A Golden Ray of Light

Yellow Ray - yellow golden Flame and Archangel Jophiel

For instance, you may see the colour green and, as you send it out to the Earth you will have a knowing that the energy is healing all of the trees and forests on the Earth. With practise and focused intention, this emanation will occur whenever you merely think of it. It is also possible, as you connect with the new energies from Mother Earth, to consciously harness the knowledge that is being sent to Earth from its sister planets as spiralling light. This universal knowledge, which is intended to assist and accelerate the ascension of humanity, is of the highest vibration and accessible to those whose intentions are for the greater good and of the utmost integrity.

When combined with the beautiful colour and light being emanated from Mother Earth, this universal knowledge becomes activated and takes form as thought. Anyone who harnesses the knowledge and energies together to send out to the Earth will not only raise the vibrations of the world, but will find themselves knowing and speaking of things they did not previously know.

They will also become inclined to be spiritual tutors, mentors, writers and activists for world peace and ascension. More importantly, they will find people listening to them and making personal changes for the better — when one makes positive changes it cannot help but ripple out to and affect those around you. Love is the only emotion that is real and the only vibration that can save your planet.

Disconnection from the drama that surrounds you and reconnection with your Higher Self, which knows your true purpose and your soul journey, is essential now. It will help you to connect with your ethereal self, your guides and the Creator himself, whose energy is that of oneness and unconditional love and is the only energy that will allow the world to be viewed with no judgement. Those of you who are awakened will be aware of these emerging energies and will know how to harness them and to spread them to the world.

It is essential that you teach others and help those around you to become aware and awake also. Call upon the Golden Ray of Truth to help you to become more consciously aware of the misguided truths, deliberate illusions and cloaks of deceit that have been woven by those who wish to keep the human race in the Third Dimension. Ask to be shown what you can do to help the human race to raise its energies to a higher level of peace, oneness and unconditional love. Marked changes in the vibrations of the world are occurring and becoming more noticeable as people awaken and consciously send healing energies to the Earth.

If you have been doing so you are to be commended. The changes will be even greater as the combined Earth and universal energies are grounded and sent with loving intention through as many awakened human vessels as possible. The power that these energies have on the vibrations of the human consciousness cannot be over-estimated.

Awaken Your Golden Merkaba Energy System

But I was so tired to look so long in that yellow gold light ball, so I fell in a sleep immediately All day I was reading about Blue Rays and asking Archangels am I one of them I waited some days to see how it evolved. And, sometimes you even need not have a rational explanation, as long as you still feel and remember the wonderous yellow energy in your heart. The main distinguishing factor between the Golden Ray and Reiki is that use of the Golden Ray is intended to go beyond healing. Once densely populated during the Mayan era, the valley is filled with quartz crystal holding the wisdom of ages.

Ask us, the Masters of Light to assist you and to magnify the energy. You will be amazed at the results. Sign up to be the first to know about all our latest products. Thank you for subscribing!

The Golden Ray of Truth. To do this, follow this simple meditation: I recognized her and said three times mommy, mommy, mommy and ran into her arms she held me and then I woke up.. The next day I was still feeling tired and depress, however, two days after the dream I felt like my old self , like before I fell ill. I now feel great and happy two. Any insight you have will be greatly apppreciated. Thank You for your wisdom and time.

The bright gold light is a symbol of higher spirituality. The medieval paintings always depict the saints and holly people with golden auras around them. The golden color is a token of their vivid spiritual life. To me, your dream has a very positive vibration. I wish you all the best. A set of steps, cartoon people were decending the stairs and then reached the bottom. Some were directed to the right and some were directed to the left. I was given no directive as to what this meant. I have seen the golden halo's you spoke of, at a spiritual meeting with a medium and a japanese mystic.

They arrived, large golden balls in the air in a straight line; they stopped behind the medium at her right ear. As she communed with the spirit the golden ball , a golden halo came around her neck and head. As she stopped speaking it dissappeared.

Second Yellow Ray | Yellow golden Flame | Archangel Jophiel

As she communed again, it re appeared. This also happened with the mystic. That day at the healing centre there were countless sightings of angels en-mass; I myself saw a golden angel in full flight in my third eye. I sometimes feel my mum is trying to talk with me, I hear her voice pops vividly in my mind saying things such as im ok now. There is no more pain dhr passed die to cancer. Then, when I think of her I feel amazing tingling, from my toes to my head, and only what can be described as ecstasy, whats happening? Being liberated from the grip of the physical world, they can manifest, in part, as pure energy and light.

We are all in our essence pure love and light. Thanks Pablo for sharing your insight with us. Just by reading it I was able to feel the enlightening touch of the yellow light ray. I have no idea why because I am agnostic. I was very grateful to have the vision, though. The next day I was walking in town with my daughter and there in a shop window was a carving of an archangel. It was all so magical. I opened my eyes and smiled even though I didnt know what happened or what i saw Our mind always wants to explain things, sort them out and frame them into some kind of a known pattern.

You need not do that, however. Just experiencing it is good enough I never looked at it since I took it First time looking at it was today.. Behind my cats is a stand with legs with my tv on it. My son has his xbox on the floor you can see the corner clearly.. There is a fireball the size of a soccer ball bouncing up and down about an inch eaither way never touching the floor It was above the baseboard It moved like flames in a big ball Even casted a glow on the other side corner of the wall and floor In the back ground you could hear my husband and son talking With one of my breaths you could clearly hear a mans voice over mine saying burnnnnnnn.

I dont know if this is good for me I just pray its one of gods angels and not a dark angel. That speaks for itself, and you should not worry much. Have a lot of light and love in your heart. I felt I knew her and she spoke to me in my mind. I saw a tiny light in my mind and she was holding my hand, this light reached out in golden streaks as it got closer. I was in dark void of nothing and watched the light beaming towards me and couldnt believe how beautiful and pure it was. I wanted to go closer to it but she pulled me away and told me to circumference to the light.

Was unsure what that meant but was beautiful experience.

Embody Your Unique Divine Plan

It is truly beautiful, just as it is. You need not seek any rational exlanation, just embrace it in your heart, which I am sure, you already did. There are numerious Divine beings, both Angels and guides, that watch over us, and from time to time send us a ray of light to bless us and direct us toward our higher purpose and real spiritual existence. With Love and Light, sunnyray.

  1. I tre moschettieri (RLI CLASSICI) (Italian Edition).
  2. Embody Your Divinity With The Golden Ray.
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I'm not sure where to put this, so here it goes. I once when in deep meditation and I saw a column of light. It was gold and inside the column of light there were all the colors - red, blue, yellow, green, violet, orange, and so on. And all but one chakra were vibrating and very intense.

The Golden Ray of Truth

Is this a good thing or have I done something wrong? Any help wold be great, thanks. It could be that you have seen the so called "light tube" - it is a tube of light that belongs to our higher, "light body". It encompasses the spinal cord and all the chakras and goes upwards through the crown chakra.

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May I ask what does this light tube mean? And is this why my chakras vibrate as well thanks once again. It's nice to know that I'm doing something right. I'm not just sure as to why my chakras vibrate as it can be very strange. Only 6 of them have ever done this. The 7th one, the root chakra has never done this, but the rest have. The main one is the solar plexus in the gut. Thanks for your time: They are always in motion, and they always rotate and vibrate, as you say.

They are never equally developed, or we may develop special sensitivity for some of them.

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The Golden Ray is the 12th Ray of Creation and is the frequency of God's Light that emanates from the Great Central Sun of our universe. The Great Solar Light Key™ opens the portal in the center of your heart that channels the Golden Ray of peace, harmony and balance into your energy field, .

In addition, the current focus of our etheric energy might be on some of them. All that is normal, and you shold not be concerned too much. In this dream a yellow lightening bolt flew across the sky and landed near where I stood. At the end of this yellow lightening bolt was an Angel masculine.

He looked at me and smiled and said he has come to bring me gifts and talents but I must first remove a particular person from my life. I looked at him with scepticism but then a yellow paper appeared with the persons name written on it. I was in shock. I said to myself how do I know if he angel is truly a messenger and he turned to this little old lady and whispered in her ears. She looked at me and said he speaks the truth. I asked her why she said that she said he called her by a nick name that only her mom knew when she was a very little girl.

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  2. The Golden Ray of Truth | Healing Energy Tools;
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There is more to this. I can hardly say anything definite about it, as dream symbolism is something that can vary from one person to another. Also there are different types of dreams. In any case, thanks for sharing. Last night I was wake up in the middle of the night and I know for sure that I didn't dream. I saw a yellow lightening ball! But I was so tired to look so long in that yellow gold light ball, so I fell in a sleep immediately All day I was reading about Blue Rays and asking Archangels am I one of them Pleas answer me if you can!

This started for me about fall of I saw an owl in broad daylight outside of our house and it starred at me shortly before flying away. Not too long after this I had my first experience. It lasted for about seconds and then faded away.

🌟Great Golden Flush 🌟 - Guided Purification Meditation

After this I would see it randomly while awakening from sleep or sometimes when drifting off to sleep. This purple flame as I would describe it is accompanied with a very calming and blissful feeling. It would change shapes, shrink inward on itself only to expand again, was ever moving, would briefly produce faces at times, seemed like I was flying through it at times like a tunnel, and was always pleasant. Last year I had surgery.

When I started coming to in the post anesthesia recovery unit this color was literally pulsating and massaging me.