach der Betrachtung unterschiedlicher Konzepte erwies sich die bekannte Penman-Monteith-Gleichung als optimale Berechnungsgrundlage.

Characterization of Zur -dependent genes and direct Zur targets in Yersinia pestis. Up to now, regulation of zinc homeostasis by Zur is poorly understood in Y. Results We constructed a zur null mutant of Y. Microarray expression analysis disclosed a set of Zur -dependent genes of Y. Based on the Zur -dependent genes, predicted regulatory Zur motifs were used to screen for potential direct Zur targets including three putative operons znuA, znuCB and ykgM-RpmJ2.

The LacZ reporter fusion analysis verified that Zur greatly repressed the promoter activity of the above three operons. The subsequent electrophoretic mobility shift assay EMSA demonstrated that a purified Zur protein was able to bind to the promoter regions of the above three operons. The primer extension assay was further used to determine the transcription start sites for the above three operons and to localize the and elements. Zur binding sites overlapped the sequence of its target promoters, which was consistent with the previous observation that Zur binding would block the entry of the RNA polymerase to repress the transcription of its target genes.

Zur contributes to zinc homeostasis in Y. Whole body staging stands at the beginning of the diagnostic algorithm in CUP syndrome to localize a potential primary tumor. In der Ganzkoerperbildgebung hat die CT eine hohe Sensitivitaet fuer Tumoren, die haeufig als metastasierte Tumorerkrankung auftreten. Radiological evaluation of esophageal motility and gastroesophageal reflux disease; Funktionsstoerungen des Oesophagus. Radiological evaluation of esophageal motility and the lower esophageal sphincter has gained increased attention in recent years. Videofluoroscopic investigation of esophageal motor function is superior to static film radiography, as repeated analysis of the videotaped recordings is possible.

With emphasis on radiological techniques, normal esophagel physiology and motility and a variety of esophageal motor disorders are discussed in this review paper. Radiological evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux and reflux esophagitis is described. Clinical and radiological findings in esophageal motility disorders and gastroesophageal reflux disease and the radiological efficacy compared to that of manometry and pH-metry are discussed.

Die Videokinematographie ist hierbei der konventionellen Roentgenuntersuchung aufgrund der Moeglichkeit der wiederholten Analyse ueberlegen.

How do we use human data in risk assessment?

Ziel der vorliegenden Uebersicht ist es, prinzipiell das radiologische Erscheinungsbild der normalen Funktion sowie diagnostische Kriterien fuer verschiedene Motilitaetsstoerungen zu demonstrieren. Weiterhin werden auch die verschiedenen Moeglichkeiten der radiologischen Refluxpruefung zur Untersuchung der Funktion des gastrooesophagealen Sphinkters verglichen und deren Wert diskutiert.

Die Pruefung der Funktion von Oesophagus und gastrooesophagealem Sphinkter als ein integraler Bestandteil der Roentgenuntersuchung der Speiseroehre verbessert deren Treffsicherheit, wodurch die radiologische Untersuchung die primaere diagnostische Methode bei Patienten mit Schluckstoerungen darstellt. Radiological diagnostics of pediatric lungs; Radiologische Diagnostik der kindlichen Lunge.

Pediatric lung diseases are a common clinical problem. Besides the clinical examination and laboratory tests, imaging studies are the mainstay in the diagnostics of pediatric lung diseases. Thorough consideration of radiation protection based on optimized equipment also includes the protection of relatives and medical staff.

The high impact of radiation protection in children necessitates a different choice of imaging modalities compared to adults. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging MRI as adjunct or complementary imaging methods are of greater value than computed tomography CT. The suspicion of pneumonia is the most common reason for chest imaging examinations in children. An anteroposterior or posteroanterior view chest X-ray is sufficient in most cases and sometimes in combination with ultrasound.

The latter can also be used alone for follow-up examinations if the clinical presentation does not change. Additionally, ultrasound is applied to examine unclear structures seen on chest X-rays, such as the thymus or pulmonary sequestration in adjunct with color-coded duplex sonography.

A chest X-ray is also the method of choice to examine the various forms of respiratory distress syndrome, such as wet lung disease or surfactant deficiency syndrome in newborns. Recent technical advances, e. Apart from some indications e. Neben der klinischen Untersuchung und Laborparametern ist die radiologische Bildgebung eine. Structured diagnostic imaging in patients with multiple trauma; Strukturierte radiologische Diagnostik beim Polytrauma.

Development of a concept for structured diagnostic imaging in patients with multiple trauma. Evaluation of data from a prospective trial with over documented patients with multiple trauma. All diagnostic and therapeutic steps, primary and secondary death and the 90 days lethality were documented. Structured diagnostic imaging of multiple injured patients requires the integration of an experienced radiologist in an interdisciplinary trauma team consisting of anesthesia, radiology and trauma surgery.

Radiology itself deserves standardized concepts for equipment, personnel and logistics to perform diagnostic imaging for a h-coverage with constant quality. This paper describes criteria for initiation of a shock room or emergency room treatment, strategies for documentation and interdisciplinary algorithms for the early clinical care coordinating diagnostic imaging and therapeutic procedures following standardized guidelines.

Diagnostic imaging consists of basic diagnosis, radiological ABC-rule, radiological follow-up and structured organ diagnosis using CT. Radiological trauma scoring allows improved quality control of diagnosis and therapy of multiple injured patients. Structured diagnostic imaging of multiple injured patients leads to a standardization of diagnosis and therapy and ensures constant process quality. Entwicklung eines strukturierten Konzeptes zur radiologischen Diagnostik polytraumatisierter Patienten. Die Datenevaluation erfolgte auf Basis einer prospektiven interdisziplinaere Polytraumastudie mit ueber Patienten.

Alle diagnostischen und therapeutischen Schritte werden jeweils unter Angabe von Zeitpunkt und auftretenden Komplikationen erfasst, ein primaeres oder sekundaeres Versterben und die Tage-Letalitaet werden dokumentiert. Die strukturierte radiologische Diagnostik von Mehrfachverletzen verlangt die Integration eines erfahrenen Radiologen in. Radiological investigations to improve early diagnosis of industrial inhalation poisoning with delayed effect. Radiologische Untersuchungen zur verbesserten Fruehdiagnose von industriellen Inhalationsvergiftungen mit verzoegertem Wirkungseintritt. The book presents observations of the course of toxic oedema of the lungs in X-rays of humans and animals after inhalation of phosgene gas, nitrous gases, and teflon smoke.

Early symptoms are stressed, and an X-ray monitoring programme is presented. The picture is completed by perfusion scintiscans and findings of light and electron microscopy. Magnetische Untersuchungen an Lanthanoiddimeren mit Semiquinonato-Liganden. Radiological imaging of osteoarthritis of the knee; Radiologische Bildgebung der Kniegelenkarthrose.

Die demographische Altersentwicklung der westlichen Industrielaender prognostiziert einen deutlichen Anstieg der Arthroseinzidenz fuer die naechsten Jahrzehnte. Nach wie vor stellt die konventionelle projektionsradiographische Roentgenbildanalyse die einfachste und guenstigste radiologische Modalitaet bei der Beurteilung und Verlaufskontrolle der Kniegelenkarthrose dar. Das Roentgenbild birgt zunehmend in zahlreichen klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Situationen signifikante Limitierungen, welche durch moderne bildgebende Methoden wie der Magnetresonanztomographie MRT und Sonographie ueberwunden werden koennen.

Intravitale Knorpelbeurteilungen anhand spezieller bildgebender MRT-Methoden werden zunehmend in der Diagnostik und Verlaufskontrolle der Arthrose eingesetzt und koennten bei breiter klinischer Anwendung zukuenftig zu einem Paradigmenwechsel bei der Behandlung arthrotischer Knorpelschaeden fuehren. In diesem Uebersichtsartikel sollen die wichtigsten radiologischen diagnostischen Merkmale der Kniegelenkarthrose und deren radiologisch Beurteilung dargestellt werden.

Die systematische radiologische Beurteilung der Kniegelenkarthrose umfasst die Bestimmung der Gelenkkapselstrukturen, Synovia, Knorpeldicke, des Knorpelvolumens, eventueller Knorpeldefekte, des makromodularen Netzwerks des hyalinen Gelenkknorpels, eines Knochenmarkoedems, der Menisken und der artikulaeren Gelenkbaender. Moderne bildgebende Methoden wie die MRT und Sonographie sind in der Lage, die Schwaechen der Projektionsradiographie zu eliminieren und das Kniegelenk mit seinen knoechernen, knorpeligen, ligamentoesen und weichteildichten Strukturen detailliert abzubilden.

Diagnostic radiology on multiple injured patients: Muenchen Germany ; Kanz, K. The presence of a radiologist within the admitting area of an emergency department and his capability as a member of the trauma team have a major impact on the role of diagnostic radiology in trauma care. The knowledge of clinical decision criteria, algorithms, and standards of patient care are essential for the acceptance within a trauma team. We present an interdisciplinary management concept of diagnostic radiology for trauma patients, which comprises basic diagnosis, organ diagnosis, radiological ABC, and algorithms of early clinical care.

It is the result of a prospective study comprising over documented multiple injured patients. The radiologist on a trauma team should support trauma surgery and anesthesia in diagnostic and clinical work-up. The radiological ABC provides a structured approach for diagnostic imaging in all steps of the early clinical care of the multiple injured patient. Radiological ABC requires a reevaluation in cases of equivocal findings or difficulties in the clinical course.

Direct communication of radiological findings with the trauma team enables quick clinical decisions. In addition, the radiologist can priority-oriented influence the therapy by using interventional procedures. The clinical radiologist is an active member of the interdisciplinary trauma team, not only providing diagnostic imaging but also participating in clinical decisions. Voraussetzung zur Mitarbeit im interdisziplinaeren Traumateam ist die detaillierte Kenntnis der wesentlichen Entscheidungskriterien, Algorithmen und Behandlungsablaeufe.

Das hier vorgestellte interdisziplinaere Managementkonzept der radiologischen Diagnostik beim Polytrauma mit Basisdiagnostik, Organdiagnostik, radiologischer ABC-Regel und Algorithmen zur fruehklinischen Behandlung beruht auf einer prospektiven Polytraumastudie mit. Pharmakobotanische Untersuchungen von Lavendelsorten auf dem Plattensee- Plateau. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden.

Neben den morphologischen und Wachstumseigenschaften wurden auch Frisch- und Trockengewichte bewertet. The child with an acute limp; Das hinkende Kind. Radiologische Differenzialdiagnostik der akuten Gangstoerung des Kinder- und Jugendalters. Limping is a common and often challenging problem in children and adolescents.

A limp is defined as asymetric deviation from a normal gait pattern. A systematic approach is necessary to determine the cause of the limp, so the radiologist should combine a thorough history, clinical information and pertinent radiologic testing. The possible differential diagnosis is extensive and includes many pathologies of the lower extremity and spine like trauma, infection, neoplasia, furthermore inflammatory, developmental and congenital disorders.

In cases with knee or tight pain, an underlying hip condition should be considered. The childs age can narrow the possible differential diagnoses, because certain entities are age-related. Despite this wide bandwidth of entities, potential catastrophic causes like septic arthritis and malignant disease should be excluded first. Plain radiographs are often diagnostic. The choice of further imaging modalities like ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and bone scan should be guided by the history and clinical findings. Hinken ist definiert als eine asymmetrische Abweichung vom normalen Gangmuster.

Product description

Um die Ursache des Hinkens suffizient abklaeren zu koennen, ist ein systematisches Vorgehen mit sorgfaeltiger Anamneseerhebung, orientierender klinischer Untersuchung, sowie eine adaequate Wahl der radiologischen Modalitaet durch den Radiologen notwendig. Das weite Spektrum der moeglichen Differenzialdiagnosen umfasst viele Pathologien der unteren Extremitaet wie Trauma, infektioese, neoplastische und entzuendliche Erkrankungen sowie erworbene und angeborene Stoerungen.

In Faellen, in denen das Kind Knie- oder Oberschenkelbeschwerden angibt, muss zusaetzlich an eine Erkrankung der Huefte gedacht werden. Da viele Erkrankungen eine bestimmte Altersgruppe bevorzugen, kann. Indikationen, Biomechanik, Typen und radiologische Kriterien. Rueckenschmerzen und eine signifikante Verbesserung in den disability scores. Die radiologische Diagnostik ist wichtiger Bestandteil der praeoperativen Abklaerung. Ausschluss von Spondylarthrosen, eines Morbus Baastrup und anderer moeglicher Schmerzursachen angefertigt werden, ausserdem ein MRT zum Nachweis des Wasserverlustes der Bandscheibe, Ausschluss groesserer Prolabierungen oder zur Darstellung von Aktivierungszeichen.

Die postoperative radiologische Diagnostik sollte Nativaufnahmen in 2 Ebenen und im spaeteren Verlauf Funktionsaufnahmen beinhalten. Eine ideal eingesetzte LBEP sollte im a. Bild mittig zentriert und in der Seitaufnahme dorsal nahe der Wirbelkoerperhinterkante abschliessen. Bei Fehllage drohen segmentale Hyperlordose und ungleiche Belastung mit der Gefahr der Einsinterung und der Migration. Case Study Radiologische Netzwerk Rheinland. Full Text Available Healthcare organizations in Germany exploit the benefits of the ISO family of international standards as it became compulsory to implement a quality management system in accordance with ISO requirements.

Until the innovative ISO So far, only few bodies ensured interconnections between different systems of management or associated the quality management system with the strategic planning process. However, healthcare encapsulates supplementary requirements which affect a number of different systems. Additionally, the financial crisis has encouraged the trend to operate integrated reporting beyond financial aspects.

This paper aims at presenting the experience on the development of integrated management and reporting system integrated in an organization belonging to the health sector. Using the case study method, the paper's purpose is to highlight approaches and results of the company that could support practitioners from medical area and bezound.

The literature review clarified theoretical concepts while the case study allowed converging comprehensive information and knowledge accumulated by RNR AG, thus helping to bridge the gap between literature on total integrated management reporting and reporting system in healthcare. Radiation exposure of the radiological staff caused by radiography of small mammals, reptiles and birds; Untersuchungen zur Strahlenexposition des radiologisch taetigen Personals bei der Radiographie von Heimtieren, Reptilien sowie Zier- und Wildvoegeln.

Radiography is often used as an advanced examination to ensure a diagnosis in avian, reptiles and small mammal's medicine. The aims of this thesis were: To measure the radiation exposure of radiological staff caused by radiography of small mammals, reptiles and birds. The exposure of relevant body regions were measured during clinical routine. To examine the differences of radiation exposures caused by radiography of different animal species and to determine the influence of dose-dependent parameters.

To present the radiation protection measures of the clinic and to discuss possible improvements. To weigh the anaesthetic risk for small mammals, reptiles and birds against the radiation exposure of the radiological staff. The radiation exposure of the radiological staff was measured. The radiological staff included veterinarians, veterinary-medical technical assistants, doctoral candidates and students during their practical year.

Furthermore, the radiation exposure was measured at ten representative body regions using thermoluminescence dosimetry. The measuring positions included the eye-lenses, thyroid, thoracic region under the protective clothes, thoracic region above the protective clothes, gonads, fingers and the left foot.

Сведения о продавце

Radiological investigations to improve early diagnosis of industrial inhalation poisoning with delayed effect. It is used for numerical simulations of selected tests on the global bearing behaviour of underground district heating pipelines which were carried out as part of the research cooperation project. Testobjekt war der neu aufgebaute vier stufige Niedergeschwindigkeitsverdichter der TU Dresden. A local examination of the energy and entropy balance at the phase boundary serves as the starting point for the identification of the thermodynamical driving force and the thermodynamic flow. The essential details of these special requirements are extensively discussed in this thesis. The exact reproducibility and assignment of services leads to more clarity.

Except for one position that was measured under the protective clothes all positions measured above the protective clothes. Moreover at each examination the focus-film-distance, the kV-number, the mAs-product and the weight of the patient was recorded. Additionally the size of the examiner and the examiner's position regarding to the X-ray table were recorded as variable, dose-influencing parameters.

Altogether, measurements were taken from individual examiners. In all three divisions X-ray images were made and dose values recorded. The maximum measured doses were The median of all dose values was 0. The analysis of the results showed that radiation exposure of staff during X-raying small mammals, reptiles and birds was very low.

Dose values at the eye-lenses, thyroid region and the fingers were regularly measurable and were annotated. The most exposed body regions were the fingers, which were closest to the primary x-ray field during X-raying. All in all, the measured dose values were in the range of a few microsievert. There was no influence of dose-influencing-parameters on the dose. There was a slight, non-significant trend that heavier patients caused higher dose values because of more scattered radiation, and also a higher kV-number was correlated with an increase in dose rate.

The comparison between measuring positions above and under the protection clothes showed that even the values measured above the protection clothes were low. Furthermore, the protective effect of protection clothes was pointed out. Therefore it is not necessary to optimize the radiation protection measures in the clinic. The results of the estimation of the annual radiation exposure of the radiological staff underlined that the exposure is well below the national dose limits for occupationally exposed persons.

Moreover the evaluation of the results concerning the anesthetic risk of the patients showed that routinely X-raying without any anesthesia is justifiable. Pre- and postoperative radioligical evaluation of knee joint endoprothesis. Orthopedist's view; Die prae- und postoperative radiologische Evaluation der Kniegelenkendoprothese. Aus der Sicht des Orthopaeden. Institut fuer klinische Radiologie. The implantation of a knee arthroplasty is still a demanding operation. There is still no ''golden standard'' available, although a lot of guidelines have been declared.

Because of this fact this article should provide the radiologist with an overview of and some background knowledge for the radiological evaluation of knee arthroplasty. Einen ''Goldstandard'' gibt es bis heute nicht, obwohl vielfach Richtlinien der Knieendoprothetik aufgestellt werden. Deshalb soll dieser Artikel dem Radiologen einen Ueberblick und Hintergrundinformation ueber die radiologische Evaluation der Knieendoprothetik geben. Des Weiteren konnten mithilfe von anatomischen Verbesserung von Leistungserfassung, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Qualitaetssicherung?

By means of complete service control and standardized accounting processes, radiological information systems clearly contribute to improved results. They provide the prerequisites for the establishment of expanded networks and allow comprisons with comparable institutions. The quality of patient care can be improved since, for example, the production time from referral to finished result becomes shorter. Direct access to patient and findings data from several positions is possible. Preliminary results can be viewed immediately. The exact reproducibility and assignment of services leads to more clarity.

By means of the information available form RIS, rapid adaptive processes can be undertaken. The system assists the to fulfill the requirements of health regulations. The above-mentioned relationships demonstrate that the EDP systems are well accepted by physicians, medical assistants, and administrators and represent an indispensable aid for solving problems. Sie stellen die Voraussetzungen fuer den Aufbau erweiterter Netzstrukturen dar und erlauben Quervergleiche mit aehnlichen Institutionen. Die Qualitaet der Patientenversorgung laesst sich verbessern, da z.

Der Zugriff zu Patienten- und Befunddaten ist unmittelbar von mehreren Stellen aus moeglich. Vorbefunde sind sofort einsehbar. Die Patientenhistorie ist jederzeit fuer autorisierte Anwender verfuegbar. Die exakte Reproduzierbarkeit und Zuordnung der Leistungen fuehrt zu einer hohen Transparenz.

Durch die Informationen, die ueber das RIS zu erhalten sind, koennen rasche Anpassungsprozesse vorgenommen werden. Adverse effects of immunotherapy. Clinical aspects, radiological and nuclear medicine results; Unerwuenschte Wirkungen der Immuntherapie. Klinik, radiologische und nuklearmedizinische Befunde. The increasing use of immunotherapy in oncology increases the need for radiologic evaluation of frequent and severe immune-related adverse events.

Determination of the incidence and manifestation of radiologic and nuclear medicine findings of immune-related adverse events. Literature review of clinical and imaging findings of immune-related adverse events induced by the immune checkpoint inhibitors ipilimumab, nivolumab and pembrolizumab. Findings are illustrated with pictorial examples and contrasted to other relevant differential diagnoses.

The most frequent imaging manifestations are colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, hypophysitis, pneumonitis, arthritis and sarcoid-like lymphadenopathy. Severe to life-threatening complications may result from colitis, pneumonitis and hypophysitis. A clear differentiation from other autoimmune diseases and discrimination of immune-related and infectious pulmonary findings can be very difficult and need close multidisciplinary collaboration.

Knowledge of clinical and imaging findings of adverse events induced by immunotherapy is essential for timely and adequate therapeutic decisions. In addition to staging and follow-up imaging, identification and monitoring of immune-related adverse events adds to the radiologic responsibility in oncologic care. Inzidenz und Manifestation radiologischer und nuklearmedizinischer Befunde der immunbedingten Nebenwirkungen.

Literaturuebersicht zu Klinik und bildgebenden Befunden immunbedingter Nebenwirkungen der Immuncheckpointinhibitoren Ipilimumab, Nivolumab und Pembrolizumab. Veranschaulichung mit Bildbeispielen und Gegenuebergestellung mit anderen relevanten Differenzialdiagnosen. Radiologic assessment of the outcome of Keller and Brandes arthroplasty for hallux rigidus; Hallux rigidus operiert nach Keller und Brandes: Radiologische Erfolgs- und Prognoseparameter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pre- and postoperative radiographic findings of hallux rigidus treated with Keller and Brandes arthroplasty to determine the radiographic outcome and to identify a prognostic marker.

A comparison of the pre- and postoperative radiographs, the clinical and subjective findings was predicated on a five point scale: No other evaluated radiological parameter proved to be of significance. The most important radiological parameter in the evaluation of the outcome of Keller and Brandes arthroplasty as the percentage of the proximal phalanx which had ben excised.

Laengenverhaeltnis von erstem und zweitem Metartasalknochen, 4. Hallux-valgus-Winkel und mit den klinischen Ergebnissen. Radiological imaging of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus; Radiologische Bildgebung des oberen Gastrointestinaltrakts. Die Sooroesophagitis imponiert im Breischluck mit charakteristischen Ulzerationen.

Oesophagogastrale Hernien werden mit Breischluck genauer dargestellt als endoskopisch. Ein gastrooesophagealer Reflux kann radiologisch diagnostiziert werden, diskrete Entzuendungen und Epitheldysplasien sind wesentlich besser mit endoskopischen Techniken zu untersuchen. Bei Oesophagustumoren ergaenzt die Radiologie die endoskopisch-endosonographischen Befunde. Triage and first care of casualties after radiological incidents; Triage en eerste opvang van slachtoffers na radiologische incidenten. Hierbij is onderscheid gemaakt tussen verschillende groepen slachtoffers, waarvoor specifieke maatregelen nodig zijn om gezondheidsrisico's te beperken.

Vervolgens zijn de beoordeling, selectie en eerste opvang van deze slachtoffers met bijbehorende maatregelen in stroomschema's uiteengezet. De stroomschema's geven aan welke personen direct naar het ziekenhuis moeten worden vervoerd en welke na controle en zo nodig verwijdering van radioactief materiaal, bijvoorbeeld besmette kleding, decontaminatie naar huis kunnen.

Daarnaast is er aandacht voor de mensen die niet blootgesteld zijn, maar zich wel zorgen maken. De stroomschema's kunnen tijdens een incident worden verfijnd, naargelang de aard en omvang van het incident. In het rapport worden de gevolgen van incidenten met een 'vuile bom' en met een verborgen radioactieve bron beschreven. Een vuile bom is een conventioneel explosief dat bij ontploffing radioactief materiaal verspreidt. Mensen in de directe omgeving kunnen door de explosie levensbedreigend gewond raken. Ook kunnen ze worden besmet door rondvliegende scherven en radioactief materiaal.

Bij een incident met een verborgen intacte bron wordt het radioactieve materiaal niet verspreid, omdat het op een vaste plaats aanwezig is. In zulke gevallen moeten mensen die in de omgeving van de bron zijn geweest, worden opgespoord. Ook hiervoor geeft het rapport een stroomschema. Het rapport verschaft informatie om de schema's te onderbouwen.

In de bijlagen is achtergrondinformatie opgenomen over radioactiviteit en ioniserende straling en de gevolgen daarvan voor de gezondheid. Daarnaast wordt verwezen naar relevante nationale en internationale richtlijnen en handboeken. Investigations of pollutant migration using lysimeters; Untersuchungen zur Schadstoff-Migration in Lysimetern. Nachdem in den Jahren und der Wassertransport und die Bestimmung der Sickerwassergeschwindigkeit in Lysimetern im Mittelpunkt standen, war die Schadstoffmigration im Untergrund der Schwerpunkt der Vortraege und Poster.

Unter Migration wird das Ausbreitungsverhalten von Wasserinhalts- Fremd-, Schad- Stoffen bezogen auf den Wassertransport, bestimmt mit idealen Tracern, verstanden. The development of new combustor concepts for aero engines to meet future emissions regulations in based on a detailed knowledge of the combustion process and the velocity field. In the presented thesis, non intrusive measurements were performed in a model combustion chamber under almost realistic pressure and temperature conditions.

Radiological evaluation of the skeleton: Traumatologie des distalen Unterarmes, der Handgelenke und der Hand. Zentralinstitut fuer Roentgendiagnostik; Langer, R. Plain X-ray films including some special radiographic views are still the basis of the radiological evaluation of injuries of the distal forearm, the wrist, and the hand. Especially, in the diagnosis of fractures of the distal radius the exact positioning of the arm and hand is essential. For the description of fractures of the distal forearm the AO classification of fractures should be used, which is comprehensive and universally applicable.

Conventional tomography and computed tomography CT of the radio-ulnar joint and the wrist are used in patients with persisting complaints or equivocal findings on plain radiographs, and difficult anatomical situations.

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Suspected ligamentous injuries of the wrist including tears of the triangular fibrocartilage complex TFCC are evaluated by wrist arthrography or magnetic resonance imaging MRI , the latter requiring a highly skilled imaging and interpretation technique. MRI is the method of choice for the detection of osteonecrosis. Ultrasound examinations are of minor importance in the work up of wrist and hand injuries.

Bei der Beschreibung insbesondere der distalen Radiusfrakturen sollten die historische Benennung oder aeltere Einteilungen zugunsten der allgemeingueltigen und umfassenderen AO-Klassifikation verlassen werden. Die Computertomographie und Magnetresonanztomographie kommen in der Frakturdiagnostik bei unklaren anatomischen Verhaeltnissen oder konventionell nicht zufriedenstellend erklaerbaren Beschwerden zur Anwendung.

Vermutete ligamentaere Verletzungen der Handwurzel lassen sich arthrographisch oder magnetresonanztomographisch abklaeren. Radiological assessment of loss of disc height during acute and chronic degenerative lumbar disc alterations; Radiologische Beurteilung der segmentalen Hoehenabnahme bei akuten und chronisch degenerativen lumbalen Bandscheibenveraenderungen. Aim of the study: A loss of disc height with increasing segmental mobility is an important reason for low back pain. The measurement of hyaluronic acid content of the nucleus pulposus prolaps shows a difference between acute group 1 and chronic group 2 disc degeneration.

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the decreasing of disc height between these two groups and the no-symptomatic segments of these patients. The used method is not suitable to answer the present question conclusively. Die segmentale Hoehenabnahme der Bandscheibe mit nachfolgender Instabilitaet im Rahmen von degenerativen lumbalen Bandscheibenerkrankungen hat eine wesentliche klinische Bedeutung. In einer vorgeschalteten Untersuchung konnte ueber die Bestimmung des Hyaluronsaeuregehaltes von Nucleus pulposus-Material der Grad der Bandscheibendegeneration beurteilt werden.

Die Frage ist, ob hier ein praeoperativ radiologisch nachweisbarer Hoehenunterschied zwischen den akuten Gruppe 1 und den chronischen Gruppe 2 Bandscheibenvorfaellen im Vergleich zu den klinisch nicht betroffenen Bandscheibensegmenten der Patienten besteht? Es wurden 20 konsekutive praeoperative seitliche Roentgenaufnahmen der Lendenwirbelsaeule nach der Methode von Frobin et al.

Diese bestanden aus einer ersten Gruppe 7 Patienten mit einem durchschnittlichen Alter von 41 Jahren und einer zweiten Gruppe 13 Patienten mit einem durchschnittlichen Alter von 44 Jahren. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigten lediglich in der 2. Gruppe mit einer chronischen Bandscheibendegeneration eine Tendenz zur Abhaengigkeit p.

Clinically relevant incidental cardiovascular findings in CT examinations; Klinisch relevante kardiovaskulaere Zufallsbefunde bei CT- Untersuchungen. Incidental cardiovascular findings are a frequent phenomenon in computed tomography CT examinations. As the result of a dedicated PubMed search this article gives a systemic overview of the current literature on the most important incidental cardiovascular findings, their prevalence and clinical relevance.

The majority of incidental cardiovascular findings are of only low clinical relevance; however, highly relevant incidental findings, such as aortic aneurysms, thromboses and thromboembolic events can also occasionally be found, especially in oncology patients. The scans from every CT examination should also be investigated for incidental findings as they can be of decisive importance for the further clinical management of patients, depending on their clinical relevance. Mit dieser Arbeit soll nach gezielter PubMed-Recherche ein systematischer Literaturueberblick ueber die wichtigsten kardiovaskulaeren Zufallsbefunde sowie deren Haeufigkeit und klinische Relevanz gegeben werden.

Die Mehrzahl der inzidentellen kardiovaskulaeren Befunde sind klinisch nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung, allerdings werden immer wieder auch hochgradig relevante Zufallsbefunde wie beispielsweise Aortenaneurysmata oder - gerade bei onkologischen Patienten - Thrombosen und thrombembolische Ereignisse detektiert.

Jede CT-Untersuchung sollte gezielt nach inzidentellen Befunden durchsucht werden, da diese je nach klinischer Relevanz von entscheidender Bedeutung fuer das weitere klinische Management des Patienten sein koennen. Soils in 29 allotments were analyzed systematically with a view to the following aspects: Concentration ratios of the 16 components analyzed. Occurrence and classification of so-called PAH patterns. Interdependences between PAH patterns and soil features. PAH concentrations and soil-immanent buffer characteristics humus concentration, pH, clay concentration, sesquioxide concentrations, exchange capacity.

Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse resultieren aus Probjekten von Umwelt-Consult e. Hierbei wurden systematisch Boeden in 29 Kleingartenanlagen untersucht. Folgende Fragestellungen sollten beantwortet werden: Sind sogenannte PAK-Muster zu erkennen und lassen sich diese klassifizieren? Full Text Available Die Aufzeichnung der Computernutzung in automatisch generierten elektronischen Protokollen — so genannten Logfiles — entwickelt sich zu einer zunehmend genutzten Erfassungsmethode bei Untersuchungen der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer. The stepchild of intestinal diagnostics.

Evaluation of radiological methods to diagnose leiomyomas of the small bowel; Das Stiefkind der Darmdiagnostik. Wertigkeit radiologischer Diagnosemoeglichkeiten von Leiomyomen im Duenndarm. Postoperativ wurden diese Diagnosen histologisch bestaetigt. Eine sichere Dignitaetsbestimmung glatter Muskelzelltumoren ist radiologisch nicht moeglich. Daher muss der Befund operativ geklaert werden. Die histopathologische Zuordnung, bedingt durch die Mitoserate kann allerdings schwierig sein. Eine gewissenhafte Nachsorge muss daher erfolgen. Radiological diagnostics of malignant tumors of the musculoskeletal system in childhood and adolescence; Radiologische Diagnostik maligner Tumoren des Muskuloskelettalsystems im Kindes- und Adoleszentenalter.

Dose management for X-ray and CT. Systematic comparison of exposition values from two institutes to diagnostic reference levels and use of results for optimisation of exposition; Dosismanagement fuer konventionelles Roentgen und CT. Systematischer Vergleich der Expositionswerte zweier radiologischer Institute mit den diagnostischen Referenzwerten und Verwendung der Ergebnisse zur Optimierung der Strahlenexposition bei diagnostischen Untersuchungen.

In 2 institutions exposure values were evaluated and compared with the updated diagnostic reference levels DRL and possibilities for decreasing the dose assessed. Mean exposure values obtained during a 3-month period were calculated for all modalities X-ray: Then 10 examinations of all modalities and types were accompanied by a medical physicist and optimized stepwise if necessary. The mean values of X-ray examinations were above DRL. All accompanied examinations were beyond DRL except lateral lumbar spine LSP and lateral thoracic X-ray, which were elevated due to statistical outliers from morbidly obese patients or patients with metallic implants.

For a-p LSP tube voltage was increased. Systematic analysis of our internal exposure values on the occasion of adaptation of DRL is crucial for prompt detection of exceeded values independently from assessment by the responsible authority and initiation of proper measures for decreasing exposure dose. Hereby active dose management is attained. The dictionary of radiology is based on practical experience in diagnostic radiology. Following a brief clinical introduction, radiological methods including nuclear medicine and the increasingly important field of sonography are presented in alphabetic order, each term with a short definition.

The most favourable order of application is determined by the diagnostic value, technical requirements and discomfort of the various methods. Preparative measures, the duration of the examinations, and problems of radiation hygiene are discussed. Illustrative drawings supplement the text. The fields of application given for the various methods are based on the latest state of knowledge. The book has a brief appendix in which the fundamental physical and technical context are explained, also in alphabetic order. Detailed cross-references establish a connection between diseases and diagnostic methods, thus facilitating access to the desired information.

Studies on agglomeration of colloidal suspensions in an alternating electric field; Untersuchungen zur Agglomeration kolloidaler Suspensionen im elektrischen Wechselfeld. Karlsruhe Germany ; Loeffler, F. The electrocoagulation technique is applied for emulsion cracking of water-in-oil systems desalination and dewatering of petroleum, petroleum cracking and, in some cases, also for cracking oil-in-water systems.

Removal of colloidal solids from aqueous solution during electrochemical waste water treatment is often carried out with the aid of dissolving aluminium or iron electrodes. The authors describe experiments in which the flow of an electric current, which would cause the electrodes to dissolve, was to be prevented. An alternating field was to induce oscillation of the particles, i. In manchen Bereichen ist deren Agglomeration bzw. Unter dem Begriff der Elektrokoagulation versteht man im allgemeinen das Phaenomen, dass in einem elektrischen Feld Tropfen oder Partikel in einer dispersen Phase eine hoehere kinetische Energie besitzen, und dadurch die Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Ueberwindung von Abstossungskraeften und zur Bildung groesserer Aggregate steigt.

Zur Entfernung kolloidaler Feststoffe aus waessrigen Loesungen bei der elektrochemischen Aufarbeitung von Abwasser wird haeufig mit sich aufloesenden Aluminium- oder Eisenelektroden gearbeitet. In den im folgenden dargestellten Untersuchungen sollte ein Stromfluss durch die. Toxicology of ozone on the basis of animal and clinical experimental studies; Toxikologie von Ozon auf der Grundlage tier- und klinisch-experimenteller Untersuchungen.

This synopsis focuses on the toxic effects of ozone in humans and animals following inhalation. It is limited to studies that deal exclusively with ozone. These studies are reviewed with respect to action mechanisms underlying ozone-specific toxicity and, where present, dose-effect relationships. Both aspects today are indispensable for any risk assessment. As there have been very many studies on this issue and the number of publications increases every year, the present paper only quotes a few review articles and does not mention original papers unless they are of recent date or offer new information.

Nur Untersuchungen mit Ozon alleine werden miteinbezogen. Sie werden hauptsaechlich im Zusammenhang mit dem Wirkungsmechanismus der Ozon-bedingten Toxizitaet und, soweit vorhanden, Konzentrations-Wirkungsbeziehungen behandelt. Beide Aspekte sind heute fuer eine Risikoabschaetzung unerlaesslich. Da sehr viele Untersuchungen vorliegen und die Zahl der Veroeffentlichungen jaehrlich ansteigt, sollen hier nur einige neuere Uebersichtsarbeiten zitiert werden und Originalarbeiten nur dann erwaehnt werden, wenn sie neueren Datums sind bzw.

Videofluoroscopy of the pharynx and esophagus in patients with globus pharyngis. Comparison with static radiography; Die radiologische Abklaerung des Globus pharyngis. Vergleich der diagnostischen Wertigkeit von konventionellem Roentgen mit der Videokinematographie. The symptom is associated with a multitude of pharyngoesophageal abnormalities. Our study compares the diagnostic yield of videofluoroscopy to that of static radiography in patients suffering from globus pharnygis. A total of consecutive patients complaining of a lump in the throat, but without evidence of dysphagia, were studied in a standardized fashion with both methods.

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The combination of the two methods yielded significantly more abnormalities in the pharynx and esophagus than videofluoroscopy or static radiography alone. Esophageal motor disorders, pharyngoesophageal sphincter dysfunction and pharyngeal residue of contrast material proved to be the most common abnormalities. In conclusion, videofluoroscopy combined with static radiography is mandatory in the radiological assessment of patients suffering from the globus sensation. Wir haben konsekutive Patienten mit Globusgefuehl, jedoch ohne Dysphagie mit beiden Methoden nach einem standardisierten Protokoll untersucht.

Durch die Kombination beider Methoden konnten signifikant mehr morphologische und funktionelle Stoerungen des Pharynx sowie Oesophagus aufgezeigt werden, als mit der alleinigen konventionellen Technik oder der alleinigen Videokinematographie. Die haeufigsten pathologischen Veraenderungen in unserem Kollektiv waren Oesophagusmotilitaetsstoerungen, eine Dyskinesie des pharyngooesophagealen Sphinkters sowie eine abnorme pharyngeale Kontrastmittelretention. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen eindeutig, dass die radiologische. Diagnostic imaging in polytrauma: Conventional radiography consisted of chest and cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine in two views as well as pelvis.

Three combinations of organ specific CT were chosen: CT examination of 1 head and cervical spine, 2 head, cervical spine and chest, 3 head, cervical spine and abdomen. The ratio of radiation dose between whole-body MSCT and radiography was This ratio was reduced to 3: Whole-body MSCT in polytrauma compared to conventional radiography with organ-specific CT induces a threefold increased dose in unfavorable situations and no increased dose in favorable situations.

Nevertheless, routine use of whole-body MSCT should be critically evaluated and should be adapted to the clinical benefit. Fuer die organspezifischen CT- Untersuchungen wurden 3 Kombinationen ausgewaehlt: Evaluation of image quality of paper prints in routine CT investigations. The image quality of paper prints from CT scans of daily routine investigations was analysed by three observer three observers according to a five-point ranking scale for contrast, grey level, spatial resolution, and subjective confidence in correct evaluation.

Each study was rated ''acceptable'' or ''not acceptable for documentation''. In ratings the mean grade for contrast was 2. Subjective confidence in correct evaluation was rated as ''certain'' in Image quality of paper prints does not reach the quality of laser films concerning its contrast, grey levels, and spatial resolution.

Nevertheless, paper prints are acceptable for documentation of findings in most CT investigations. A high confidence in correct evaluation was found. Limitations are found in documentation of small coin lesions of the lung and ischemic lesions of the neurocranium. Abschliessend wurde entschieden, ob der Papierausdruck fuer die Befunddokumentation ausreiche. Investigations of co-combustion of plastics in a coal dust furnace; Untersuchungen zur Mitverbrennung von Kunststoffen in einer Kohlestaubfeuerung. The central question of the research work was the ignition and burnout of the particles in dependence of the residence time in the hot part of the furnace.

Particle sizes were varied with the aim to define the largest possible particle size in order to minimize the cost of fuel preparation by grinding. On the other hand, tests were made with pure materials and synthetic mixtures of these in order to characterize the influence of different types of plastic. The investigations showed that plastics are suited as fuels for coal dust furnaces, and that the cost of fuel preparation can be reduced to an acceptable level. With polyethylene, which is difficult to ignite, an upper particle size limit of 1.

In industrial applications with a different burner arrangement, even better results may be expected. Variiert wurden hierzu zum einen die Partikelgroessen mit dem Ziel, den Aufbereitungsaufwand durch Zerkleinerung zu minimieren. Zur Charakterisierung der Einfluesse verschiedener Kunststoffarten wurden die Versuche mit unterschiedlichen Reinkunststoffen und synthetischen Mischungen durchgefuehrt.

Die Versuche zeigen, dass sich Kunststoffe mit vertretbarem Mahlaufwand in der Staubfeuerung einsetzen lassen. Am Beispiel des Polyethylen, eines der thermogravimetrischen Analyse nach relativ. MRI of the hyaline knee joint cartilage. Animal experimental and clinical studies; MRT des hyalinen Kniegelenkknorpels. Tierexperimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen.

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Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Prescher, A. Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Buehne, M. Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Scherer, K. Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik. The value of MR imaging for the detection of hyaline cartilage lesions using 2-D spin-echo and 3-D gradient-echo imaging was evaluated in an animal experiment in 10 dogs and in a clinical study in 30 patients. MR imaging findings were compared with histopathological and arthroscopy findings, respectively.

Investigations for assessing the health hazards of dichloromethane exposure. Final report; Untersuchungen zur Abschaetzung des gesundheitlichen Risikos infolge Dichlormethanexposition. Existing PBPK models proved to be an insufficient description in cases of an accidental scenario, a short exposure to very high concentration of DCM. The moderate CO hypoxia following DCM exposure is determined not only by the carboxyhemoglobinemia but also by an inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase activity.

Cardiovascular dysfunctions, mainly arrhythmias, are detectable after exposure to relatively high DCM concentration as well as under pathophysiological conditions which per se influenced the cardiovascular system. Vergiftungsfaelle mit weitaus hoeheren COHb-Spiegeln wurden aber beschrieben. Die Resultate zeigen, dass es bei. Geochemical investigations into the retention of reactive carbon compounds for toxic heavy metals. Final report; Geochemische Untersuchungen zur Retention von reaktiven Kohlenstoffverbindungen fuer toxische Schwermetalle. The composition, reactivity and stability of reactive organic carbon compounds adsorbed on geogenic matrices was investigated.

The surface deposits of NOM and its dependence on geochemical parameters was investigated in selected geomatrices. The retention of toxic heavy metals on these surface deposits of NOM was investigated in consideration of the presence of hydroxy species and inorganic ligands. The investigations of the reactivity of the NOM species requires analyses of these compounds and of the heavy metals in the ultratracer region.

This was possible by means of radiochemical methods that were further developed in the context of this project. Radioactive labeling of identified reactive carbon compounds, e. The special labelling techniques were a precondition for distribution measurements in the near-natural, low concentration range. An ausgewaehlten Geomatrizes wurde die Ausbildung von Oberflaechendepositen des NOM und deren Abhaengigkeit gegenueber geochemischen Parametern untersucht. Possibilities for exposure reduction in computed tomography examination of acute chest pain; Moeglichkeiten der Dosisreduktion bei CT- Untersuchungen des akuten Thoraxschmerzes.

Electrocardiogram-gated ECG computed tomography CT investigations can be accompanied by high amounts of radiation exposure. This is particularly true for the investigation of patients with unclear and acute chest pain. The common approach in patients with acute chest pain is standard spiral CT of the chest.

The chest pain or triple-rule-out CT protocol is a relatively new ECG-gated protocol of the entire chest. This article reviews and discusses different techniques for the CT investigation of patients with acute chest pain. By applying the appropriate scan technique, the radiation exposure for an ECG-gated protocol must not necessarily be higher than a standard chest CT scan Aortic pathologies are far better depicted by ECG-gated scan protocols and depending on the heart rate coronary artery disease can also be detected at the same time.

The use of ECG-triggered scans will not support the diagnostics of the pulmonary arteries. However, in unspecific chest pain an ECG-triggered scan protocol can provide information on the differential diagnosis. Dies gilt im besonderen Masse fuer die Untersuchung des gesamten Thorax bei Patienten mit unklarem akutem Thoraxschmerz.