The Book of Spells: A Novel

The Book Of Spells (Prequel)

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Last is a short story about Nick and Alexa called Second Chances.

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I thought it was a nice enjoyable quick read! As long as love has existed, both men and women have dreamt of meeting their soul mate. Feb 06, Esra rated it really liked it Shelves: D Ben de mi bir denesem ne yapsam: Dec 13, CynthiaElleReads rated it liked it.

The Book of Spells | Book by Kate Brian | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster

So nice to see Alexa and Nick happy. Thank god Old Yeller made it. Jul 02, Gabby rated it liked it Shelves: Sep 28, Dali rated it liked it. I loved Jeniffer's way of giving us more of marriage to a billionaire. Oct 21, Ashley Schoen rated it really liked it Shelves: Has the love spell all the girls used Jun 10, Alison rated it it was amazing. Got a sneak peak at this last week - it is the perfect little accompaniment to the marriage series. Tissues at the ready! Nick e Alexa vivono tranquilli la loro vita di coniugi e di genitori di due adorabili bimbe.

Gli incontri di passione non sono molti e nemmeno particolarmente hot, sono piuttosto come un balsamo terapeutico per una coppia che si ama in modo profondo, che sa fondersi per dare conforto e ottenere forza in un momento di crisi. Nov 30, Mehsi rated it really liked it Shelves: A short and adorable story about Nick and Alexa. This time their old dog is sick and has to be treated, which causes Nick to go into a negative spiral.

Thankfully, he has both his sister and his wife to help him out of it. There are some sexy scenes, and of course some spoilers for the other books which I didn't mind that much. All in all, happy I had the chance to read this one, oh and it was pretty hilarious to see that spell again, the one the girls use in this series or at least Alexa doe A short and adorable story about Nick and Alexa.

All in all, happy I had the chance to read this one, oh and it was pretty hilarious to see that spell again, the one the girls use in this series or at least Alexa does, I still need to read the other books. Apr 20, Tika rated it really liked it Shelves: The famous love spell that was used in this series.

The Official Star vs. Book of Spells UN-BOXING and REVEAL! - TheNextBigThing

This book will satisfy your curiosity about the spell, and of course there is one of the mama Conte recipe. There is a short story about Nick and Alexa. This is a touching story about the bond that Nick have with the Old Yeller-their dog. Jun 03, Dee rated it liked it Shelves: Sweet little story following Nick and his family and how they coped when their faithfull old rescue dog "Old Yeller" who was very poorly. Alexa, Maggie, Carolina e Giulietta.

Questa scrittrice mixa sempre gli ingredienti giusti, per soddisfare i propri lettori: Feb 25, Fer rated it liked it. Nov 16, Bilhan rated it really liked it. Probst had also given a short story of about them. I do promise a good ending though, no worries.

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Probst did a wonderful job of giving us that! The story, though it was short, is very sweet and heart-warming. Ultimately, it will satisfy your craving for this series and will hold you off until the release of Marriage Merger in July. What did I think: Pace of the story: The pace of the story is good. I can't believe it left us with that ending! I mean what happened with her and Harrison!! I did like this one a bit more than the present-day Privates, but there was still a Noelle in the story, which I hated.

I much prefer Eliza to Reed, and the historical setting just really hooked me. Now to jump into Private 12, which I was going to read earlier but didn't realise I had to read this one first. Feb 28, Sydney LaForest rated it it was amazing. Honestly, when I decided to read this book I had very low expectations. I didn't even expect myself to finish it! See, I'm not a huge fan of books that are set in the past.

They've just never really drawn me in, I guess. However, the intriguing cover and great synopsis filled with tantalizing witchcraft drew me in.

I'm officially addicted to this book. Everything about it is just perfect to me! Each and every character had a distinct personality -- just because they Honestly, when I decided to read this book I had very low expectations. Each and every character had a distinct personality -- just because they are supposed to be proper ladies doesn't mean they are.

None of the characters were bland. Even the most irritating ones had their strong points. Sometimes you just need someone to hate! I just couldn't hate any of them though, even Tereasa, who grated on my nerves at points. Another thing I adore is the writing style and pacing. Kate Brian really brings the th world to life. Not one thing was bland, and I had clear, vivid images if the setting thanks to the perfect descriptions everything was described, but it wasn't freaking long and dull! The characters as well as the setting really popped and came to life. I've heard some things about how the pacing in this book is incredibly slow, but I couldn't disagree more.

In my opinion the pacing was perfectly.. This book was full of exciting moments ranging from small to heart pounding, but not every single moment was filled with intense moments, which makes me worship this book at the more. Some books try so hard not to be dull that the authors try to cram action packed scenes on every page, which is not a good thing because then there's no substance! Every word of every page was interesting, and it didn't have to be action packed to do so. The way this book ties in the paranormal with life is outstanding! Nothing seems fake or forced in.

This book has the perfect balance -- without the paranormal part you couldn't have the rest of this book, and vice versa. A lot of paranormal books seem over the top with no real content, but with The Book of Spells that's not the case. There is more to this novel then witchcraft, although that plays a big part in it.

The Book of Spells

I think I've found a new favorite book. I havn't even read the Private series, so you don't have to either if you're contemplating reading this book.

I'd recommend it to anybody. View all 4 comments. Jan 05, Stephanie rated it it was ok Shelves: To be truthful, I was disappointed by this book. I think I knew in the back in the mind I would be, but I decided to buy it anyways since I had read all of the other Private novels, and Kate Brian is one of my favourite authors. But as I said, I was disappointed. The book was extremely cheesy. The spells were simple rhymes, which girls said holding hands in a circle. I suppose it had a good plot line, th To be truthful, I was disappointed by this book.

I suppose it had a good plot line, though it was carried out poorly; every thing seemed mellow dramatic. It was good for light reading, but nothing that I was desperate to turn the page. Feb 17, Morgan rated it did not like it. I didn't think I'd ever get through this book. Maybe it's because I don't like the whole super natural thing, I don't know. I got bored in the middle and though I can see why the ''Billings House'' is like it is after this book, I just wish there had been a different twist, not the supernatural.

Now I am wondering what Vanished will be like, is it going to turn supernatural too??? May 25, Brittany rated it liked it. I've read stronger witch craft books. May 07, Mahima rated it really liked it Shelves: The Book of Spells Kate Brian 1 I decided to read this book cause i really really really really enjoy reading fantasy books because their awesome!!!! The vivid details of the setting, charters,the atmosphere and the fashion of the s made the book feel so surreal. It made me want to travel back in time and live the characters lives, it was like going on a secret adventure!

T The Book of Spells Kate Brian 1 I decided to read this book cause i really really really really enjoy reading fantasy books because their awesome!!!! This book completes the category of a book of 'a book with a main female character,i like this category because there are no restrictions to what i have to read. I love this quote because it basically sums up the essence of the character. Eliza in short for Elizabeth, is from the start of the book,introduced as an mysterious character. She is portrayed as an insecure, and a character that found it hard to trust someone at the beginning of the book.

As the book progress and she is sent to a boarding school, to learn how to be a 'proper' women, as this was set in the olden days, we see the change in her as she makes new friends and learns secrets she never should of. Eliza's always been confused by the social expectations formed by society. She felt pressured by her mother and everyone else that she had to be beautiful, intelligent, only read non-fiction knowledgeable books and get married to a decent, smart, rich, handsome man.

She believed that when she got sent to boarding school, she would be able to be who she was, but unfortunately school didn't meeter expectations. Luckily Eliza finds that her roommate, Catherin White,is also feeling the same way, sick of trying to please everyone. Through this experience we see how Eliza grows from a small seed into a plant, and helps abolish the false social expectations. Eliza always trusted everyone with everything and when everyone back fired every time, she promised her self not to trust anyone.

A Private Prequel

Oct 03, Michaela Osiecki rated it it was ok Shelves: Catherin decides to make a change and be who she is and not what others want her to be. Elle lui tend un gant et un ruban. In this prequel to the Private series, a surprising direction is taken: She has more of a romantic view on education and what unladylike books she can read then the silly notion of finding a husband. It was such a wonderful story - the Rainbow Bridge is something that will stay with me always and I just felt it was a perfect addition to the series.

Throughout the novel we see Eliza encounter with all types, she sees them be nice to her in front of everyone but say different things when shes gone. Eliza also believed the school would be a free will place, and people would respect her for who she was but when she had really arrived she experienced different. By her past experiences she sees become a very insecure person, but one person that helps her change is Catherin.

Also Catherin is a character that interested me because she shows the importance of accepting people for who they are. We see Catherin at the beginning of the novel as a person who wanted to please everybody,soon she realizes it is not possible and that she was just being used.

Catherin decides to make a change and be who she is and not what others want her to be. This change benefits her in many aspects, she learns how to not judge people by what the look like and this change in her also encourages her friends. Her friendship is also tested many times and she comes to realize who her real friends really are. I also found the setting very interesting because it shows how society back then expected women to be very feminine and to act,dress, speak etc, a certain way. I admire Catherin and Eliza for being strong to stand up for what the believe is right, and not what society expects.

I am so glad that me and my friends live in a world today where each individual can do and be who they want! Sep 22, Kale rated it it was ok. Set in the early 20th century Book of Spells introduces Eliza Williams a modern thinking teen ahead of her time. She has more of a romantic view on education and what unladylike books she can read then the silly notion of finding a husband. As she enters the Billings School Eliza is excited for the freedom to learn whatever she wants without thought to decorum only to learn Billings is more of a finishing school for proper ladies than the cultivating institute of academic knowledge she craves.

S Set in the early 20th century Book of Spells introduces Eliza Williams a modern thinking teen ahead of her time. Still Eliza is determined not to have her spirit crushed like her sister, but nothings going according plan, plus there's a boy who she can't stop thinking about. Soon Eliza and her new friends stumble upon a magical treasure. Everything seems fine and balanced for a while, but tragedy strikes and Eliza and her coven will cross a line that will have repercussions for generations. I haven't read any of Brian's novels and thought this would be a great start, but Book of Spells is filled with typical characters and story lines.

Eliza is the bright eyed forward thinking rebel, whose refreshing outspoken views on politics and literature charms the male lead. Theresa is the rich spoiled bad girl starving for attention competing for alpha status over Eliza, but who really just wants to be loved. And Catherine is the mediator and constant, she's the pure and good one who acts as a bridge not just for the characters but for the story. All these players are cookie cutter characters, we see repeated over and over again. Eliza has that Jo quality, but falls for a guy and goes back and forth on whether or not to be with him.

She feels like she's becoming exactly what she was avoiding, the proper starter wife, instead of seeing that her beau likes who she is. She can have love and keep herself.

Book information

The Book of Spells has ratings and reviews. Sarah Mac said: I've As a stand alone novel, The Book of Spells, is exceptional. I would recommend it to. Start by marking “The Book of Spells (Marriage to a Billionaire, #)” as Want to Read: The Official love spell from the Marriage to a Billionaire series And an exclusive short story with Nick and Alexa from the bestseller The Marriage Bargain. Jennifer Probst wrote her first.

Not that it matters. All the characters become annoying and unlikable after a while, either for their personalities, predictability, or horrid choices. The storyline and love triangle aren't much better. You know when she meets the boy there's going to be a hitch and exactly who that person is. Or that no matter what they do with magic that it's going to have a price. I thought it would be OK, but then the ending was also unsatisfying. Unfortunately all these scenes reminded me of better books and similar characters and after all the predictability there's no real resolve at the end.

No feel good conclusion. And no indication of a sequel to answer any lingering questions. Sep 05, Paula Phillips rated it it was amazing. This book was amazing and I think that any true fan of Kate Brian's series Private will appreciate it just as much as I did: When I first read that there was to be a prequel to the Private series , I was intrigued as I have grwon up reading the whole series and enjoying it.

I would love to see this set of books made into a tv series as it's similar to Gossip Girl but in my personal opinion , I couldn't get that into the Gossip Girl books, though thats not to say I havent read them, just that This book was amazing and I think that any true fan of Kate Brian's series Private will appreciate it just as much as I did: I would love to see this set of books made into a tv series as it's similar to Gossip Girl but in my personal opinion , I couldn't get that into the Gossip Girl books, though thats not to say I havent read them, just that if anyone was to ask me whether Im Team Gossip Girl or Team Private, I would go with Team Private.

In the Book of Spells we are transported back in time to the year , back to Easton Academy for Ladies - an academy where on the surface they teach you how to become a proper young lady and how to fit into the society's stereotypical role of a woman. When a group of girls led by Theresa Billings and Eliza Williams ,find an old treasure map while digging in the garden as part of their punishment, none of them realised the thrill, the excitement , danger and eventually death that finding the treasure would do to them.

Upon discovering the treasure, the girls realise that it is in fact "A Book of Spells " and the girls start to flip through the magical book. Upon discovering that they need Eleven girls to form a coven in order for the book to work , the seven of them set out to recruit much-needed girls by Invites only. To make sure that they are not caught, they call the group "The Billings Sisters Literary Group" thus creating the origins of the sisterhood of the sorority known as "Billings House" and why there are only eleven spaces allocated to girls each year at any one time.

Aug 06, Rebecca rated it it was ok. What an utterly frustrating book! Brian can write well and has a lot of good ideas, but she rarely completes any of the things she introduces.

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I was ready to pitch this through the window when I was done. In this story we follow Eliza off to finishing school. It's , and Eliza's from a wealthy family. Her older sister, May, came back from this school vastly altered but we never get to see why. May's been home all summer and hasn't bothered to tell her sister just why she's turned into a doorma What an utterly frustrating book!

May's been home all summer and hasn't bothered to tell her sister just why she's turned into a doormat. She begins to explain to Eliza just what is wrong with the school but then has to leave. She seems fun and spunky Upon arriving she immediately falls in love with Harrison, a wealthy boy from the school next door, at first sight. Eliza claimed she didn't want to be like her sister May, all boy crazy, and here she is, instantly crazy about a boy.

She never goes there.