La reina de las dos lunas (Novela Historica (roca)) (Spanish Edition)

En este sentido, Brian W. Jornadas por uno y otro mundo, descubrimiento de sus substancias, generaciones y producciones. Viajes a un mundo desconocido, su historia, leyes y costumbres , de un D. Por los espacios imaginarios , Cuentos ilustrados y Presente y futuro Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau Pedro de Novo y Colson Mientras que en EE. Desgraciadamente no se conservan copias. Relata la historia de unos terroristas mutantes deformes, que en la nave espacial Virgen del Carmen, se desplazan hacia el planeta Axturias para cometer un atentado contra los bellos y ricos de la sociedad que los margina.

El argumento, que recuerda a Ubik y Ojo en el cielo de Philip K. Es discutible que El milagro de P. Nothing could better proclaim the arrival in Venezuela of the new genre of science fiction. We have no other record of Venezuelan sf until the end of the s, when the start of the space race between the US and the Soviet Union triggered in Venezuela—as it had in other Latin American countries—a prolific increase in the number of sf authors.

In , Julio E. We have been able to find only sporadic and incomplete information about Venezuelan sf texts published since then. Before changing its name in to the Venezuelan Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, Ubik organized sf film festivals, literary contests and workshops, conferences, and expos. Currently, the club not only continues with these activities but also edits three online publications: Bolivia The two earliest examples of speculative fiction in Bolivia were written by women: The next two experiments with the genre come from the s, a.

It is difficult even to find exact titles and publication dates for the few other sf stories written before the s. One of those efforts was a contest sponsored by the United Nations that resulted in an anthology of sf stories by young writers, published by Santillana in In it, Spedding, an English anthropologist who has lived in Bolivia since , imagines her adoptive country in the year having been taken over by an indigenous revolution led by the Aymara Indian majority.

As a linguistic innovation, the novel mixes Spanish, Spanglish, and Aymara. Peru The earliest examples of science fiction written in Peru are two short stories by Clemente Palma published in the first decade of the twentieth century. Adolph and Juan Rivera Saavedra. Ironically, although Adolph is considered the primary sf author associated with Peru, he was born in Germany and only became a Peruvian citizen in His work has been translated into several languages and included in anthologies in the US, Europe, and Latin America.

Saavedra uses the genre as a weapon to denounce social problems of the time, the worst being, according to him, our own loss of humanity. The first novel recounts a trip to Glasskan, a utopian planet where human beings go to be trained in the art of achieving perfection, while the second describes how those men return to Earth to bring peace and prosperity but find no one there who deserves these gifts. Unfortunately, the growth of Latin American science fiction during the s and s to which Adolph and others contributed in Peru does not seem to have lasted very long.

Peruvian readers, according to Salvo, must resign themselves to cheap second-hand copies of sf works, since powerful publishers such as the aforementioned ones offer new books at inflated prices or have stopped making them available altogether. At the same time, Peruvian sf authors do not have access to publishing houses in their own country and must seek to publish their work abroad. Brazil In the mid-nineteenth century, Brazilian authors begin writing tales of imaginary societies and voyages into the future in the mode of Verne and Flammarion.

Ciencia ficción española

Beginning in the early part of the twentieth century, works of this sort address more controversial topics, such as social and agrarian reform, eugenics, and the social roles of women. The late s and early s ushered in the first works of modern sf published in Brazil. Known as the GRD Generation, after Gumercindo Rocha Dorea—one of the few Brazilian publishers of the genre during this period—these authors demonstrated originality in their reworking of typical sf motifs such as space travel, alien contact, robots, and nuclear war, by filtering them through the perspective of Brazilian culture.

It could be said that these works anticipated the actual policies of modernization and development initiated by the Brazilian military beginning in Brazilian science fiction of the late s and the s can be divided into two categories: At this point, almost all of the typical motifs of science fiction disappear, except for the uncanny events of fantastic literature and the clockwork worlds of imaginary technocratic regimes.

In the s, several mainstream authors turned to dystopian fiction to avoid censorship by the regime, disguising their critiques of its policies of fast-paced economic development in their futuristic tales. Recurrent themes include governmental regulation of reproduction and sexual behavior, policies of modernization, the destruction of natural environments, and control of the media and the minds of citizens. Coinciding with the end of the dictatorship in , a new generation of writers emerges and begins to write in a wide variety of sf subgenres.

Aliens are portrayed in a variety of ways, reflecting divergent attitudes towards globalization. During this period, science fiction written by women becomes more common. Although contemporary sf in Brazil expresses a global consciousness, it also generally attempts to retain its national character.

Argentina Argentina has a wide-ranging and rich history of fantastic literature, particularly of science fiction. This short story, an exercise in social and urban criticism following the dicta of the French Revolution, is set in in Buenos Aires and its main character is Tremebundo, a kind of superman who makes all sorts of improvements in the city. Many sf works were written in the second half of the nineteenth century, partly because of the political stability that had been achieved after decades of unrest and partly due to the creative impulse reigning in Buenos Aires society at that time.

This novel—which Borges is said to have called perfect —explores two key topics in science fiction: Bioy Casares, winner of the Cervantes Award the Nobel Prize of Spanish letters , turned to science fiction several times, although critics did not acknowledge his affiliation with the genre for quite some time. It was also at this time that the comic El Eternauta became available. This comic, with scripts by H. During the s, sf works began appearing more frequently in anthologies, in short-story collections, and as novels. Later, the same author would write studies about Cordwainer Smith, Philip K.

Science fiction in Argentina was strengthened during the s by the publication of specialized collections and several books by Argentinian authors. After a bloody dictatorship and decades of political instability, the sf genre began to flourish with the return of democratic governments in Numerous other publications, both professional and amateur, also appeared in connection with the magazine.

Between and more Argentinian sf works were published than in the whole of the previous period. Two other periodicals that are still active began during this same period: The former started in and is the longest-running Spanish-language magazine dedicated to the genre, and the latter is an electronic publication, a pioneer in its field that began its distribution via diskette in and now appears on a very popular web site.

During the s, a downturn in the economy brought a considerable reduction in the publication of sf works. A few noteworthy novels appeared, but only sporadically, and many of the authors whose names had appeared frequently a decade earlier either abandoned the genre or remained silent. Also worth noting is the launch of Nautilus , edited by Carlos Abrahan, the first publication in Latin America dedicated exclusively to sf criticism. Curioso viaje de un santiaguino magnetizado [From Jupiter: The Curious Voyage of a Magnetized Man from Santiago], a positivist critique of Chilean society written at a time of popular fascination with the paranormal and, in progressive circles, a belief in human perfectibility through science and technology.

Up until the late s, most Chilean sf authors paid little attention to scientific plausibility, mixing the fantastic with technological innovations to create a convenient platform from which to examine serious social issues. They wrote for rival magazines and penned thrilling stories full of technological gadgetry and action-adventure heroics in the style of the US pulps. Writers were now less isolated from each other and from their readers, and they shared a sense of purpose in developing and promoting this new genre in Chile.

The first sf fan club was formed in the s and around this time Julio Bravo Eichkoff launched two short-lived fanzines, Sagitario and Aleph A new generation has been sustaining Chilean sf since the late s. Vega recently compiled a comprehensive bibliography of the genre this Chronology owes a large debt to these three researchers. Jorge Baradit recently achieved a milestone in Chilean sf when his novel Ygdrasil was released by a major international publisher.

There is every reason to expect a vigorous Chilean presence on the future Spanish-language sf scene. Uruguay Uruguayan science fiction was only a collection of isolated texts until the s, when a few authors began producing a body of work identifiable within the genre. It must be noted that a significant portion of Uruguayan science fiction was published outside the country, either because the authors lived abroad mostly in Argentina or because they found better publishing conditions there than in their own country.

As a consequence, Uruguayan authors suffered from isolation and a lack of mutual influence. Piria took his utopian project seriously: Horacio Quiroga, a master of short narrative, tried his hand at every genre, including science fiction. Levrero is the central figure in Uruguayan science fiction in the second half of the 20th century, but it is difficult to state conclusively that his work fits squarely within the genre. And yet, the sense of strangeness he conveys, his surrealist landscapes and the unusual situations surrounding his characters place Levrero, like Ballard, on the edge of science fiction.

Beginning in the mids a few small groups of authors and fans have joined together to launch several short-lived science fiction magazines. There are also a number of writers, such as W. Finally, Ana Solari, with sf novels such as Zack , deserves mention as the most prominent figure of the past few years, although her latest works veer away from the genre.

Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana Dos partidos en lucha: Los argentinos en la luna , ed. Eduardo Goligorsky, only a fragment. There are other reprints. Filigranas de cera y otros textos , ed. Enriqueta Morillas Ventura, Other reprints are available. Buenos Aires en el siglo XXX. La ciudad anarquista americana. Bioy Casares, Adolfo as Martin Sacastru. La mujer de Lot. El jardin de senderos que se bifurcan anth. El perjurio de la nieve anth.

Historia funambulesca del profesor Landormy. Hacia un mundo perfecto. Contraste de dos mundos. Part I of this very influential comic. El viaje a otros planetas. El uranio de los atlantes.

Dos Lunas - Capitulo 10

La primera base interplanetaria. El viaje de Ariel: La muerte y su traje anth. Goligorsky, Eduardo, and Alberto Vanasco, eds. Memorias del futuro anth. El poema de robot poem. Tres tumbas en Venus. La ciudad del futuro. Ideal de los hombres que impulsaron el Chaco. Los argentinos en la Luna anth. Historia de monstruos anth.

Diario de la guerra del cerdo. Presidente en la mira. Bajo las jubeas en flor anth. Nuevas memorias del futuro anth. Desde Delos en frecuencia modulada anth. Las zonas transparentes anth. Mi cerebro animal anth. La casa del poder. Un paseo por Camarjali. Joe Penas en Necroburgo. Gaut vel Hartman, Sergio. El fondo del pozo. Tierra del Fuego anth. Gaut vel Hartman, Sergio, ed. Para bajar a un pozo de estrellas anth. Pedro Luis Barcia anth. La reina del plata.

Historia de la Fragua y otros inventos anth. Trampas para pesadillas anth. Viajando se conoce gente anth. Memorias de una mujer italiana: Emaciano en el umbral. El fin de los tiempos anth. Por media eternidad, cayendo anth. No somos una banda. Los ojos de Dios anth. El fin de lo mismo anth. La venganza de Killing. El libro de la Tierra Negra. Jesucristo en Plaza de Mayo anth.

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Olimpio Pitango de Monalia. Monstruos por el borde del mundo. El abogado del marciano. La respuesta del eco. La muerte como efecto secundario. De un mundo a otro.

Doctor de mundos anth. Filigranas de cera y otros textos anth. El juego de los mundos. El libro de la Tribu. La cara hembra de dios. La ruta a Trascendencia anth. La tardecita de los dioses anth. El libro de las voces anth. Hombres del futuro 3 issues. Pistas del espacio 14 issues.

The Argentine Science Fiction Review 11 issues. El Perof 1 issue. Umbral Tiempo Futuro 9 issues. Milenio 3 3 issues. Unicornio Azul , renamed El Unicornio 15 issues. El Pozo 1 issue. La Mazorca 2 issues. Otros mundos 3 issues. Zona Fokker 2 issues. El abismo de Estrellas. Mesa, Isabel, and Rafael Archondo, eds. El futuro en cuentos: De cuando en cuando Saturnina. De Macedo, Joaquim Manuel. A rainha do Ignoto. O Reino do Kiato. A liga dos planetas.

A mulher e o diabo anth. Kalum , o selvagem. Maio, Tadeu e H. O colar de sidera. De Siqueira Gomes, Heyder. A paz veio de Marte. O homem que viu o disco-voador. As noites marcianas anth. Silveira de Queiroz, Dinah. Fuga para parte alguma. Rocha Dorea, Gumercindo, ed. Ribeiro da Costa, Vasco. A filha do Inca-republica Mil sombras da nova lua anth. Testemunha do tempo anth. O dia em que o mundo encolheu. Carvalho da Silva, Domingos, et al. O 3 planeta anth.

O Homem que adivinhava anth. A hora dos ruminantes. Tangentes da realidade anth. Cavini Ferreira, Pedro C. O ciclo do apocalipse. As mulheres dos cabelos de metal. Sombras de reis barbudos. A serpente no atalho. O beijo antes do sono. O fruto do vosso ventre.

O menino e o anjo. Os sonhos nascem da areia. Morte, no palco anth. O dia da nuvem anth.

O centauro no jardim. Metro para o outro mundo. Alice do quinto diedro. A porta de chifre. A ordem do dia. Spectra, o planeta misterioso. O dia das lobas. Contos do futuro anth. The line was to compete with the main railway access to Andalusia from the Castilian tableland which ran through the Guadalquivir valley and was operated by the all-powerful MZA railway company. One of the most important cargos carried by the new railway was bulk olive oil transported in tank wagons.

But as well as olive oil, the railway also used to transport coal from the Belmez coalfields, and lead and other metals from the deposits around Linares, to the port of Malaga. But the railway was never really a financial success. Except for a brief period of prosperity at the end of the 19th century during the Cuban War, the business made losses year after year. Another conflict, the Spanish Civil War, briefly breathed new life into the railway for strategic reasons; the line provided an alternative to the frequently bomb damaged Espeluy-Sevilla line. The railway remained in this precarious situation until when the entire section between Jaen and Puente Genil was closed down, along with hundreds more kilometres of line all over Spain.

Fifteen years on, machines of another kind ran along the ballast rail bed to convert it into the magnificent Greenway of the Jaen province section once the necessary work had been completed by the Ministry of the Environment. Later, the Cordoba province section was also recovered, the final part of which, from Lucena to the station at Campo Real, was commissioned as a greenway in And a little after that the spur line from Baena was developed as a greenway by the town council of this Cordoban town.

Tourism, Local Development and Sustainability. Olive oil interpretation centre. Visits to the oil mill. Rural accommodation, museum management and guided tours. Museum of olive oil. History and archaeological municipal Museum.

Menú de navegación

Leaving behind Vado station we climb the gentle incline leading up from the Higueral ravine, the first upward stretch since we left Martos. La Mazorca 2 issues. El juicio de los dioses. Historia de un muerto. La vuelta al mundo en 24 horas: Visits to the oil mill Tel. El mundo en ruinas.

Fortified enclosure with a military nature. Permanent exhibition of Holy Week. Estudio Francisco Poyato Museum. Cycle rental and guided tours. Visits to the winery by appointment. Cycle rental and transport. Actividades culturales y educativas. Centro ecuestre La Garrocha. Handicraft demonstrations with Sephardic reminiscences. Auto Alquiler Lucena Rent a car Telf: Guided tours, cultural space management, learning activities. Climbing, canyoning, multi-adventure, bungee jumping. Visit to the winery and tasting. Bodegas Molina de Mora. Visit to the winery. Encina La Luna Active tourism. Walks with your hosts, history-oriented sensorial sessions, dramatized tours, experiential evenings.

Olive oil tasting and visit to the cooperative. Archaeological and Ethnological Museum. Condes de Santa Ana Palace. Lagar de Casablanca wine cellar. La Casilla wine cellar. Lagar de los Naranjos wine cellar. San Pablo wine cellar. Lagar El Monte wine cellar. Los Gabrieles wine cellar. Lagar Santiago wine cellar. Aguilar de la Frontera.

Ciencia ficción española - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Cerro del Castillo Street entrance: Archaeological Museum of Puente Genil. Los Arenales, km 3. Permanent sample of the Holy week. Aceites Cortijo El Canal. Membrillo El Quijote S. Cydonia, Tourism, Culture and Communication Guided tours. Roads to discover guided tours. Hotel la Casa Grande. Hacienda Fuente de la Salud. Complejo Rural Baena Composed of two independent townhouses. Casa Rural El Patriarcal. Carretera Moriles-Aguilar de la Frontera, Km.

Casa Rural Lagar Los Donceles. Casa Rural Hacienda Capricho Andaluz. Carretera Puente Genil A, Km. Casa Rural Cortijo San Francisco. Camino Puerto Rubio, Km 9.

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This e-mail address is protected against spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cabalgata de Reyes Magos. Touch of thousands of drums through the streets of the town. Declared of National Tourist Interest. Cruces, Rejas and Balcones. V Food and Wine Forum.

Festividad de la Virgen del Carmen. Verbena de la Haza del Reloj. Fiestas en Honor a Nuestra Sra. Fiesta de la Vendimia. Fiesta de la Virgen de las Angustias. Top Trade Fair Cofrade and wine tasting. Ferial Real de Baena. Night of the Quintos. Holy week — National Tourist Interest. Day of the Candelaria. Day of San Blas. Feria Real — largest fair of the municipality.