Sales Call (A Short Erotic Story)

I've come to Austin, legendary birthplace of Spam the canned as opposed to the digital version , to find out what this self-publishing revolution looks like in the flesh. I can report that, from the outside, it's surprisingly conventional. Hocking no longer lives in that pokey apartment, but then she's no longer a struggling would-be author.

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Hocking no longer lives in that pokey apartment, but then she's no longer a struggling would-be author. Haven Wild at Heart Book 3. Her parents divorced when she was young, money was tight and there was no cable TV to wallow in. We find Hocking sitting in her tiny, sparsely furnished apartment in Austin, Minnesota. On one level, all these recursive announcements of the renaissance of the form amount to is PR: For further information, see www. The first that she actually completed, Dreams I Can't Remember, was written when she was

She's bought herself her own detached home, the building block of the American dream, replete with gables and extensions, its own plot of land, and a concrete ramp on which to park the car. But step inside and convention gives way to a riot of colour. It is just before Christmas, and Hocking has decorated the house with several plastic trees bedecked in lights and two large Santa stockings pinned expectantly over the mantelpiece. The sofa is scattered with animals, some of the cuddly toy variety and others alive, notably Elroy the miniature schnauzer and Squeak the cat apparently they get on very well.

She greets me at the door and, without preamble, we talk for the next two hours about her extraordinary rags-to-riches tale and what it means for the future of the book.

At 27, and with only a few months in the limelight, she is patently new to the fame game. She seems nervous at first, answering my questions in short bursts and fiddling with her glasses; but gradually she relaxes as we discuss what for her has been the central passion of her life since an infant. She was brought up in the Minnesota countryside on the outskirts of Blooming Prairie about 15 miles north of Austin. Her parents divorced when she was young, money was tight and there was no cable TV to wallow in.

I would go to the library, or get books at rummage sales.

How I Made $10K Last Month Writing and Selling Erotica by Anonymous

I got through them so quickly I started reading adult books because they were longer. I remember my mom giving me a box set of five books to last me all summer; I devoured them all in two weeks. It was a way, she now thinks, of coping with the depression that troubled her childhood. There wasn't a reason for it, I just was. I was sad and morose.

Amanda Hocking, the writer who made millions by self-publishing online

I cried a lot, I wrote a lot, and I read a lot; and that was how I dealt with it. What went in had to come out. The child Hocking began telling her own stories before she could walk. She was forever inventing make-believe worlds, so much so that the counsellor to whom she was sent for depression concluded that her incessant storytelling was an aberration that had to stop. Fortunately for Hocking, and for her many fans, her parents took her side in this argument, and she was never sent back to see him.

Top 10 contemporary short stories

The day after the books were published, I had made 19 sales! There is such a huge market for erotic short stories on Amazon and erotica is. There is a demand for publishing short stories, but the money is in ebooks. of that money is going to short erotica (“romance” is double the sales of the next That book would have a call to action, to either read more of the story, get the first .

At 12 she had already begun to describe herself as a writer and by the end of high school she estimates she had written 50 short stories and started countless novels. The first that she actually completed, Dreams I Can't Remember, was written when she was She was very excited by the accomplishment, and printed it out for friends and family, as well as sending it to several publishers.

I don't blame them — it wasn't very good," Hocking says. Hocking went on to develop an intimate relationship with rejection letters. She has somewhere in her new house a shoebox full of them. Yet she would not give up. She wrote unpublished book after unpublished book. This time it was bound to work. In she went into overdrive.

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She was frantic to get her first book published by the time she was 26, the age Stephen King was first in print, and time was running out she's now Once she got going, she could write a complete novel in just two or three weeks. By the start of , she had amassed a total of 17 unpublished novels, all gathering digital dust on the desktop of her laptop. She received her last rejection letter in February Hocking says she hasn't kept the letter, which is a crying shame because it would surely have been an invaluable piece of self-publishing memorabilia.

All you need to do is add SEO keywords to your book pages and blog posts on your website as I pointed out in point No.

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Find Twitter accounts of other authors who are writing erotica and follow their followers. Set up an author page, and list your books titles.

To find your readers and ebook buyers, you need to concentrate all of your efforts on attracting them to you. If you are looking for online promotion for your erotic fiction titles, Whizbuzz Books accepts erotica titles for its one-year promotion package. Thanks for this great advice, Derek.

Some of the other Kindle Million Club members

And thanks very much for all the advice on this site. My biggest issue is not sem, keywords or anything like that. It was the best year for short stories since We are experiencing the renaissance of the short story form, right? I think it does. By getting caught up in this recurring phantom narrative, and dwelling on press release froth rather than the work being produced, we spurn the opportunity to talk about short stories in a way that might actually deepen how they are understood and engaged with by readers.

But how can the short story ever have time to wither, given the frequency of its rebirth?

Amanda Hocking, the writer who made millions by self-publishing online | Books | The Guardian

Plodding through these random explosions of joy, the short story continues to exist with or without the glare of widespread attention. Each year, good collections are published; some are noticed, some are not. When a collection is fortunate enough to be reviewed, it will very often be a discussion not just about the book but also the form generally. These books sold because of who wrote them, not because of what they are.

  • Shisutaashuudouinenoharouwaaku (Japanese Edition).
  • Complete fiction: why 'the short story renaissance' is a myth | Books | The Guardian.
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